
Terms for subject General containing in breach of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
be in material breach of or default underсущественно нарушать или не исполнять какие-либо обязательства по (Alexander Demidov)
be in repeated breach ofдопускать неоднократное нарушение (Alexander Demidov)
court ruling that is in breach of the conventionсудебный акт, при вынесении которого было допущено нарушение положений конвенции (The European Court of Human Rights would have the power to declare that the EU court's ruling is in breach of the convention and a ... TG Alexander Demidov)
found to be in breach ofпризнанный нарушителем (Trade association members can be found to be in breach of competition law by virtue of the association's activities, or could even be found ... Alexander Demidov)
found to be in breach ofпризнанный нарушившим (Mary Lou McDonald found to be in breach of Dail rules over Ansbacher dossier Alexander Demidov)
in a brazen breach ofгрубо противоречивший
in breach ofс нарушением (с нарушением требований законодательства = in breach of the statutory requirements. Often, the first time someone seeks to undo a transaction that was carried out in breach of the statutory requirements is when the company becomes insolvent, ... Alexander Demidov)
in breach ofне в соответствии (rns123)
in breach of authorityв нарушение полномочий (beserg)
in breach of safety requirementsс нарушениями требований безопасности (Alexander Demidov)
in breach of the lawс нарушениями закона (Alexander Demidov)
in breach of the requirements imposedс нарушением требований, установленных (Alexander Demidov)
party in breach of the contractсторона, нарушившая договор (Alexander Demidov)