
Terms containing expert center | all forms | in specified order only
R&D.expert centerэкспертный центр (... we are willing to work with expert centres in the UK to assist in the continued collection and analysis of observational data through the monitoring systems (described above) to better understand ... – by Dr Andrew Goddard Tamerlane)
O&G, casp.regional center for sanitary and epidemiological expert reviewобластной центр санитарно-эпидемиологической экспертизы (Yeldar Azanbayev)
clin.trial.State Expert Centerгосударственный экспертный центр (harl_ann)
med.the Center for Expert Examinations and Testing in Public Health CareЦентр экспертиз и испытаний в здравоохранении (WiseSnake)
O&GTyumen Expert Support CenterЦЭПиТР (btyukhov)