
Terms for subject General containing electronic service | all forms | in specified order only
electronic display servicesдоска сообщений электронная телекоммуникационные службы (Svekozzza)
electronic servicesэлектронные услуги (What is the definition of electronic services – 2015 B2C EU VAT EU definition of e-services for VAT The EU VAT Directive was modified by an implementation regulation which contains the standard definition of e-services. This characterises e-services based on the following criteria for a supply for a fee / subscription: A service – as opposed to physical goods Information technology-based Provided electronically – through the internet, copper or fibre optic cable and satellite The supply is fully automated – only minimal human intervention Examples of e-services The implementing regulation provides detailed examples and guidance on the types of paid-for services which are considered electronic, and split into five categories: 1. Supply of video, music, games, lotteries and other games of chance vatlive.com Alexander Demidov)
electronic trust servicesэлектронные доверительные услуги (YuliaO)
Office of the Superintendent of Electronic Certification ServicesОтдел руководителя предоставления услуг по электронной сертификации (Johnny Bravo)