
Terms for subject Proverb containing and with it | all forms
it goes in one ear and out the other withв одно ухо влетает, а из другого вылетает (someone SergeyL)
it's all over and done withбыло да травой поросло
it's all over and done withчто было, то прошло
it's all over and done withчто с возу упало, то пропало (2)
it's all over and done withчто с воза упало, то и пропало
it's all over and done withчто было, то прошло и быльём поросло
it's all over and done withбыло да быльём поросло
it's best to get unpleasant things over and done with.лучше ужасный конец, чем ужас без конца (Andrey Truhachev)
it's like a skeleton at the feast о you started speaking with delight and finished with a sorry sight!начал за здравие, а кончил за упокой (said about discrepancy between good beginning (e.g., good news, promising situation, words) and bad ending (e.g., later news, one's deeds))
it's like a skeleton at the feast о you started speaking with delight and finished with a sorry sight!начал за здравие, а свёл за упокой (said about discrepancy between good beginning (e.g., good news, promising situation, words) and bad ending (e.g., later news, one's deeds))
let the morn come and the meat with itБог даст день, Бог даст и пищу (things will turn out all right somehow)
let the morn come and the meat with itБог даст день, даст пищу (things will turn out all right somehow)
let the morn come and the meat with itбудет день, будет пища (things will turn out all right somehow)
the morn will come and the meat with itБог даст день, Бог даст и пищу
the morn will come and the meat with itБог даст день, даст пищу
the morn will come and the meat with itбудет день, будет пища
two dogs fight for a bone, and a third runs away with itдве собаки дерутся из-за косточки, а третья с ней убегает
we have nothing to do with it and it has nothing to do with usмоё дело сторона
we have nothing to do with it and it has nothing to do with usнаше дело сторона
you want to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, don't you? it means to be on both sides of the fenceи нашим и вашим под одну дуду спляшем (used as a critical remark to mean: vou (they, etc) act as an opportunist and a person without principles who is ready to please anyone, to work for both sides)
you want to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, don't you? it means to be on both sides of the fence or to serve two masters, doesn't it?и нашим и вашим (used as a critical remark to mean: vou (they, etc) act as an opportunist and a person without principles who is ready to please anyone, to work for both sides)
you want to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, don't you? it means to serve two masters, doesn't it?и нашим и вашим под одну дуду спляшем (contrast:. one cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. No man can serve two masters)