
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing his | all forms | exact matches only
a bad workman always blames his toolsу плохого мастера всегда инструмент виноват (workman в разговорной речи иногда в данных выражениях также заменяется на carpenter Leya-Richter)
a bad workman is the first to blame his toolsу плохого мастера всегда инструмент виноват (Leya-Richter)
A bad workman quarrels with his toolsПлохой работник с инструментами не в ладу (ROGER YOUNG)
A cock is valiant on his own dunghillв подполье и мышь геройствует. На своей улочке храбра и курочка (ROGER YOUNG)
A cock is valiant on his own dunghillИз-за куста и ворона востра (ROGER YOUNG)
a fool and his money are soon partedдурак легко расстаётся с деньгами (ROGER YOUNG)
a leopard can't change his spotsв этом ты весь (в определенном контексте Aiduza)
a leopard can't change his spotsнельзя изменить свою природу (Supernova)
a man should teach his own wife to make cabbage soup over there!пусть жену свою учит щи варить там! (Alex_Odeychuk)
abandon someone to his fateоставить на произвол судьбы (Andrey Truhachev)
abandon someone to his fateбросить на произвол судьбы (Andrey Truhachev)
abandon someone to his fateоставлять на произвол судьбы (Andrey Truhachev)
all is grist that comes to his millон ничем не брезгует (VLZ_58)
all the world and his dogвсе, кому не лень (igisheva)
all the world and his wifeвсе, кому не лень (igisheva)
ambition was his undoingжадность фраера сгубила (Novoross)
an Englishman's home is his castleмой дом – моя крепость
at the height of his powerна пике своего могущества (Andrey Truhachev)
be following his rags-to-riches progressследить за его восхождением из грязи в князи (e.g., by now the national papers were following his rags-to-riches progress Alex_Odeychuk)
be looking over his shoulderсмотреть сквозь пальцы (на что-л. economist.com Alex_Odeychuk)
born with a silver spoon in his mouthиз очень богатой семьи (someone born into a very wealthy family Val_Ships)
by the pricking of one's thumbs (Фразеологизм употребляется для выражения предвидения негативных явлений – He knew something terrible was about to happen by the pricking of his thumbs – ...как в воду глядел
can hardly believe his eyesс трудом верить своим глазам (Alex_Odeychuk)
Charles the First walked and talked Half an hour after his head was cut off.казнить нельзя помиловать (О пользе запятых xx007)
cobbler should stick to his lastвсяк сверчок знай свой шесток (Yeldar Azanbayev)
cock on his own dunghillхозяин положения (Bobrovska)
cock on his own dunghillпервый кавалер (Bobrovska)
cock on his own dunghillместный заправила (Bobrovska)
cock on his own dunghillважная персона (в небольшом кругу. Часть пословицы a cock is valiant on his own dunghill. Bobrovska)
consign someone to his fateбросить на произвол судьбы (Andrey Truhachev)
consign someone to his fateоставить на произвол судьбы (Andrey Truhachev)
consign someone to his fateоставлять на произвол судьбы (Andrey Truhachev)
didn't mince his / any wordsне стеснялся в выражениях (ART Vancouver)
do not compromise with his conscienceне торговать своей совестью (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
down with his apple-cartопровергнуть (Interex)
down with his apple-cartсвергнуть (Interex)
down with his apple-cartнизложить (Interex)
down with his apple-cartсбить с ног (Knock or throw him down. Interex)
drunk out of his mindпьян до невменяемости (Jerk)
during his years in uniformво время военной службы (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
each to his tasteвсе фломастеры на вкус разные (Alex_Odeychuk)
endear himself to his colleagues with such an approachвызывать к себе расположение своих коллег подобным подходом, отношением (Krouglov)
every man has his faultsу всех есть недостатки
every man to his own tasteна вкус и цвет товарища нет
every man to his tasteвсе фломастеры на вкус разные (Alex_Odeychuk)
everybody and his brotherвсе, кому не лень (triumfov)
everybody and his cousinмножество народа (too many people Interex)
everybody and his cousinвсякий (Interex)
everybody and his cousinкаждый (Everybody. Interex)
everybody and his cousinбольшое количество людей (Interex)
everybody and his cousinогромная толпа (a huge crowd Interex)
everybody and his uncleвсе, кому не лень (igisheva)
everybody and his wifeвсе, кому не лень (igisheva)
Everybody has his priceу каждого своя цена (Andrey Truhachev)
everyone and his brotherвсе, кому не лень (igisheva)
everyone and his motherвсе (Natalia D)
everyone and his motherкуча народа (Natalia D)
everyone and his uncleвсе, кому не лень (igisheva)
everyone and his wifeвсе, кому не лень (igisheva)
everyone to his own tasteвсе фломастеры на вкус разные (Alex_Odeychuk)
get back on his hands and knees and begged forстать унижаться, умоляя о (чем-либо Alex_Odeychuk)
get back on his hands and knees and begged forстать на колени и умолять о (чём-либо Alex_Odeychuk)
get his foot in the doorполучить шанс выбиться в люди (для него financial-engineer)
get his wayнастоять на своём (Bloomberg, 2017 Alex_Odeychuk)
get his wayнастаивать на своём (Bloomberg, 2017 Alex_Odeychuk)
get his wayдобиться своего (Bloomberg, 2017 Alex_Odeychuk)
get his wayгнуть свою линию (Bloomberg, 2017 Alex_Odeychuk)
get his wayпоступать по-своему (Bloomberg, 2017 Alex_Odeychuk)
get his wayдобиваться своего (Bloomberg, 2017 Alex_Odeychuk)
has his own agendaсебе на уме (SirReal)
have caught God by his beardсхватить Бога за бороду (Alex_Odeychuk)
have hitched his wagon toгнуть пальцы в сторону (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
have hitched his wagon toкритиковать (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
have hitched his wagon toгнуть пальцы на (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
have hitched his wagon toкатить бочку на (критиковать кого-либо; New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
have not been beating a path to his doorне ходить на регулярные встречи с ним (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
have not been beating a path to his doorне ходить к нему по проторенной дорожке (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
have not been beating a path to his doorне проторивать к нему дорожку (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
have with his back up against the wallприжать к стенке (Alex_Odeychuk)
he doesn't keep his nose cleanу него рыльце в пуху (VLZ_58)
he had his inningsон вышел в тираж (VLZ_58)
he has his dirty fingers in itу него рыльце в пуху (VLZ_58)
he has his dirty fingers in the pieу него рыльце в пуху (VLZ_58)
he has his head screwed on straightон не лыком шит (VLZ_58)
he has made a rod for his own backон сам себя наказал
he is a wonder with his handsу него золотые руки
he is shot his boltон исчерпал все свои возможности
he is shot his boltон сделал всё, что мог
he is swimming in his suitкостюм болтается на нём как на вешалке
he is tied to his wife's apron stringsон – подкаблучник.
he knows on which side his bread butteredу него губа не дура
he she put his her two cents inс его её подачи (Taras)
he simply opened his mouthон так и ахнул
he surely knows his onions when he speaks aboutон знает, о чём говорит (Coun. Steve Hayes is another councillor whose words are weighty when it comes to Birkenhead's situation. He was taken to the town at age two and he surely knows his onions when he speaks about the town. (YouTube) ART Vancouver)
he wears his heart on his sleeveу него, что на уме, то и на языке
his face betrayed no emotionне изменился в лице (anadyakov)
his hands are fullу него хлопот полон рот
his head feels a messу него каша в голове (VLZ_58)
his head is messed upу него каша в голове (VLZ_58)
his nose is not clean in that matterу него рыльце в пуху (VLZ_58)
his own manнезависимый человек (seniyakseniya)
his proposal raised hacklesего предложение приняли в штыки (among VLZ_58)
his stubborn streak is a mile wideочень упорный (настырный VLZ_58)
his tongue cleaved/clove to the roof of his mouthу него язык прилип к гортани (VLZ_58)
his words sank homeего слова запали мне в душу
his words turned hollowего слова оказались пустыми (Alexey Lebedev)
hoe his own gardenмотыжить свой участок (Alex_Odeychuk)
be in a league of its {his, their...) ownбыть лучше других, недосягаемым, "на особом положении" (GeorgeK)
it is in his boneэто у него в крови (HOFU)
it's a poor craftsman who blames his toolsплохому танцору всегда что-то мешает (Am.E. Taras)
it's a poor workman who blames his toolsу плохого мастера всегда инструмент виноват (Leya-Richter)
Jack is as good as his masterкаков поп, таков и приход (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Jack is as good as his masterкаков хозяин, таков и работник (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Jack wants to be as good as his masterкаков поп, таков и приход (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Jack wants to be as good as his masterкаков хозяин, таков и работник (Yeldar Azanbayev)
know someone from his bottle upзнать кого-либо с пелёнок (The bailiff had a weakness for Michael, whom he had known from his bottle up. – Управляющий знал Майкла с пелёнок и питал к нему слабость. / Голсуорси "Серебряная ложка" Bobrovska)
know his limitsзнать своё место (Reuters Alex_Odeychuk)
lay the bridle on his neckотпустить поводья (Bobrovska)
leave someone to his fateбросить на произвол судьбы (Andrey Truhachev)
leave someone to his fateоставить на произвол судьбы (Andrey Truhachev)
leave someone to his fateоставлять на произвол судьбы (Andrey Truhachev)
leopard can't change his spotsвы такой, какой есть (Yeldar Azanbayev)
leopard can't change his spotsтакой, какой есть (Yeldar Azanbayev)
let the shoemaker keep to his lastвсяк сверчок знай свой шесток (Yeldar Azanbayev)
let the shoemaker stick to his lastвсяк сверчок знай свой шесток (Yeldar Azanbayev)
meet somebody on his own groundдоговориться с кем-либо на приемлемых для него условиях (VLZ_58)
meet somebody on his own groundнаходить общий язык (VLZ_58)
meet somebody on his own groundполемизировать с кем-либо на предложенную тему (VLZ_58)
neither food nor drink has passed his lips since morningу него с утра маковой росинки во рту не было (VLZ_58)
not qualified to tie his shoesмизинца не стоит (Mikhail11)
one has his head screwed on rightкотелок варит (He has his head screwed on right – У него котелок варит. Могут также использоваться варианты с наречиями "the right way" и "straight" VLZ_58)
one has to sing for his supperкто не работает, тот не ест (Anglophile)
poke his nose in everythingвезде совать свой нос (Andrey Truhachev)
poke his nose in everythingсовать свой нос в каждую щель (Andrey Truhachev)
poke his nose in everythingсовать свой нос в каждую дыру (Andrey Truhachev)
put someone out of his/her miseryдать кому-то то,что он действительно желает (Noigel)
red cock will crow in his houseего подожгут (Bobrovska)
red cock will crow in his houseему пустят красного петуха (Bobrovska)
Roland for his Oliverоко за око (13.05)
Roland for his Oliverдостойный ответ (13.05)
she knows how to push his buttonsона знает, как ему душу наизнанку вывернуть (как и чем сильно обидеть, наступить на "больные мозоли" Alex_Odeychuk)
she knows how to push his buttonsона знает, как задеть его больную струну (как и чем обидеть Alex_Odeychuk)
so he has kept his powder dry after allесть ещё порох в пороховницах
stick his neck outвысовываться (baiburin)
the whole world and his wifeвсе, кому не лень (igisheva)
the world and his wifeвесь "свет" (silk)
the world and his wifeбольшая группа людей (silk)
the world and his wifeвесь "высший свет" (silk)
the world and his wifeвсе без исключения (silk)
to the tips of his bootsдо кончиков ковбойских сапог (A Texas boy to the tips of his boots. kozelski)
Too big for his bootsвысоко нос задирать (krolikova)
Too big for his bootsслишком много возомнить о себе (krolikova)
Too big for his bootsзадаваться (krolikova)
Too big for his bootsстроить из себя (krolikova)
Too big for his bootsраздуться от собственной важности (krolikova)
Too big for his bootsзазнаться, заважничать (Ever since his promotion, he's become too big for his boots krolikova)
top of his entryлучший на курсе в университете (He was so bright that nobody doubted he'd be top of his entry. APN)
under his beltсъевший (Bobrovska)
under his beltвыпивший (Bobrovska)
under his beltпоевший (обыкн. with a goood meal under his belt – плотно поевший Bobrovska)
where Jesus lost his sandalsу черта на куличках (proggie)
the words stuck in his throatслова застряли у него в горле (VLZ_58)