
Terms containing average productivity | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.average labour productivityсредняя производительность труда (occupational mobility rates but also features (i) sign switches in the correlation between average labour productivity and unemployment rates across decades | Decomposition of annual average labour productivity growth, 2001–2007. United Kingdom. Percentages. Source: Office for National Statistics. | Above average labour productivity gains in one sector are reflected in falling relative output prices rather than in higher relative wages. | Manitoba is the top-ranked province, with average labour productivity growth of 1.5 per cent between 2008 and 2012. | In a given economy average labour productivity is €50,000, the capital-labour ratio is €20,000 and the saving rate is 10 percent. Alexander Demidov)
busin.average productivityсредняя производительность
geophys.average productivity per unit volumeсредняя удельная продуктивность (пород)
geol.average productivity per unit volumeсредняя удельная продуктивность единицы объёма пород (удельные извлекаемые запасы в единице объёма пород)
O&G, sakh.average unit productivityсредняя удельная продуктивность (пород)
O&G, sahk.r.average unit productivityсредняя удельная продуктивность пород