
Terms for subject General containing damage-control | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
accident damage controlустранение аварий (Alexander Demidov)
accident damage controlустранение последствий аварий (Alexander Demidov)
accident damage controlустранение последствий аварий (Patrol members were responsible for checking criminal activity, accident damage control, venue security, assisting in emergency situations and ... – АД)
damage controlремонтно-восстановительные работы
damage controlликвидационные мероприятия (Alexander Demidov)
damage controlустранение последствий (or Brit damage limitation) : things that are done or said to prevent a bad situation from becoming worse or to limit the bad effect of something The governor keeps making outrageous statements, forcing his staff to spend most of their time doing damage control. MWALD. But Broomfield argues that the long-running case is now an exercise in damage control for the Los Angeles police. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES 2002) But Tammary -concluded that it was damage control and not really defence, and resented the action. Alma Alexander THE SECRETS OF JIN-SHEI 2004) His jaw was set and I knew he was working out a plan for damage control. Wood, Ted SNOWJOB In a world where cynicism is pervasive, at least Elwood is good at damage control. GLOBE AND MAIL 2003) Its conclusions reflect both an effort at damage control and an inadequate understanding of its subject matter. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES 2004) One Nation's weekend state conference at Rockhampton was an exercise in damage control which barely worked. MISC 1998) She was working on damage control , and hiding the tapes was part of it. Peter Robinson AFTERMATH 2001) UPDATE Too Little, Too Late And now comes belated damage control and adoption of the higher moral ground in Goa. OUTLOOK INDIA 2005). Collins – АД)
damage controlустранение последствий (Alexander Demidov)
damage controlантикризисные меры (в пиаре, в политике и т д; меры по сглаживанию отрицательного эффекта на репутацию, общественное мнение после какого-то события munjeca)
damage control and recoveryликвидация последствий аварии (Alexander Demidov)
damage control coordinatorорганизатор ликвидационных мероприятий (Alexander Demidov)
damage-control partyаварийная партия
damage-control stationпост живучести
emergency damage controlликвидация аварий (Alexander Demidov)
emergency response and damage controlустранение аварии и её последствий (Alexander Demidov)
emergency response and damage controlэкстренные и аварийные ремонтно-восстановительные работы (Alexander Demidov)
perform damage controlликвидировать последствия (mascot)
post-accident damage controlустранение последствий аварий (Accident analysis and post-accident damage control. | Commended on the crew's efficient post-accident damage control actions. Alexander Demidov)