
Terms for subject Mathematics containing by- form | all forms
by putting the equation in the formпутём приведения уравнения к виду
definition 2.1 given by Wiener allow us to convert the general control problem of the form 2.7 to a problem of the formсвести общую задачу теории управления к задаче ... (2.8)
multiplying the first relation by 2 followed by summation, we come to the concise form of the above equationпоследующее суммирование
multiplying the first relation in 1 by x and the second one by y, followed by summation, we come to the concise form the above equationsс последующим суммированием
not all pairs are easily recognized as pairs by their formне все
the purpose of the book is in part to discuss the validity of the upper bound work method in a form that can be appreciated by a practicing soil engineerцелью этой книги частично является обсуждение справедливости
this subroutine multiplies a general matrix by the orthogonal transformation matrix from a reduction to без артикля Hessenberg formматрица ортогонального преобразования
we can achieve this by corresponding replacement (of the argument x by y of the formмы можем достичь этого заменой ...