
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing as a | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
A nod is as good as a winkнамёк понятен (Полный вариант пословицы – "a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse/bat". VLZ_58)
accept as a givenпринять как данность (askandy)
act as a guinea pigбыть подопытным кроликом (Andrey Truhachev)
act as a guinea pigслужить подопытным кроликом (Andrey Truhachev)
as artful as a cart-load of monkeysочень хитрый (Bobrovska)
as artful as a cart-load of monkeysхитрый, как муха (Bobrovska)
as a bull in the china shopкак слон (He worked out as a bull in the china shop. Our bar is ruined now.– Он сработал как слон: разгромил весь бар. Franka_LV)
as a crow fliesнапрямик (alex_translator)
as a cucumberкак огурчик (Yeldar Azanbayev)
as a hog on iceкак корова на льду (shergilov)
as a knee-jerk reactionрефлекторно (Vic_Ber)
as a part ofв рамках (Елена_С)
as a part ofв ходе (Елена_С)
as a rough guideв качестве общего правила (Andrey Truhachev)
as a rough guideв виде общего правила (Andrey Truhachev)
as a rule of thumbв качестве общего правила (Andrey Truhachev)
as a rule of thumbв виде общего правила (Andrey Truhachev)
as a rule of thumbхарактерно (Liv Bliss)
as a whole ringв целом (Xenia Hell)
as black as a skilletочень чёрный как сковорода (langwitch.ru younenari)
as blind as a batслепой, как крот (igisheva)
as blind as a batслеп как крот (Andrey Truhachev)
as bright as a buttonблистать умственными способностями и энергичностью (Yeldar Azanbayev)
as busy as popcorn on a skilletподвижный (langwitch.ru younenari)
as busy as popcorn on a skilletочень активный (langwitch.ru younenari)
as busy as a beaverпостоянно занят (выражение употребляют в положительном контексте: You are always as busy as a beaver – Ты всегда трудишься, как пчёлка Taras)
as busy as a beaverу него дел по горло (Taras)
as busy as a beaverтрудится как пчёлка (Taras)
as changeable as a weathercockфлюгер (Bobrovska)
as changeable as a weathercockизменчивый (Bobrovska)
as changeable as a weathercockнепостоянный (Bobrovska)
as clean as a whistleчист перед законом (if someone is as clean as a whistle, they are not involved in anything illegal He hasn't got a criminal record – he's clean as a whistle. Clepa)
as cool as a cucumberспокойный как удав (разг. Nyufi)
as cool as a cucumberкак ни в чём не бывало (ART Vancouver)
as crazy as a bed bugчокнутый (The woman's as crazy as a bed bug! ART Vancouver)
as crazy as a crumpetсумасбродный (... and the whole thing was as crazy as a crumpet, but funny in an off-beat sort of way. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
as dead as a dodoуже не существующий, не популярный, не важный (Сибиряков Андрей)
as dead as a stoneтруп (в некоторых контекстах такой перевод будет стилистически оправдан 4uzhoj)
as dead as a stoneбез признаков жизни (идиоматика английского выражения не имеет аналога в русском и в переводе либо опускается, либо передается лексическими средствами)
as dead as a stoneмертвее некуда (devoid of life when applied to people Val_Ships)
as dim as a glow worm's armpitтупой как валенок (Andrey Truhachev)
as drunk as a lordпьян, как сапожник
as dry as a desertочень сухой (VLZ_58)
as dry as a shite in the desertочень сухой (VLZ_58)
as dumb as a stumpглуп как осёл (antonchyk)
as dumb as a stumpглуп как баран (antonchyk)
as dumb as a stumpглуп как пень (antonchyk)
as dumb as a stumpглуп как пробка (antonchyk)
as easy as falling off a logкак дважды два (Taras)
as fit as a fiddleздоров как бык (Азери)
as good as a chocolate teapotтолку как от козла молока (It's as good as a chocolate teapot – От этого толку как от козла молока Taras)
as happy as a clamочень счастливый (senia_m)
as happy as a dog with two tailsочень счастливый (senia_m)
as happy as a larkочень счастливый (senia_m)
as hard as a brickхоть об дорогу бей (Baguettes they sell are as hard as a brick. The crust is awfully hard that you can barely chew it! ART Vancouver)
as high as a kiteпод кайфом (под влиянием алкоголя или наркотиков)
as high as a kiteв приподнятом настроении (под влиянием алкоголя или наркотиков)
as high as a kiteвозбуждённый (под влиянием алкоголя или наркотиков)
as hungry as a hunterголодный как волк
as if a great weight has been rolled off the soulбудто камень с души свалился ('It was as if a great weight had been rolled off the soul.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
as if a great weight has been rolled off the soulкак камень с души свалился ('It was as if a great weight had been rolled off the soul.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
as if a great weight has been rolled off the soulкак будто камень с души свалился ('It was as if a great weight had been rolled off the soul.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
as innocent as a babe unbornневинен как младенец (Johnny Bravo)
as mad as a March Hareабсолютно безумный (безумный как мартовский заяц senia_m)
as mild as a doveкроткий, как овечка (as a lamb)
as pale as a corpseбелый как труп (Александр_10)
as pale as a corpseбледный как смерть (Александр_10)
as plain as a pikestaffясно, как дважды два – четыре
as queer as a clockwork orangeс причудами (Самурай)
as queer as a clockwork orangeстранный (Самурай)
as queer as a cootс причудами (Самурай)
as queer as a cootстранный (Самурай)
as queer as a nine bob noteс причудами (Самурай)
as queer as a three dollar billс причудами (Самурай)
as queer as a three dollar billстранный (Самурай)
as quiet as a mouseкак мышь под веником (Alex_Odeychuk)
as red as a beetrootкрасный как помидор (чаще – от смущения IlonaSun)
as sharp as a marbleтупой как пробка (Some people are about as sharp as a marble. ART Vancouver)
as sharp as a marbleнедалёкий (Some people are about as sharp as a marble. ART Vancouver)
as sharp as a needleбыть чертовски умным (Yeldar Azanbayev)
as silly as a gooseглуп, как пробка
as skinny as a rakeтощий как жердь (Andrey Truhachev)
as skinny as a rakeхудой как скелет (Andrey Truhachev)
as skinny as a rakeхудой как спичка (Andrey Truhachev)
as skinny as a rakeтощий как швабра (Andrey Truhachev)
as skinny as a rakeхудой как швабра (Andrey Truhachev)
as skinny as a rakeхудой как палка (Andrey Truhachev)
as slender as a withyстройная как модель (Andrey Truhachev)
as slender as a withyстройная как кипарис (she Andrey Truhachev)
as slender as a withyстройная как берёзка (Andrey Truhachev)
as slender as a withyстройный как кипарис (he)
as smart as a steel trapпалец в рот не клади (из "Русско-английского фразеолгического словаря переводчика" С.С. Кузьмина VLZ_58)
as smart as a whipочень умный (Mr. Smith was a prompt and successful businessman, "smart as a whip," as the Yankees say. Some men dislike smart as a whip women. Putney Heath)
as smart as a whipобладающий сильным интеллектом (Putney Heath)
as sound as a bellцел и невредим (Andrey Truhachev)
as sound as a bellкак ни в чём не бывало (Andrey Truhachev)
as sound as a bellв добром здравии (Andrey Truhachev)
as sound as a bellжив и здоров (Andrey Truhachev)
as sound as a bellжив-здоров (Andrey Truhachev)
as sound as a bellздоров, как огурчик (Andrey Truhachev)
as sound as a bellздоров как бык (Andrey Truhachev)
as stiff as a pokerсловно проглотил аршин
as stiff as a three-day-old dried up dish towelпрямой как оглобля (VLZ_58)
as stiff as a three-day-old dried up dish towelпрямой как рельса (VLZ_58)
as stiff as a three-day-old dried up dish towelпрямой как шпала (VLZ_58)
as sure as a gunк бабке не ходи (Alex_Odeychuk)
as sure as a gunк гадалке не ходи (VLZ_58)
as sure as a gunкак дважды два (Taras)
as thick as a plankтупой как валенок (Andrey Truhachev)
as thin as a railхудой как велосипед (The expression "skinny/thin as a rail" comes from the fact that all rail species can laterally compress their bodies and walk through the marsh without moving a blade of grass. The Virginia Rail is a reclusive bird of fresh and saltwater marshes, and is usually seen only when it comes out to feed on mudflats. (tn.gov/twra/wildlife/birds/waterbirds/virginia-rail): He eats like a horse, and yet he's as thin as a rail. (Cambridge Dictionary) • Она худая как лисапет, хочется накормить. (из рус. источника) ART Vancouver)
as though one saw it in a crystal ballкак в воду глядел (VLZ_58)
as timid as a hareтруслив как заяц (Andrey Truhachev)
as timid as a hareробкий как олень (Andrey Truhachev)
as timid as a hareпугливый как лань (Andrey Truhachev)
as timid as a hareпугливый как заяц (Andrey Truhachev)
as useful as a chocolate teapotнужен как собаке пятая нога (Bartek2001)
as useful as a chocolate teapotне пришей к дуплу перчатку (говоря о чём-либо неуместном, бесполезном Alex_Odeychuk)
as useless as an udder on a bullкак мёртвому припарки (Aspect)
as useless as an udder on a bullкак зайцу стоп-сигнал (Aspect)
as useless as teats on a bullтолку как с козла молока (Lana Falcon)
as vain as a peacockгордый, как павлин (z484z)
as vain as a peacockважный, как павлин (z484z)
as worthless as tits on a boar hogвыеденного яйца не стоит (vulgar slang ART Vancouver)
be about as useful as tits on a boarпользы как от козла молока (VLZ_58)
be as a bright as a buttonблистать умственными способностями и энергичностью (Yeldar Azanbayev)
be as busy as a beeтрудиться как пчела (Nadiya_K)
be as calm as a catнапугать кота сосиской (Taras)
be as deaf as a postГлухой как тетеря (Сайт BBC)
be as obstinate as a muleвставать в позу (grafleonov)
be as ugly as a mud fenceстрашная, как атомная война (Andrey Truhachev)
be as ugly as a mud fenceстрашнее атомной войны (Andrey Truhachev)
be as ugly as a mud fenceстрашен как смертный грех (Andrey Truhachev)
be as ugly as a mud fenceстрашный, как атомная война (Andrey Truhachev)
be clean as a whistleсверкать (от чистоты: This house needs to be as clean as a whistle before my mother-in-law gets here. • I spent the morning scrubbing my bike until it was clean as a whistle. 4uzhoj)
be dead as a dodoвымереть (Taras)
be dead as a dodoстать неважным (Taras)
be dead as a dodoустареть (син.: (as) dead as a doornail, (as) dead as mutton Taras)
be dead as a dodoвыйти из моды (Taras)
be as ugly as a mud fenceстрашная, как атомная война (Andrey Truhachev)
be as ugly as a mud fenceстрашнее атомной войны (Andrey Truhachev)
be as ugly as a mud fenceстрашен как смертный грех (Andrey Truhachev)
be as ugly as a mud fenceстрашный, как атомная война (Andrey Truhachev)
as black as a ravenчёрный, как ворон (Bobrovska)
as black as a raven's wingчёрный, как вороново крыло (Bobrovska)
as black as a sloeочень чёрный (Bobrovska)
blind as a batслепой как крот (Andrey Truhachev)
blind as a batслеп как крот (Andrey Truhachev)
as blind as a brickbatподслеповатый (Bobrovska)
as blind as a brickbat"слепая курица" (Bobrovska)
as blind as a brickbatсовершенно слепой (Bobrovska)
bright as a buttonс иголочки
as bright as a new pennyс иголочки (Bobrovska)
as bright as a new pennyвсё блестит (Bobrovska)
as bright as a new pennyнарядный (Bobrovska)
as bright as a new pennyчистенький (Bobrovska)
as brisk as a beeшустрый (Bobrovska)
broke as a jokeгол как сокол (whysa)
broke as a jokeнищеброд (SirReal)
broke as a jokeветер гуляет в карманах (NumiTorum)
busy as a beaverтрудолюбивый (Bobrovska)
busy as a beehiveтрудолюбивый (Bobrovska)
busy as a beehiveочень занятый (Bobrovska)
busy as a hen with one chickenочень занятый (Bobrovska)
busy as a hen with one chickenтрудолюбивый (Bobrovska)
busy as a one-armed paperhangerочень занятый (juribt)
clean as a whistleсовершенно (В.И.Макаров)
clean as a whistleпрямо (В.И.Макаров)
clean as a whistleочень ловко (He chopped off the branch, clean as a whistle. В.И.Макаров)
clean as a whistleочень ловко
clean as a whistleчистенький (Of course the deputies knew Los Peñasquitos Canyon. One of them went over and looked at the car. Clean as a whistle. The deputy managed to trick the trunk open. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
clean as a whistleчистый, как стёклышко (musichok)
clean as a whistleчист как младенец (о подозреваемом Taras)
clean as a whistleчисто, как в музее (Aprilen)
clean as a whistleчисто (без нарушения правил dagordan)
clean as a whistleчистый (о подкате в футболе dagordan)
clean as a whistleсовсем (В.И.Макаров)
clean as a whistleначисто (В.И.Макаров)
clear as a bellочень понятный, доступный для понимания (Tarija)
dead as a dodoбезжизненный
dead as a dodoпотухший
dead as a dodoнеактивный
dead as a dodoскучный
dead as a dodoбезнадёжно устаревший
dead as a dodoвсеми забытый
dead as a dodoнеживой
dead as a doornailмертвее некуда (devoid of life when applied to people Val_Ships)
dead as a herringмертвее некуда (devoid of life when applied to people Val_Ships)
deaf as a doorpostглухой как тетеря (Interex)
deaf as a doorpostсовершенно глухой (Stone deaf. Interex)
drunk as a boiled owlпьяный в стельку (The drunkard was as drunk as a boiled owl and laid down on the ground. Wakeful dormouse)
drunk as a skunkпьяный в хлам (Александр_10)
drunk as a skunkвыпасть в осадок (Александр_10)
drunk as a skunkпьяный в драбадан (Александр_10)
drunk as a skunkпьяный в дупель (Александр_10)
drunk as a skunkпьяный в дымину (Александр_10)
drunk as a skunkпьяный в стельку (Александр_10)
dumb as a carpнем как рыба (нем как карп Drozdova)
dumb as a doorknobтупой как сибирский валенок (Баян; Not an error, but I've also heard of "as a sack of hair" and "as a box of rocks (in the rain)." Liv Bliss)
dumb as a doornailнабитый дурак (traduiser)
dumb as a rockтупой как пень (Donald Trump, 2018 Alex_Odeychuk)
dumb as a rockтупой как пробка (Donald Trump, 2018 Alex_Odeychuk)
dumb as a rockтупой как двери (Donald Trump, 2018 Alex_Odeychuk)
dumb as a rockтупой как валенок (Donald Trump, 2018 Alex_Odeychuk)
feel as free as a birdчувствовать себя абсолютно свободным (Jung said, at first, he was floating 1,000 miles above the earth. He felt as free as a bird and about to leave orbit. george serebryakov)
free as a birdвольный как птица (george serebryakov)
free as a birdвольный как ветер (george serebryakov)
fresh as a daisyкак огурчик (Yeldar Azanbayev)
as fussy as a hen with one chickносится, как курица с яйцом
give something as a present to a newbornдарить на зубок (VLZ_58)
give up as a bad jobпоставить крест на (В.И.Макаров)
happy as a clamдоволен как слон (Yeldar Azanbayev)
have a face like a wet weekendвыглядеть угрюмым (MikeMirgorodskiy)
have a face like a wet weekendгрустить (MikeMirgorodskiy)
have a face like a wet weekendбыть растроенным (MikeMirgorodskiy)
have as many lives as a catбыть живучим как кошка (They thought they were rid of him, but he has as many lives as a cat. Helene2008)
having a rest is not the same as having to workотдыхать не работать (and do your best george serebryakov)
he is as pale as a ghostна нём лица нет
he is as sharp as a needleон быстро соображает
he is as white as a ghostна нём лица нет
he is as white as a sheetна нём лица нет
hungry as a hunterголодный как волк (Yeldar Azanbayev)
innocent as a newborn babeневинен как младенец (Andrey Truhachev)
innocent as a newborn babeневинен как дитя (Andrey Truhachev)
know as much about as a pig about pineapplesне знать ни аза (Yeldar Azanbayev)
know as much about as a pig about pineapplesне разбираться в элементарных вещах (Yeldar Azanbayev)
know as much about as a pig about pineapplesкак свинья в апельсинах (Yeldar Azanbayev)
know as much about as a pig about pineapplesбыть круглым невеждой (Yeldar Azanbayev)
know as much as a hog knows about Sundayкак свинья в апельсинах (thefreedictionary.com Lifestruck)
look as if one stepped out of a bandboxиметь щегольской вид (Bobrovska)
look as if one stepped out of a bandboxиметь франтоватый вид (Bobrovska)
look as if one stepped out of a bandboxбыть одетым с иголочки (Bobrovska)
сlumsy as a hog on iceкак корова на льду (shergilov)
make things as clear as a bellразложить по полочкам (VLZ_58)
nutty as a fruitcakeвздорный (Andrey Truhachev)
nutty as a fruitcakeабсурдный (Andrey Truhachev)
nutty as a fruitcakeглуп как пробка (Andrey Truhachev)
nutty as a fruitcakeненормальный (Andrey Truhachev)
nutty as a fruitcakeтупой как валенок (Andrey Truhachev)
nutty as a fruitcakeбезумный (Andrey Truhachev)
nutty as a fruitcakeполоумный (Andrey Truhachev)
nutty as a fruitcakeглуп как баран (Andrey Truhachev)
nutty as a fruitcakeглуп как пень (Andrey Truhachev)
nutty as a fruitcakeглупее некуда (Andrey Truhachev)
nutty as a fruitcakeчуднее не придумаешь (Andrey Truhachev)
nutty as a fruitcakeглуп как сивый мерин (Andrey Truhachev)
only as a protective measureна всякий пожарный случай (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
only as a protective measureна всякий случай (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
perceive as a sibling, and not as an adopteeвоспринимать как полноправного члена семьи, а не как бедного родственника (Alex_Odeychuk)
poor as a church mouseочень бедный (The Browns are poor as church mice Taras)
quick as a whipмгновенно ("... that was when the boy, quick as a whip, snagged my jacket with his hand, and at the same time smiled. I tell you, I will never forget that smile. His teeth, they were like they were made out of metal, gleaming (...)." mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
red as a crayfishкрасный как рак (Drozdova)
red as a tomatoкрасный как рак (Drozdova)
run as a well-oiled machineработать эффективно (snowleopard)
run as a well-oiled machineработать слаженно (snowleopard)
see as a beacon of hopeобнадёживать (It must be seen as a beacon of hope that... – Обнадеживает тот факт, что ... Tiny Tony)
serve as a hub forслужить визитной карточкой (The city serves as a hub for coffee culture sankozh)
sharp as a tackдолго объяснять не приходится (Yeldar Azanbayev)
sharp as a tackза словом в карман не полезет (Yeldar Azanbayev)
sharp as a tackпонятливый (Yeldar Azanbayev)
she is white as a sheetна нём лица нет
sick as a parrotрасстроиться (He was sick as a parrot when his team lost the match Taras)
sick as a parrotчувствовать себя отвратительно (When I heard that Millwall had lost again I felt as sick as a parrot Taras)
smart as a whipсеми пядей во лбу (bigmaxus)
snug as a bug in a rugтепло, светло и мухи не кусают
snug as a bug in a rugтепло, светло и мух нет
snug as a bug in a rugкак у Христа за пазухой (driven)
snug as a bug in a rugблагодать (VLZ_58)
snug as a bug in a rugочень уютно
soft as a baby's bottomочень гладкий, нежный на ощупь (*Also: as ~.) This cloth is as soft as a baby's bottom. The kitten's fur was as soft as down. Your touch is soft as silk. This lotion will make your skin soft as velvet. Victorian)
sound as a bellцелый и невредимый (lust)
speak as if reading from a bookговорить как по писаному (VLZ_58)
stealthy as a shadowбесшумный как тень (capricolya)
stiff as a boardжёсткий как доска (kozelski)
stubborn as a muleупрямый как баран (VLZ_58)
sure as a gunкак дважды два (Taras)
sure as you're a foot highк гадалке не ходи (SirReal)
thick as a brickтупой (Floyd1)
thick as a brickтупой как пробка (о человеке, не отличающимся развитым интеллектом :)) rusil1)
thick as a brickглупый как пробка (VLZ_58)
use as a cat's pawтаскать каштаны из огня чужими руками (Yeldar Azanbayev)
use him as a scapegoatделать из него козла отпущения (Fox News Alex_Odeychuk)
use someone as a cat's pawзагребать жар чужими руками (APN)
watch one as a cat watches a mouseподстерегать, как кошка мышку (Bobrovska)
watch one as a cat watches a mouseсторожить, как кошка мышку (Bobrovska)
welcome as a bastard at a family reunionкому-либо не рады (4uzhoj)
white as a ghostнапуганный (Tarija)
work as a free agentработать на вольных хлебах (VLZ_58)
you might as well be talking to a postс ним каши не сваришь (Варианты взяты из "Русско-английского фразеолгического словаря переводчика" С.С. Кузьмина VLZ_58)