
Terms for subject General containing as received | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
as and when they are receivedпо мере поступления (ABelonogov)
as receivedпо факту (Итого по факту = Total as received. These results are added together to give the total/as received/as delivered ... Alexander Demidov)
condition as received fromсостояние, в котором он был получен от (e.g., condition as received from supplier Alexander Demidov)
he has received a promotion by influence, and in doing it has jumped many of his fellow-officers quite as good or better than heблагодаря влиянию он получил повышение, обогнав многих своих сослуживцев, таких же или лучше, чем он
he received the party's nod as a candidate for governorего партия выдвинула его кандидатуру на пост губернатора
his words were received as an oracleего слова принимались за неоспоримую истину
I have no misconception as to the static I am going to receiveя хорошо себе представляю, как на меня все накинутся
money received as a loanденежные средства, полученные в кредит (Alexander Demidov)
on an as received basisв состоянии поставки (MichaelBurov)
on an as received basisпо факту (MichaelBurov)
receive as a giftполучить в подарок
receive smth. as a giftполучить что-л. в подарок
receive smth. as a presentрассматривать что-л. как подарок (as security, as a gift, etc., и т.д.)
receive smth. as a presentпринимать что-л. как подарок (as security, as a gift, etc., и т.д.)
receive Christ as one's personal saviorуверовать в Христа (Alex Lilo)
receive Christ as one's personal saviorпринять спасение Христовое (Alex Lilo)
receive credit asзасчитываться, считаться (receive credit as the originator – считается изобретателем Greezlee)
received as a giftдарёный
received as a giftдареный
sailors received the same pay as soldiersматросам платили столько же, сколько и солдатам