
Terms for subject Banking containing duty | all forms | exact matches only
consumer Ioan interest dutyналог на проценты потребительской ссуды
duties of consortium memberобязанности члена консорциума
Duty Credit CertificateСистема отсрочки обязательных платежей (MyxuH)
duty of care agreementсоглашение о соблюдении интересов (PLC (c): A standard form duty of care agreement (sometimes referred to as a direct agreement) between a borrower, a property manager (or managing agent) and a security trustee or lender. It can be used either in a syndicated or bilateral real estate finance transaction where the borrower has appointed a managing agent under a management agreement to collect and administer the rent and service charge from a property. 'More)
failure in dutiesнеисправность должника
financial dutyфинансовый сбор
investment dutyналог на капиталовложения
mortgage dutyипотечный сбор
stamp dutyгербовый сбор по ценным бумагам
transfer dutyплата за перевод денег