
Terms for subject Formal containing further | all forms | exact matches only
discuss furtherпродолжить обсуждение (темы: In Vancouver, while the cancellation is still in place, Vancouver mayor Ken Sim tweeted, promising to work to restore the show for Canadians. “Fireworks have long been a part of Canada Day in Vancouver and we’re incredibly disappointed to see them cancelled this year,” he wrote. “We will be reaching out to the Port Authority to discuss this further and hope to see a return of Canada Day fireworks in the coming years,” he added. lifesitenews.com ART Vancouver)
Further be advised thatДополнительно сообщаем, что (Ying)
further contribute toв дополнительной мере способствовать (ART Vancouver)
further noteдалее отметить (He concluded that personal experiences, coupled with replicable scientific studies, are pivotal in substantiating the efficacy of energy healing. He further noted that we are currently witnessing a paradigm shift towards an energy-based model of health. -- Далее он отметил, что ... (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
further one's studiesпродолжить учёбу (further their artistic studies abroad -- продолжить своё художественное образование за рубежом ART Vancouver)
further to this topicв продолжение этой темы (Further to this important topic, I would like to share a few thoughts. ART Vancouver)
go further into the matterболее тщательно разобраться в этом вопросе (ART Vancouver)
pending further studiesустанавливается (напр., запись в графе "причина смерти" 4uzhoj)
take further stepsпредпринять дальнейшие шаги (Further steps were taken to investigate the suspect. Public safety was always our top priority. ART Vancouver)