
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing became | all forms
a lie begets a lie until they become a generationодна ложь тянет за собой другую (igisheva)
a lie begets a lie until they become a generationкто привык лгать, тому трудно отвыкать (igisheva)
a lie begets a lie until they become a generationраз солгал, навек лгуном стал (igisheva)
a lie begets a lie until they become a generationмаленькая ложь за собой большую ведёт (igisheva)
become a circusцирк уехал, а клоуны остались (When did this law firm (company etc.) become a circus? Taras)
become a citizenполучить гражданство (США)
become estrangedотдаляться (от; from Val_Ships)
become estrangedстановиться отдалённым (от; from Val_Ships)
become estrangedстановиться отчуждённым (от; from Val_Ships)
become irate and physicalвыйти из себя и прибегнуть перейти к грубой физической силе (насилию; At that time,Mr.Armero became irate and physical where somehow her necklace was yanked off her neck and he grabbed a hotel hair clipper, pulled off her hair extensions and forcefully began to trim her hair, by the top of her head, above her forehead andreon)
become knownраскрыться (Maggie)
become looseоказаться ненадёжно закреплённым (became loose on the mounting plate Val_Ships)
become privy toоказаться осведомлённым (The reporter became privy to the senator's evil plan. Val_Ships)
he has become quite sickон совсем разболелся