
Terms for subject Religion containing free of | all forms
Evangelical Free Church of AmericaАмериканская свободная евангелическая церковь (Fellowship of independent Christian churches in the United States, organized in 1950)
Free Church of ScotlandСвободная шотландская церковь (Church organized in 1843 by dissenting members of the Church of Scotland)
Free Exercise of ReligionСвобода вероисповедания (Pavlov Igor)
Free Methodist Church of North AmericaСевероамериканская свободная методистская церковь (Holiness church in the Wesleyan-Arminian tradition organized in 1860)
Free Presbyterian Church of UlsterСвободная пресвитерианская церковь Ольстера (A new sect cofounded by Ian Paisley in 1951, which, in two decades, expanded rapidly, establishing some 30 churches and acquiring about 20,000 members and perhaps 200,000 sympathizers in Northern Ireland)
product of the free willпроявление свободной воли
the question of determinism versus free willвопрос предопределения и свободы воли (A.Rezvov)
the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of TurkeyВеликая ложа вольных и принятых каменщиков Турции (Murad V was the first and only sultan member of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Turkey. financial-engineer)
United Free Church of ScotlandЕдиная свободная церковь Шотландии (Presbyterian church formed in 1900 as the result of the union between the Free Church of Scotland and the United Presbyterian Church)