
Terms for subject Sarcastical containing are you | all forms
sure you areну конечно (в ответ на извинение: I'm sorry – Sure you are (с сарказмом) TranslationHelp)
you are in for a surpriseвас ждёт сюрприз (Every battery operated object in the world has one basic problem. The battery wears out. It has to be replaced. Most people know this; but, somehow, the vast amount of EV owners think they are different. Kinda special. It won't happen to them. No way. Well, sorry folks, but you are all in for a surprise. A really expensive surprise. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
you are sadly mistakenк сожалению, вы ошибаетесь (Lonsdale, it is a street, it is for the movement of people and goods, it is where commerce is conducted. Take away the automobile (formally the horse and buggy), and this will cease to happen. If, especially as I age, in the rain, in the winter, you think that I am going to get on my e-scooter to travel there for a medical appointment, perhaps purchase something, or meet friends for a bite, a coffee, well you are sadly mistaken, you are – I would say – a little too high on your obvious hatred for all things car. Extremism has no place in community planning, the greater and realistic good of all should always be the chosen path forward. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)