
Terms for subject Advertising containing brand image | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
brand imageобраз брэнда
brand imageимидж бренда (The brand image of a particular brand of product is the image or impression that people have of it, usually created by advertising // A consumer's perception of a brand. // the attributes of a brand as perceived by potential and actual customers: He led an international design agency for five years and provided numerous institutions, societies and companies with a new brand image. daria002)
brand imageобраз марки (комплекс сложившихся в сознании потребителя представлений о достоинствах или недостатках марочного товара)
brand image advertisingреклама образа марки
brand-image campaignкампания по созданию образа марки
brand-image theoryтеория образа марки
promotion of brand imageпродвижение имиджа бренда (Nyufi)