
Terms containing as you well know | all forms | in specified order only
Игорь Мигas you know all too wellкак вам всем хорошо известно
gen.as you well knowкак вам хорошо известно (Taras)
gen.as you well knowкак вам известно (Taras)
gen.I know it just as well as youя знаю это не хуже вашего
gen.you know as well as I doты не хуже меня знаешь (linton)
proverbyou know as well as I do thatвы знаете не хуже меня, что ('Don't stand there saying "Sir?" You know as well as I do that a situation has arisen which calls for the immediate coming of all good men to the aid of the party.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
gen.you know as well as I do thatвам известно не хуже меня, что ('Don't stand there saying "Sir?" You know as well as I do that a situation has arisen which calls for the immediate coming of all good men to the aid of the party.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – Вам известно не хуже меня, что ... ART Vancouver)