
Terms for subject Proverb containing her | all forms | exact matches only
age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite varietyнад ней не властны годы, и не прискучит её разнообразие вовек
bed her, but don't wed herспи с ней, но не женись на ней
every dog has her dayбудет и на нашей улице праздник (MichaelBurov)
every mother thinks her own gosling a swanвсякая мать считает своего гусенка лебедем
every mother thinks her own gosling a swanдитя хоть и криво, а отцу, матери мило
every mother thinks her own gosling a swanдите хоть и криво, а отцу-матери диво (дословно: Всякая мать считает своего гусёнка лебедем)
everyone as they like, as the old woman said when she kissed her cowо вкусах не спорят
everyone as they like, as the old woman said when she kissed her cowна вкус и на цвет товарища нет
everyone as they like, as the old woman said when she kissed her cowна вкус на цвет товарища нет
experience keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singlyтолько собственный опыт учит
experience keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singlyу опыта нет общей школы, своих учеников он учит порознь (т.е. учишься на собственном опыте)
forty years old her tale is toldсорок лет – бабий век, в сорок пять – баба ягодка опять
forty years old her tale is toldсорок лет – бабий век
grain by grain, and the hen fills her bellyкурочка по зёрнышку клюёт, да сыта бывает (used to mean: one should be satisfied by what little one has (gets), for "little" happens to turn gradually into 'big enough")
he is getting it from Madame Palm and her five daughtersиграть с Дунькой Кулаковой (заниматься онанизмом)
he is wax in her handsона из него верёвки вьёт
I killed her for good will, said scot, when he killed his neighbour's mareпожалел волк кобылу, оставил хвост да гриву (said sarcastically to or about a person who makes a fine show of being sorry for someone whom the person did harm to or caused disaster)
if you sell the cow, you sell her milkснявши голову, по волосам не плачут
if you sell the cow, you sell her milk tooпродавши корову, по молоку не плачут (дословно: Продаёшь корову-значит продаёшь и её молоко)
if you sell the cow, you sell her milk tooснявши голову, по волосам не плачут (дословно: Продаёшь корову-значит продаёшь и её молоко)
if you sell the cow, you sell her milk tooс чем лошадь покупается, то с неё не снимается (дословно: Продаёшь корову-значит продаёшь и её молоко)
if you sell the cow, you sell her milk tooпродаешь корову – значит продаешь и её молоко
if you sell the cow you will sell her milk tooпродавши корову, по молоку не плачут
if you sell the cow you will sell her milk tooдрова рубят – щепки летят
if you sell the cow you will sell her milk tooлес рубят – щепки летят
if you sell the cow you will sell her milk tooснявши голову, по волосам не плачут
it's all up with herей крышка
seven baby-sitters can't say why their only baby lost her eyeу семи нянек дитя без глаза
seven baby-sitters can't say why their only baby lost her eyeу семи нянек дитя без глазу
she is capable of defending her interestsей пальца в рот не клади
speak of the angel and you will hear the fluttering of her wingsлегка на помине
speak of the angel and you will hear the fluttering of her wingsлёгок на помине
the cat would eat fish and would not wet her feetи хочется и колется и матушка не велит
the cat would eat fish and would not wet her feetхочется рыбку съесть, да не хочется в воду лезть
the cat would eat fish and would not wet her feetпроглотить-то хочется, да жевать-то лень
the cat would eat fish and would not wet her feetи хочется и колется и мама не велит
the cat would eat fish and would not wet her feetи хочется и колется
the cat would eat fish and would not wet her pawsпроглотить-то хочется, да прожевать-то лень (дословно: Кошка хотела бы рыбы поесть, да лапки замочить боится)
the cat would eat fish and would not wet her pawsкошка хотела бы рыбы поесть, да лапки замочить боится
the cat would eat fish and would not wet her pawsи хочется, и колется (дословно: Кошка хотела бы рыбы поесть, да лапки замочить боится)
the cat would eat the fish and would not wet her feetхочется рыбку съесть, да не хочется в воду лезть
the cow knows not what her tail is worth till she has or hath lost itчто имеем, не храним, потерявши, плачем
the cow knows not what her tail is worth until she has lost itчто имеем – не храним, потерявши – плачем
the cow knows not what her tail is worth until she has or hath lost itчто имеем, не храним, потерявши, плачем
the cow may want her own tail yetне плюй в колодец – пригодится воды напиться
the wolf was sorry for the mare and ate her up with love and careпожалел волк кобылу, оставил хвост да гриву
the woman who tells her age is either too young to have anything to lose, or too old to have anything to gainженщина, которая не скрывает свой возраст, или слишком молода и ей нечего терять, или слишком стара и ей нечего искать
there are four things that the earth itself cannot tolerate: a slave who becomes a king, a fool who has all he wants to eat, a hateful woman who gets married, and a servant girl who takes the place of her mistressчетырёх человек не может носить земля: раба, ставшего царём, сытого глупца, гулящую женщину, когда она выходит замуж, и служанку, когда она занимает место своей госпожи
there are more ways to kill a cat than choking her with creamсвет не клином сошёлся
there is one good wife in the country, and every man thinks he has herкаждый муж думает, что лучше его жены нет (Anglophile)
what does the moon care if the dogs bark at her?собака лает, ветер носит
you can have no more of a cat but her skinс паршивой овцы хоть шерсти клок (used sarcastically to mean: one must be thankful for small mercies, for what little you have managed to gel from him)
you can have no more of a cat but her skinс одного вола двух шкур не сдерёшь
you can have no more of a cat but her skinс паршивой собаки хоть шерсти клок (used sarcastically to mean: one must be thankful for small mercies, for what little you have managed to gel from him)
you can have no more of a cat but her skinс лихой собаки хоть шерсти клок (used sarcastically to mean: one must be thankful for small mercies, for what little you have managed to gel from him)
you can have no more of a cat than her skinс паршивой овцы хоть шерсти клок (used sarcastically to mean: one must be thankful for small mercies, for what little you have managed to gel from him)
you can have no more of a cat than her skinс паршивой собаки хоть шерсти клок (used sarcastically to mean: one must be thankful for small mercies, for what little you have managed to gel from him)
you can have no more of a cat than her skinс лихой собаки хоть шерсти клок (used sarcastically to mean: one must be thankful for small mercies, for what little you have managed to gel from him)