
Terms for subject Microsoft containing identifiers | all forms
Authority Key Identifierидентификатор ключа центра сертификации (A certificate extension used by the certificate chaining engine to determine what certificate was used to sign a presented certificate. The AKI can contain the issuer name, serial number, public key information, or no information at all. By matching the information in a certificate's AKI extension to a CA certificate's Subject Key Identifier (SKI) extension, a certificate chain can be built)
bitmask identifierидентификатор битовой маски
checking unique identifier boundsпроверка уникальных привязок идентификаторов (Visual Studio 2012, DacFx 3.5 Rori)
class identifierидентификатор CLSID (A universally unique identifier (UUID) that identifies a COM component. Each COM component has its CLSID in the Windows registry so that it can be loaded by other applications)
class identifierидентификатор класса (A universally unique identifier (UUID) that identifies a COM component. Each COM component has its CLSID in the Windows registry so that it can be loaded by other applications)
culture identifierидентификатор культуры (A culture includes the names for the culture, the writing system, the calendar used, the sort order of strings, and formatting for dates and numbers. Alex_Odeychuk)
delimited identifierидентификатор с разделителем (An object in a database that requires the use of special characters (delimiters) because the object name does not comply with the formatting rules of regular identifiers)
flexible identifierгибкий идентификатор (An identifier that is assigned to various synchronization entities, such as replicas. The identifier can be of fixed or variable length. Rori)
global domain identifierглобальный доменный идентификатор (An identifier that specifies the country/region, the administration management domain (ADMD), and the private management domain (PRMD) of an X.400 e-mail address. For example c=us; a=MCI; p=msft)
global identifierглобальный идентификатор (A unique identifier that is assigned to a data item. The identifier must be unique across all clients. A global identifier is a flexible identifier and so can be any format, but it is typically a GUID and an 8-byte prefix)
global unique identifierглобальный уникальный идентификатор
globally unique identifierглобальный уникальный идентификатор (A 16-byte value generated from the unique identifier on a device, the current date and time, and a sequence number. It is used to identify a particular device, component, user, or session)
globally-unique identifierглобальный уникальный ИД
group identifierидентификатор группы (An identifier in UNIX that associates a user with a group of other users that have something in common. A user can be a member of one or more groups)
identifier type characterсимвол типа идентификатора (" A character that that forces a literal to assume a data type other than the one its form indicates. You do this by appending the character to the end of the literal. For example, "%" forces the Integer data type of the literal "L" in the following declaration: Dim L%.")
input locale identifierидентификатор языка ввода и его регионального варианта (используется в процедурах обработки строк Alex_Odeychuk)
input locale identifierидентификатор языка ввода (клавиатурного, рукописного или голосового ввода Alex_Odeychuk)
item identifier listсписок идентификаторов элементов (An ordered sequence of one or more item identifiers. Each item in the list corresponds to a namespace object)
key identifierидентификатор ключа (A globally unique identifier that uniquely identifies content for the purposes of licensing)
language code identifierкод языка (A 32-bit value which consists of the language ID in the low word (bits 0-15) and the sorting ID (bits 16-19) and a reserved value (bits 20-31) in the high word)
language identifierидентификатор языка (A standard international numeric abbreviation for a country or geographical region. A language identifier is a 16-bit value that consists of a primary language identifier and a secondary language identifier)
line-of-business identifierбизнес-идентификатор (An identifier used by the LOB system to perform create, update, and delete operations on an LOB entity. This identifier is unique per LOB entity type, but may not be unique across different types, solutions, and LOB systems)
locale identifierкод языка (A 32-bit value which consists of the language ID in the low word (bits 0-15) and the sorting ID (bits 16-19) and a reserved value (bits 20-31) in the high word)
locally-unique identifierлокальный уникальный идентификатор (A 64-bit value that is guaranteed to be unique on the operating system that generated it until the system is restarted)
Microsoft .NET Passport unique identifierуникальный идентификатор Microsoft .NET Passport (A unique identifier used to represent a Passport account)
network service set identifierидентификатор набора сетевых служб (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network’s SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters. Rori)
network service set identifierидентификатор набора сетевых служб (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network's SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters)
numerical identifierчисловой идентификатор (Andy)
object identifierидентификатор объекта (A number that identifies an object class or attribute. Object identifiers (OIDs) are organized into an industry-wide global hierarchy. An object identifier is represented as a dotted decimal string, such as, with each dot representing a new branch in the hierarchy. National/regional registration authorities issue root object identifiers to individuals or organizations, who manage the hierarchy below their root object identifier)
on-media identifierметка носителя (A label that is electronically recorded on each medium in a Removable Storage system. Removable Storage uses on-media identifiers to track media in the Removable Storage database)
organizationally unique identifierидентификатор, уникальный в пределах организации (An unique identifier assigned to organizations and managed by the IEEE)
pilot identifierидентификатор доступа (The string that is received with a new call that is used to associate the call with a dial plan)
portable media identifierидентификатор носителя (A unique identifier for removable storage media such as compact flash cards. The identifier is hard coded into the storage media and is not changeable)
programmatic identifierпрограммный идентификатор (An identifier in the form OLEServerName.ObjectName (for example, Excel.Sheet or PowerPoint.Slide) that's used by the Windows registry to uniquely identify an object)
quoted identifierнестандартный идентификатор (An object in a database that requires the use of special characters (delimiters) because the object name does not comply with the formatting rules of regular identifiers)
relative identifierотносительный идентификатор (RID microsoft.com bojana)
runtime identifierидентификатор среды выполнения (vlad-and-slav)
security identifierидентификатор безопасности (In Windows-based systems, a unique value that identifies a user, group, or computer account within an enterprise. Every account is issued a security identifier when it is created)
Service Profile Identifierкод профиля службы (SPID)
service set identifierидентификатор SSID (Alex Lilo)
service set identifierидентификатор набора служб (Alex Lilo)
service set identifierидентификатор беспроводной сети (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network's SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters)
site collection identifierидентификатор семейства веб-сайтов (A GUID that identifies a site collection. In stored procedures, the identifier is typically SiteId or WebSiteId. In databases, the identifier is typically SiteId/tp_SiteId. Rori)
subject key identifierидентификатор ключа субъекта (A certificate extension that contains a hash of the certification authority's certificate public key. This hash is placed in the Authority Key Identifier (AKI) extension of all issued certificates to facilitate chain building)
tag identifierидентификатор маркера (A number that is on the tag and is used to identify a tag. It can contain item information, such as the type of the commodity and the company that produces it. Rori)
target language identifierкод целевого языка (на котором отображается пользовательский интерфейс приложения Alex_Odeychuk)
the identifier of the thread that created the windowидентификатор потока, создавшего окно (Alex_Odeychuk)
uniform resource identifierуниверсальный код ресурса
uniform resource identifierуниверсальный код ресурса (microsoft.com)
unique identifierуникальный идентификатор (A 16-byte value generated from the unique identifier on a device, the current date and time, and a sequence number. It is used to identify a particular device, component, user, or session)
Unique identifier of the base currency of the organizationУникальный идентификатор базовой валюты организации (Dynamics CRM 4.0 Rori)
unique identifier of the data mapуникальный идентификатор сопоставления данных (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
unique identifier of the string mapуникальный идентификатор сопоставления строки (Rori)
Unique Program Identifierидентификатор UPID (A 21-character identifier used to identify computers enabled by FlexGo technology product models and locales for a specific solution provider)
user identifierидентификатор пользователя (An alphanumeric identification used to identify a particular user)