
Terms for subject Microsoft containing clouds | all forms
Cloud App Modelмодель облачных приложений (An application-hosting architecture that relies on cloud-based services. Application logic and data are typically hosted on a distributed set of services on the Internet, connected through web APIs, and authenticated with server-to-server authentication technologies such as OAuth)
cloud applications and servicesоблачные приложения и службы (Candidates for the Azure Developer Associate certification should have subject matter expertise in designing, building, testing, and maintaining cloud applications and services on Azure. Alex_Odeychuk)
cloud-based environmentоблачная среда (microsoft.com bojana)
cloud-based management serviceоблачная служба управления (microsoft.com bojana)
cloud collectionоблачная коллекция (A description for music or videos stored in the cloud that users may access from their phone. Used for Xbox Music and any other potential cloud-based media services)
cloud computingвычисления в облачной среде (Alex_Odeychuk)
cloud computingоблачные вычисления (A type of computing that uses groups of servers and scalable resources, generally a platform as a service and software as a service, over the Internet)
cloud computing and storageоблачные вычисления и хранилища данных (Alex_Odeychuk)
cloud DBAадминистратор облачных баз данных (Alex_Odeychuk)
cloud-delivered protectionзащита из облака (Alex_Odeychuk)
cloud developmentразработка облачных приложений и служб (Candidates for the Azure Developer Associate certification should have subject matter expertise in designing, building, testing, and maintaining cloud applications and services on Azure. Responsibilities for this role include participating in all phases of cloud development from requirements, definition, and design; to development, deployment, and maintenance; to performance tuning and monitoring. Alex_Odeychuk)
cloud libraryбиблиотека облака (A grouping of read-only library shares that are assigned to a private cloud and a location where self-service users of a private cloud can store virtual machines or services. Rori)
cloud-native developmentоблачно-ориентированная разработка (a comprehensive approach to the different activities of cloud application development processes, such as the following: 1) developing functionality as independent services and exposing them via an API, 2) ensuring the high availability and high throughput of the application, 3) establishing a DevOps pipeline for the application's continuous integration and deployment, 4) conducting unit, integration, and regression tests, as well as monitoring the application performance, 5) ensuring clean, high-quality code, 6) identifying the threat model for applications and taking the necessary steps, 7) establishing the process for a disaster exercise with a disaster recovery test, 8) establishing a release process for the application Alex_Odeychuk)
cloud programmingоблачное программирование (Microsoft Alex_Odeychuk)
cloud programmingпрограммирование в облаке (Microsoft Alex_Odeychuk)
cloud programming platformплатформа программирования в облаке (Alex_Odeychuk)
cloud resource mappingсопоставление ресурсов облака (A mapping created by an App Controller administrator with all the cloud resources)
cloud search serviceоблачная служба поиска (A service that enables adding content to the search index in Office 365. Rori)
Cloud Search service applicationприложение облачной службы поиска (The SharePoint service application that enables enterprise search functionality in a scenario where all content is indexed in the Office 365 search index. Rori)
cloud serviceоблачная служба (An instance of the Cloud Services offer that consists of packaged software programming and configuration settings and is hosted on virtual machines based on web and worker roles)
Cloud Servicesоблачные службы (The Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offer in Windows Azure that allows customers to build powerful, scalable web applications without having to worry about managing the underlying platform issues)
Cloud Services Low Priorityнизкоприоритетные облачные службы (A service type of the "Cloud Services" service suitable for workloads with low priority, such as batch processing. Rori)
Cloud Solution Providerпоставщик облачных решений (The Microsoft program that allows external partners to sell, set up, and manage Office 365 accounts for small businesses, as well as set their own terms. Rori)
Microsoft Cloud Partnerпартнёр Microsoft Cloud Partner (An individual or organization that does business with, by, or on behalf of Microsoft and that is a member of the Microsoft Partner Network using cloud technology)
Microsoft cloud servicesоблачные службы (Microsoft Consumer and Business products, services and solutions that are delivered and consumed in real-time over the Internet; Майкрософт)
private cloudчастное облако (Microsoft Partner Network Dirk Pitt)
private cloudчастное облако (A cloud infrastructure that is dedicated to an organization (not shared with other organizations). A private cloud can be managed by the organization or hosted by a third-party service provider, in which case it is referred to as a hosted private cloud. A private cloud can be located on-premises or off-premises)
private cloud computeвычисления в частном облаке (Alex_Odeychuk)
public cloudобщедоступное облако (A cloud infrastructure typically owned and managed by an organization that sells cloud services. The resources are shared by the general public or a group of customers in order to optimize utilization rates)
public cloud computeвычисления в публичном облаке (Alex_Odeychuk)
service hosted in the cloudслужба, развёрнутая в облаке (Alex_Odeychuk)
service hosted in the cloudоблачная служба (Alex_Odeychuk)
service hosted in the cloudслужба, размещённая в облаке (Alex_Odeychuk)
tag cloudоблако тегов (A visual depiction of a weighted list. The cloud contains keywords or tags associated with a text or Web site, and formatting (e.g. color and/or size) is used to indicate the relative importance of each item, or frequency with which it occurs)
testing lab in the cloudсреда тестирования в облаке (Alex_Odeychuk)
Windows Azure platform Cloud Essentials for Partnersплатформа Windows Azure для партнёров с Cloud Essentials (An offer for members of the Microsoft Partner Network who have the Microsoft Cloud Essentials Pack. The subscription includes a base level of monthly computing hours, storage, data transfers, a SQL Azure database, Access Control transactions, and Service Bus connections at no charge)
Windows Azure platform Cloud Essentials for Partnersпакет Cloud Essentials для партнёров с платформой Windows Azure (An offer for members of the Microsoft Partner Network who have the Microsoft Cloud Essentials Pack. The subscription includes a base level of monthly computing hours, storage, data transfers, a SQL Azure database, Access Control transactions, and Service Bus connections at no charge)