
Terms containing cost of ownership | all forms | in specified order only
gen.cost of long-term ownershipстоимость долгосрочного владения (Alexander Demidov)
ITcost of network ownershipстоимость владения сетью
gen.cost of ownershipтекущие затраты (Promo Rostov)
gen.cost of ownershipэксплуатационные издержки (Promo Rostov)
gen.cost of ownershipоперационные затраты (Promo Rostov)
gen.cost of ownershipэксплуатационные расходы (Promo Rostov)
comp., net.cost of ownershipстоимость покупки и эксплуатации
comp., net.cost of ownershipстоимость владения
gen.cost of ownershipзатраты при эксплуатации (Promo Rostov)
gen.total cost of ownershipсовокупная стоимость владения объектами (a method of calculating the costs involved in buying and using a product or service which includes the cost of buying it and other costs such as ordering, delivering, keeping it in good condition, etc: The new system will give customers improved software performance and a lower total cost of ownership. OBED Alexander Demidov)
gen.total cost of ownershipсуммарная стоимость владения (a calculation of all the costs involved in buying and using a product over time: "Outsourcing services can dramatically cut the total cost of ownership. CBED Alexander Demidov)
commun.total cost of ownershipобщие расходы собственности (TCO)
econ.total cost of ownershipполная стоимость владения (MichaelBurov)
O&G, sakh.total cost of ownershipобщая стоимость права собственности
ITtotal cost of ownershipсовокупная стоимость владения (unact.ru Bricker)
O&G, sahk.s.total cost of ownershipполные затраты владельца
O&G, sahk.s.total cost of ownershipзатраты владельца
ITtotal cost of ownershipобщая стоимость владения
comp., MStotal cost of ownershipсовокупная стоимость владения (Specifically, the cost of owning, operating, and maintaining a single PC; more generally, the cost to businesses and organizations of setting up and maintaining complex and far-reaching networked computer systems. Total cost of ownership includes the up-front costs of hardware and software added to later costs of installation, personnel training, technical support, upgrades, and repairs. Industry initiatives designed to lower the total cost of ownership include centralized network management and administration, as well as hardware solutions in the form of network-based computers with or without local storage and expansion capability)
econ.total cost of ownershipССВ (MichaelBurov)
media.total cost of ownershipобщая совокупная стоимость владения (расходы, связанные с закупками аппаратных и программных средств, развёртыванием и конфигурированием приложений, обновлением аппаратуры и программ, обучением, сопровождением и технической поддержкой)