
Terms for subject Programming containing dataset | all forms | exact matches only
attempt to load an existing to-do dataset from an array stored to diskпопытка загрузки существующего списка задач из массива, хранящегося на диске (ssn)
dataset allocationраспределение наборов данных (ssn)
dataset information mapинформационная карта набора данных (ssn)
dataset organizationорганизация набора данных (ssn)
dataset trailer labelметка конца массива данных (ssn)
existing to-do datasetсуществующий список задач (ssn)
partitioned datasetнабор данных с распределением по разделам (ssn)
shared datasetсовместно используемый набор данных (ssn)
test datasetтестовый набор данных (a set of test data that is used to test a software system or application. A test dataset is usually a subset of the actual data that the system will be processing in production. It is designed to simulate realistic scenarios and user interactions, as well as to uncover any potential issues or errors in the system. The data may be generated manually or automatically, depending on the needs of the testing process. Test datasets may also be created based on specific test cases, which define the input values and expected outputs for a particular feature or function of the system. By testing with different datasets, software testers can identify and address issues such as data corruption, incorrect formatting, missing or incomplete data Alex_Odeychuk)