
Terms for subject General containing high security | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
document in registered high-security formдокумент строгой отчётности (Alpha_Omega)
high securityзасекреченный
high securityрежимный (high security facility 4uzhoj)
high security facilityрежимный объект (4uzhoj)
high security facilityособо режимный объект
high security hospitalбольница строгого режима (kann_sein)
high security risk materialматериал с высоким уровнем безопасности (Yeldar Azanbayev)
high-security facilityособо охраняемый объект
high-security facilityрежимный объект
high-security penal colonyИК особого режима
high-security penal colonyИК строгого режима
high-security prisonтюрьма особого режима (felog)
high-security prisonтюрьма строгого режима (felog)
high-tech security systemинженерно-техническая система охраны (Alexander Demidov)
high-tech security systemsинженерно-технические системы охраны (Alexander Demidov)
under high securityв условиях строго режима содержания (Кунделев)
under high securityв условиях строго режима (Кунделев)
years in high securityлет строгого режима (Additionally, 28 others were handed five years in high security prison, five were ordered to three years in high security, and another five were ... | detained for some five years in high security and possibly another two years in medium security. R spent a little over a third of this time in ... | He started in in St. George's in SW London in 1984, then worked eight years in high security in Rampton Hospital followed by seven years in a community group ... Alexander Demidov)