
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing am | all forms | exact matches only
A city that parleys is half gottenОсаждённый город двоемыслен (ROGER YOUNG)
A city that parleys is half gottenГород, желающий вступить в переговоры, на полпути к сдаче (ROGER YOUNG)
Agreement with Russia is worth nothing more than the price of the paper on which it is writtenдоговор с Россией стоит не дороже бумаги, на которой он подписан (amorgen)
all is grist that comes to his millон ничем не брезгует (VLZ_58)
am I right or am I rightнеопровержимая истина (Interex)
and that's allи вся недолга (Супру)
and that's itи дело в шляпе (Abysslooker)
and that's that on thatи на этом – все (Ivan Pisarev)
and that's the name of the gameи это всё, что имеет значение в данном случае (Everybody believes it, and that's the name of the game. APN)
and that was the last that was ever seen of himпоминай, как звали
be a game changerсовершенно изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be a game changerполностью изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be a game changerкоренным образом изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be a game changerкардинально изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be a game changerрадикально изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be a game changerцеликом и полностью изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be a game changerв корне изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be able to spot someone just like thatиметь глаз на (Some people try to get out of jury duty by lying. You don't have to lie. Tell the judge the truth. Tell him you'd make a terrific juror because you can spot guilty people just like that! flavorwire.com 4uzhoj)
be an absolute priorityбыть превыше всего (for someone: safety is my absolute priority sankozh)
be at oddsбыть на ножах (Abysslooker)
be at oddsвряд ли быть в состоянии (сделать что-то tavost)
be at the top of one's gameбыть лучшим в своём деле (jouris-t)
be bet at oddsвряд ли быть в состоянии (сделать что-то tavost)
be big of smbбыть великодушным с чьей-то стороны (Scarlett_dream)
be big of smbбыть благородным с чьей-то стороны (Scarlett_dream)
be born under a lucky starродиться в сорочке (4uzhoj)
be completely at a lossвпасть в ступор (MichaelBurov)
be down that this road beforeпроходить (I have been down that road before – Я уже это проходил Гевар)
be in and outто приезжать, то уезжать (ART Vancouver)
be in one's cornerбыть на чьей-либо стороне (букв. "находиться в чьем-либо углу ринга" LisLoki)
be in one's cornerоказывать кому-либо помощь и поддержку (букв. "находиться в чьем-либо углу ринга" LisLoki)
be in keeping withприходиться к месту (Abysslooker)
be in keeping withбыть под стать (They were remarkably in keeping with the general ambience of the saloon. Abysslooker)
be in tattersдышать на ладан (Abysslooker)
be "on fire"бить рекорды (bloomberg.com Alex_Odeychuk)
be on top ofбыть в курсе (She's on top of this issue. joyand)
be on top of the worldнаходиться на вершине блаженства (Andrey Truhachev)
be on top of the worldнаходиться на седьмом небе (Andrey Truhachev)
be on top of the worldнаходиться на вершине счастья (Andrey Truhachev)
be on top of the worldбыть вне себя от счастья (Andrey Truhachev)
be on top of the worldнаходиться на верху блаженства (Andrey Truhachev)
be onto sth.найти что-л. особенное (having done or discovered something important, special, etc. (Merriam-Webster) ||| также be onto a winner: "I think she's onto a real winner with this song.(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English): This formaldehyde test looks really interesting. You know, you might be onto something here. ART Vancouver)
be onto sth.найти что-л. подходящее (having done or discovered something important, special, etc. (Merriam-Webster) ||| также be onto a good thing: If I could convince my dad, I knew I was on to something. He hates going on vacation anywhere else but his parents' farm in Nova Scotia. ART Vancouver)
be onto sth.найти то, что нужно (having done or discovered something important, special, etc.: "When the crowd responded to the show so positively, we realized we were onto something." (Merriam-Webster): If I could convince my dad, I knew I was on to something. He hates going on vacation anywhere else but his parents' farm in Manitoba. ART Vancouver)
be onto sth.найти что-л. интересное (также be onto a good thing -- to have discovered or produced something new and interesting: "With the new show, we were onto something big." (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) ART Vancouver)
be onto sth.открыть что-л. ценное (также be onto a winner: "I think she's onto a real winner with this song. (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English): This formaldehyde test looks really interesting. You know, you might be onto something here. ART Vancouver)
be onto sth.открыть что-л. важное (having done or discovered something important, special, etc. (Merriam-Webster): Speaking of the pandemic fears, Prof. Hadden was definitely onto something about how the government messes with the heads of ordinary people.) ART Vancouver)
be onto sth.найти что-л. новое (to have discovered or produced something new and interesting: "With the new show, we were onto something big." (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English): Speaking of the pandemic fears, Prof. Hadden was definitely onto something about how the government messes with the heads of ordinary people. • This formaldehyde test looks really interesting. You know, you might be onto something here. ART Vancouver)
be onto sth.найти что-л. важное (having done or discovered something important, special, etc. (Merriam-Webster): Speaking of the pandemic fears, Prof. Hadden was definitely onto something about how the government messes with the heads of ordinary people. ART Vancouver)
be onto sth.напасть на что-л. стоящее (также be onto a good thing -- having done or discovered something important, special, etc.: "When the crowd responded to the show so positively, we realized we were onto something." (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
be out and aboutездить по городу (Our Snow Day has turned to a Slush Day. I have been out and about today but now that the slush is all freezing, I know my limits. Car stays parked. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
be perfectly honestесли говорить начистоту (VLZ_58)
be sitting on top of the worldнаходиться на вершине счастья (Andrey Truhachev)
be sitting on top of the worldбыть вне себя от счастья (Andrey Truhachev)
be sitting on top of the worldнаходиться на седьмом небе (Andrey Truhachev)
be sitting on top of the worldбыть на седьмом небе (Andrey Truhachev)
be sitting on top of the worldбыть очень счастливым (Yeldar Azanbayev)
be under the radarпропасть с радаров (MichaelBurov)
be up to no goodиметь нехорошие намерения (Taras)
be up your street UK, be up your alleyUSэто по вашей части (That would be right up your street. firefly_s)
been there done thatнатыкаться на те же грабли (Yeldar Azanbayev)
been there done thatзнаем-плавали (Yeldar Azanbayev)
believe that luck is on one's sideверить в счастливую звезду (VLZ_58)
believe that one was born under a lucky starверить в счастливую звезду (VLZ_58)
bend to sb.'s willпрогнуться под кого-л. (“After the municipal election, the province said that we had the option to put forward a plan to keep the RCMP. It is now clear that the province had other plans in mind. This government does not have the right to run roughshod on every local government that doesn’t bend to their will.” citynews.ca ART Vancouver)
bend to sb.'s willподчиняться чьей-л. воле (“After the municipal election, the province said that we had the option to put forward a plan to keep the RCMP. It is now clear that the province had other plans in mind. This government does not have the right to run roughshod on every local government that doesn’t bend to their will.” citynews.ca ART Vancouver)
Bob is your uncleдело в шляпе (rasskazov)
but that's not to sayно это не значит, что (VLZ_58)
by all that's blueчёрт возьми! (makhno)
by all that's blueклянусь чем угодно! (makhno)
chaotic 1990sлихие 90-е (Ivan Pisarev)
chaotic 1990sлихие девяностые (Ivan Pisarev)
chutzpah is the key to successнаглость — второе счастье
expectations are not fulfilledожидания были разбиты (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations are not fulfilledожидания рухнули (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations are not fulfilledожидания не совпадают с реальностью (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations are not fulfilledожидания не были оправданы (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations are not fulfilledожидания были разрушены (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations are not fulfilledожидания не оправдались (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations are not metожидания были разбиты (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations are not metожидания не были оправданы (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations are not metожидания не совпадают с реальностью (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations are not metожидания были разрушены (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations are not metожидания рухнули (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations are not metожидания не оправдались (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were dashedожидания не совпадают с реальностью (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were dashedожидания не были оправданы (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were dashedожидания были разрушены (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were dashedожидания были разбиты (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were dashedожидания рухнули (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were dashedожидания не оправдались (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not fulfilledожидания были разбиты (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not fulfilledожидания не были оправданы (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not fulfilledожидания были разрушены (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not fulfilledожидания не совпадают с реальностью (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not fulfilledожидания рухнули (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not fulfilledожидания не оправдались (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not justifiedожидания не были оправданы (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not justifiedожидания не совпадают с реальностью (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not justifiedожидания были разрушены (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not justifiedожидания рухнули (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not justifiedожидания были разбиты (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not justifiedожидания не оправдались (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not metожидания рухнули (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not metожидания не совпадают с реальностью (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not metожидания были разбиты (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not metожидания не были оправданы (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not metожидания были разрушены (Ivan Pisarev)
expectations were not metожидания не оправдались (Ivan Pisarev)
the first day of the first year of school, that's coolв первый раз в первый класс (VLZ_58)
for one that is missing there is no spoiling a weddingсемеро одного не ждут
for that reason, it is here it stayпо этой причине оно остаётся актуальным (Alex_Odeychuk)
for the love of all that is holyради всего святого (Vadim Rouminsky)
for the love of all that is holyво имя всего святого (Vadim Rouminsky)
for the sake of all that is holyради всего святого (Vadim Rouminsky)
for the sake of all that is holyво имя всего святого (Vadim Rouminsky)
handsome is as handsome doesсудят по делам, а не по словам
handsome is that handsome doesсудят по делам, а не по словам
happiness shared is happiness doubledсчастье умножается, если им делиться (Радость умножается, если ею делиться Belk)
heavy is the head that wears the crownтяжела ты шапка Мономаха (Taras)
heavy is the head that wears the crownтяжела ты царская корона (Taras)
heavy is the head that wears the crownнет покоя голове в венце (Taras)
his nose is not clean in that matterу него рыльце в пуху (VLZ_58)
hopes are not fulfilledнадежды были разбиты (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes are not fulfilledнадежды были разрушены (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes are not fulfilledнадежды не совпадают с реальностью (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes are not fulfilledнадежды не были оправданы (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes are not fulfilledнадежды рухнули (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes are not fulfilledнадежды не оправдались (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes are not metнадежды были разбиты (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes are not metнадежды были разрушены (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes are not metнадежды не были оправданы (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes are not metнадежды не совпадают с реальностью (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes are not metнадежды рухнули (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes are not metнадежды не оправдались (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes have not been metнадежды не были оправданы (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes have not been metнадежды были разрушены (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes have not been metнадежды рухнули (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes have not been metнадежды были разбиты (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes have not been metнадежды не совпадают с реальностью (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes have not been metнадежды не оправдались (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were dashedнадежды были разбиты (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were dashedнадежды были разрушены (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were dashedнадежды не совпадают с реальностью (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were dashedнадежды не были оправданы (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were dashedнадежды рухнули (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were dashedнадежды не оправдались (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not fulfilledнадежды были разбиты (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not fulfilledнадежды были разрушены (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not fulfilledнадежды не совпадают с реальностью (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not fulfilledнадежды рухнули (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not fulfilledнадежды не были оправданы (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not fulfilledнадежды не оправдались (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not justifiedнадежды были разбиты (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not justifiedнадежды рухнули (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not justifiedнадежды были разрушены (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not justifiedнадежды не совпадают с реальностью (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not justifiedнадежды не были оправданы (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not justifiedнадежды не оправдались (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not metнадежды были разбиты (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not metнадежды не были оправданы (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not metнадежды не совпадают с реальностью (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not metнадежды были разрушены (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not metнадежды рухнули (Ivan Pisarev)
hopes were not metнадежды не оправдались (Ivan Pisarev)
how's that?что вы сказали? (How's that? I didn't quite hear you. VLZ_58)
how's that?по какой причине? (VLZ_58)
how's that?повторите, пожалуйста (VLZ_58)
how's that?как насчёт...? (How's that for an appale? VLZ_58)
how's that?как так? (VLZ_58)
how's that?не хотите ли...? (VLZ_58)
how's thatпочему? (УIf you were planning on looking at the place today, you may be disappointed.Ф УHow's that?Ф VLZ_58)
hungry man is an angry manголодный мужчина-злой мужчина (Yeldar Azanbayev)
I am a bumpkinКуда мне лаптем щи хлебать (VLZ_58)
I am a yokelКуда мне лаптем щи хлебать (VLZ_58)
I am at my wit's endУма не приложу (ART Vancouver)
I am at my wit's endНичего не понимаю (ART Vancouver)
I am completely frustratedcил моих больше нет (sankozh)
I am far fromя далёк от мысли (VLZ_58)
I am honouredдля меня является честью (to + infinitive;: I am honoured to accept this award on behalf of all of our members. ART Vancouver)
I am honoured + infдля меня является большой честью (I am honoured to accept this award on behalf of all of our members. ART Vancouver)
I am not happy withпо моему мнению, ... – не фонтан (Alex_Odeychuk)
I am sick to death of him!в белых тапочках и в гробу я его видел! (academic.ru VLZ_58)
insolence is the key to successнаглость — второе счастье
is not in disputeне обсуждается (votono)
is that what they're calling it now?это так теперь называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Apparently, the new album is meant to be an homage to the Beatles." B: "Is that what they're calling it now, an 'homage'? Because to me it's just a no-talent hack ripping off a bunch of the Beatles' most famous songs." thefreedictionary.com 'More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так теперь называют? ('More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так сейчас называют? ('More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так сейчас называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Apparently, the new album is meant to be an homage to the Beatles." B: "Is that what they're calling it now, an 'homage'? Because to me it's just a no-talent hack ripping off a bunch of the Beatles' most famous songs." 'More)
is that what they're calling it these days?это так теперь называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Where did Paula and Jason go?" B: "They said they were going back to Jason's apartment to study." A: "Oh, is that what they're calling it these days? In my day we called it 'hooking up'!" thefreedictionary.com 'More)
is that what they're calling it these days?это так сейчас называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Where did Paula and Jason go?" B: "They said they were going back to Jason's apartment to study." A: "Oh, is that what they're calling it these days? In my day we called it 'hooking up'!" thefreedictionary.com 'More)
is the wind at that doorтак вот куда ветер дует (Yeldar Azanbayev)
is well underwayполным ходом идёт (ART Vancouver)
it is not at all a stretch of the imagination to think thatне будет вольностью предположить, что (While there is no proof of a nuts-and-bolts UFO in the skies over the America-Canada border area on the afternoon of the 12th February 1954, given what we know of such incidents, including just how many UFO sightings take place in the state of Washington, it is not at all a stretch of the imagination to think that what ultimately led the young man to his death that morning was an “intercept” mission as opposed to pilot error on an instrument checking mission. (ufoinsight.com) • Так что не будет вольностью предположить, что в каких-нибудь архивах дальних стран можно будет найти и имя владельца этой загородной резиденции. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
it's a big dealэто многого стоит (Alex_Odeychuk)
it's a big dealэто много значит (Alex_Odeychuk)
it's a bit of a long shot, butдовольно мало шансов, но попробую (I know it’s a bit of a long shot, but we were parked from 7:45am to 8:15am on near the intersection Semlin and Triumph, a white SUV. Someone side swiped us during that time and it’s a $500 deductible, unless we have footage or a witness of the incident. Hoping maybe someone in the area might have footage of the incident, it would greatly help. Definitely a bit of a bummer for the day :( (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
it's a bit of a long shot, butмаловероятно, что получится, но попробую (I know it’s a bit of a long shot, but we were parked from 7:45am to 8:15am on near the intersection Semlin and Triumph, a white SUV. Someone side swiped us during that time and it’s a $500 deductible, unless we have footage or a witness of the incident. Hoping maybe someone in the area might have footage of the incident, it would greatly help. Definitely a bit of a bummer for the day :( (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
it's finger-licking goodвкусно так, что пальчики оближешь (Alex_Odeychuk)
it was the talk of the townоб этом говорили все в городе (It was the talk of the town in February of 2022.  ART Vancouver)
Kuzma's motherкузькина мать (Literally, "the mother of a little (or insignificant) Kuzma". Diminutive. Vadim Rouminsky)
life is so awfully off-course that it can't get any worseдела как сажа бела (george serebryakov)
measure another man's foot by one's own lastсудить по себе (to judge others by one's own standards or experiences redkiwiapp.com)
might be a long shot, butшансов мало, но попробую (попробую что-л. – напр., получить ответ на вопрос): Might be a long shot, but I woke up with intense hives over my body and am wondering if anyone else is having the same problem. I’ve never had this before, and haven’t used any new products or done anything differently lately, except going swimming at English Bay beach yesterday for the first time in a month. Is it possible the water wasn’t safe and they just hadn’t tested it yet? (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
my bet is thatуверен, что (Alex_Odeychuk)
my hands are tiedу меня нет выбора (mikhailbushin)
my Roman Empire isчасто думать о чём-то или о ком-то (My Roman Empire is a vacation in Montenegro – Я частенько думаю об отдыхе в Черногории. • After that event, his Roman Empire was Elis – После того случая его мысли были только об Элис. knowyourmeme.com AndreasWandersmann)
nothing could be as bad as thatэто ни в какие ворота не лезет (VLZ_58)
nothing could be as bad as thatэто переходит всякие границы (VLZ_58)
nothing could be as bad as thatдальше ехать некуда (VLZ_58)
now that's just typicalвот так всегда (grafleonov)
on shanks's ponyна одиннадцатом номере ('More)
one possibility is thatВозможен такой вариант
people that are dumb as rocksтупые как валенки (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
piss off early, tomorrow's Saturdayпятница (буквально "линяй пораньше, завтра суббота", см. multitran.com Abysslooker)
procure AK-47s"точить топоры" (англ. словосочетание взято из статьи в газете New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
prove that black is white and white blackдоказывать, что чёрное-белое, а белое-чёрное (пытаться доказать абсурдные вещи Bobrovska)
say that ... is inaccurateГоворить, что ... -неправильно (Himera)
on shanks's ponyна своих двоих (in British English – or US and Canadian shanks's mare (ˈʃæŋksɪz), noun, informal – one's own legs as a means of transportation : From here, the only transport is mule or shanks's pony. Taras)
so that no one thinks that life is all beer and skittlesчтобы жизнь мёдом не казалась (VLZ_58)
so that no one thinks that life is all wine and rosesчтобы жизнь мёдом не казалась (VLZ_58)
so that no one thinks that life is just a bed of rosesчтобы жизнь мёдом не казалась (VLZ_58)
so that one does not think that life is all beer and skittlesчтобы жизнь мёдом не казалась (VLZ_58)
so that one does not think that life is all wine and rosesчтобы жизнь мёдом не казалась (VLZ_58)
so that one does not think that life is just a pleasure cruiseчтобы жизнь мёдом не казалась (VLZ_58)
straw that breaks the camel's backпоследняя капля, переполнившая чашу терпенья (Yeldar Azanbayev)
sure as eggs is eggsясно как белый день (VLZ_58)
take, for God's sake, my piece of moldy cakeна тебе, убоже, что мне негоже (Melaryon)
take, for God's sake, my piece of moldy cakeна тебе, боже, что мне негоже (Melaryon)
that hasn't been so fantasticэто было не фонтан (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
that hasn't been so fantastic, has it?это было не фонтан, правда? (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
that is another bookне в ту степь (Himera)
that is another bookречь не об этом (Himera)
that is night and dayэто небо и земля (Говорят про явные отличия z484z)
that is no good at allкуда как хорошо (Супру)
that is old news!это старая песня (Andrey Truhachev)
that is old news!это старо как прошлогодний снег (Andrey Truhachev)
that is old news!это давно известно (Andrey Truhachev)
that is old news!это старая пластинка (Andrey Truhachev)
that is over the oddsэтот номер не пройдёт (VLZ_58)
that is something utterly irrelevantне пришей к дуплу перчатку (Alex_Odeychuk)
that's a big dealэто многого стоит (Alex_Odeychuk)
that's a big dealэто большое дело (Alex_Odeychuk)
that's a big dealэто много значит (Alex_Odeychuk)
that's a fine how-d'ye-do!весёленькая история! (VLZ_58)
that's a fine how-d'ye-do!вот тебе на! (VLZ_58)
that's a fine how-d'ye-do!вот тебе раз! (VLZ_58)
that's a mug's gameне на того напали
that's a nice how-d'ye-do!вот тебе на! (VLZ_58)
that's a nice how-d'ye-do!весёленькая история! (VLZ_58)
that's a nice how-d'ye-do!вот тебе раз! (VLZ_58)
that's a pretty how-d'ye-do!вот тебе на! (VLZ_58)
that's a pretty how-d'ye-do!весёленькая история! (VLZ_58)
that's a pretty how-d'ye-do!вот тебе раз! (VLZ_58)
that's a turn-up for the booksкто бы мог подумать (Well, that's a turn-up for the books – I never thought he'd get the job. • Well this is a turn-up for the books. After almost four years of banging the BlackBerry 10 drum it seems the Canadian firm has finally admitted defeat, launching its first Android smartphone. 4uzhoj)
that's all she wroteвот и всё (That's all she wrote for the defending champions, who fall just short of bringing home the title a second time. VLZ_58)
that's all she wroteэто всё (I'm sorry, Ben, but the board's decision is final. That's all she wrote, I'm afraid.)
that's all she wroteвсё (I get five short beeps when the machine starts to boot, and then that's all she wrote. • All you have to do is point and shoot and that's all she wrote. • The courtroom is in stitches and the judge was trying hard not to smile at that. "Is that it, Mr. Ferramonte?" "That's all she fucking wrote, your Honor." • That's all she wrote for now. • And that's all she wrote for today, folks, because it's time for me to go. 4uzhoj)
that's an awful tragedyэто ужасная трагедия (Mr Stockbridge said: "Someone died and I had a new heart and really, that's an awful tragedy, but it's a fact of life. • Her life was cut short, and that's an awful tragedy, but while she was alive, I don't think she was horridly mistreated or psychologically tormented.)
that's another pair of shoesэто совсем другое дело
that's dead and buriedэто уже давно быльём поросло (Andrey Truhachev)
that's easy for you to sayтебе легко говорить (That's easy for you to say, because you don't have kids. Alexey_Yunoshev)
that's finalсказал как отрезал (VLZ_58)
that's fine with meя согласен (Acruxia)
that's for sure!это как пить дать (Andrey Truhachev)
that's history nowэто в прошлом (visitor)
that's how I rollя такой (yurbel)
that's how it goesтакие дела (Ivan Pisarev)
that's how it goesвот такие пироги с котятами (george serebryakov)
That's how the other half lives!Живут же люди! (42admirer)
that's jaw-dropping!просто нет слов! (Andrey Truhachev)
that's just typicalвот так всегда (grafleonov)
that's life!селяви! (Andrey Truhachev)
that's life!такова жизнь! (Andrey Truhachev)
that's lifeвот такие пироги
that's money down the drainне в коня корм (VLZ_58)
that's not saying muchНевелика заслуга (that's not saying much, idiom, used to indicate that a fact, achievement, etc., is not unusual or impressive: He is a better golfer than me, but that's not saying much (because I'm not a good golfer). merriam-webster.com sea holly)
that's not something you would see every dayтакое не каждый день увидишь (Ivan Pisarev)
that's not the shape of my heartэто не по мне (Alex_Odeychuk)
that's not up to meмоё дело маленькое (Taras)
that's not worth mentioningоб этом не стоит и говорить (Andrey Truhachev)
that's nothing to sneeze at.это вам не фунт изюму (Andrey Truhachev)
that's nothing to sneeze at.это тебе не фунт изюму (Andrey Truhachev)
that's old hat!это старый анекдот! (Andrey Truhachev)
that's old hat!это старая пластинка (Andrey Truhachev)
that's old hat!это старо как прошлогодний снег (Andrey Truhachev)
that's old hat!это старая песня (Andrey Truhachev)
that's out of lineни в какие ворота не лезет ('You ought to be ashamed of yourself,' I said. 'Pulling guns and knives on people that are just looking for a place to live. Even for these times that's out of line.' (Raymond Chandler) -- Даже по нынешним временам это не лезет ни в какие ворота. ART Vancouver)
that's outrageous!это не лезет ни в какие ворота! (Разг. Неодобр. Что-либо никуда не годится, не выдерживает никакой критики. Andrey Truhachev)
that's perfectly fineвсё идёт как по маслу (Alex_Odeychuk)
that's saying a lotэто говорит о многом (VLZ_58)
that's the dealioвот такие пироги (godsmack1980)
that's the mess we are inвот такие пироги
that's the pot is calling the kettle blackуж кто бы говорил (Taras)
that's the pot is calling the kettle blackкто бы говорил (Taras)
that's the ticket!Точно! (Koto2014)
that's the way it isимеем то, что имеем (grafleonov)
that's the way the cookie crumblesвот такая вот фигня (BrinyMarlin)
that's the way the cookie crumblesвот такая петрушка (BrinyMarlin)
that's the way the cookie crumblesвсё бывает
that's the way the cookie crumblesтакие вот дела (Drozdova)
that's the way the cookie crumblesвот такие пироги с котятами (Drozdova)
that's the way the cookie crumblesсе ля ви (Баян)
that's the way the cookie crumblesвот такие пироги (вот такие дела; that's the way it goes (often said of things that go badly) Баян)
that's the way the cookie crumblesвот такие пирожки с котятами
that's typicalвот так всегда (grafleonov)
that's water over the damэто дело прошлое
that's what all the fuss is aboutвот отчего сыр-бор загорелся
that's what all the fuss is aboutвот откуда сыр-бор разгорелся
that's what all the fuss is aboutвот отчего сыр-бор разгорелся
that's what all the fuss is aboutвот откуда сыр-бор загорелся
that's what I keep telling everyone!вот об этом я и говорю! (Himera)
that's what I keep telling everyone!а я о чём? (Himera)
that's what it all boils down toвот где собака зарыта (4uzhoj)
that's where the trouble liesвот где собака зарыта (upws)
that's your tough luckчто ж, тебе не повезло ("More chicken littles running around screaming their heads off. Relax people, you're all going to be long dead before you ever have to worry about rising sea levels." "So your response is this: I'm all right, Jack, and if you're unlucky enough to be around after I'm gone, that's your tough luck. Do you have kids? I doubt it. Otherwise you might spare a thought for what kind of world they're going to live in." (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
that was a box that opened of itselfа ларчик просто открывался (Taras)
that was a lifetime ago.сто лет прошло с тех пор (Andrey Truhachev)
that was a lifetime ago.это было в прошлой жизни (Andrey Truhachev)
that was a lifetime ago.это было ещё при царе горохе (Andrey Truhachev)
that was a lifetime ago.сто лет в обед (Andrey Truhachev)
that was as stupid as you can getдурнее не придумаешь (Andrey Truhachev)
that was as stupid as you can getкурам на смех (Andrey Truhachev)
that was as stupid as you can getглупее не придумаешь (Andrey Truhachev)
that was out of my handsя ничего не могла поделать (Alex_Odeychuk)
that was out of my handsя ничего не мог поделать (Alex_Odeychuk)
that was out of my handsя ничего не могла сделать (Alex_Odeychuk)
that was out of my handsя ничего не мог сделать (Alex_Odeychuk)
that was the beginning of the strifeвот откуда сыр-бор разгорелся
that was the beginning of the strifeвот отчего сыр-бор разгорелся
that was the beginning of the strifeвот откуда сыр-бор загорелся
that was the beginning of the strifeвот отчего сыр-бор загорелся
that would be an alien idea to meя далёк от мысли (VLZ_58)
the bottom line is thatв сухом остатке остаётся, что (Alex_Odeychuk)
the bottom line is thatв сухом остатке осталось то, что (Alex_Odeychuk)
the odds areпо всей вероятности (something is likely to happen (Merriam-Webster): The odds are we'll see a quarter point hike. ART Vancouver)
the odds areвероятно (something is likely to happen (Merriam-Webster): The odds are we'll see a quarter point hike. ART Vancouver)
the party is overлафа закончилась (Virtually all jobs created today are government jobs. We are literally blowing billions of dollars to service the growing debt. This is unsustainable! Dude, the party is over. Now you'll experience the mother of all hangovers. It's so funny how Trudeau lectures African leaders on how to tame inflation – austerity – while at home he won't take his own advice. Instead, he watches our hospitals, schools collapse, our military is crumbling, poverty is rising, jobs are disappearing. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
the powers that beвласть имущие
the rule of thumb is thatкак правило (Millennials (born 1985-2004) are the largest generation ever born in America (88 million) and even outnumber the Boomers. He suggested they influenced the outcome of the recent presidential election, as some 16 million new voters entered the ranks in 2020, while some 8 million older voters died off. The rule of thumb, according to Gronbach, is that younger voters tend to be more liberal, and older ones more conservative. coasttocoastam.com)
the straw that broke the camel's backрешающий фактор (the seemingly minor or routine action which causes an unpredictably large and sudden reaction Val_Ships)
there is a notion thatбытует такое мнение, что (Ivan Pisarev)
there is a wrinkle in thatПравда, есть одно но
there is no good deed that goes unpunishedни одно доброе лео не остаётся безнаказанным (Yeldar Azanbayev)
there is no rule without an exceptionнет правила без исключения
there's more where that came fromТо ли ещё будет
there's no cure for thatот этого нет лекарства
there's thatнужно признать, что это так ('She'll be madder than a wet hen!' 'Yes, there's that.' ART Vancouver)
there's thatникуда от этого не деться ('She'll be madder than a wet hen!' 'Yes, there's that.' ART Vancouver)
there's thatэто нужно учитывать ('She'll be madder than a wet hen!' 'Yes, there's that.' ART Vancouver)
there's two sides to that coinу этого вопроса есть и другая сторона (Alex_Odeychuk)
this is probably a long shot butмаловероятно, что получится, но попробую (This is probably a long shot but I lost a necklace with a lot of sentimental value. It’s a gold necklace with a cross pendant and I think the chain might have broken and fell off. I believe I lost it near Cliff Ave & Broadway around 4AM on Sunday May 19, 2024. If anyone found it please let me know. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
this is probably a long shot butшансов мало, но попробую (This is probably a long shot but I lost a necklace with a lot of sentimental value. It’s a gold necklace with a cross pendant and I think the chain might have broken and fell off. I believe I lost it near Cliff Ave & Broadway around 4AM on Sunday May 19, 2024. If anyone found it please let me know. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
this was something not lost on sb.это понял, поняли (Quite certain the object was not a United States aircraft, the control tower was collectively shocked when at 8:24 pm a response came back. And what’s more, the code it offered was indeed the correct one. Making the encounter even more concerning was the fact that the object, or whatever the intelligence was behind it, would respond with several more correct and appropriate codes. This was something not lost on those in the three different control towers currently tracking the strange and unknown object. If those that were behind the UFOs increasingly witnessed around the United States had access to such secret codes, it meant that air defense was essentially ineffective. And air space could be breached easily. (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver)
we are fighting against all oddsвсё против нас (Alex_Odeychuk)
what is the oddsкакая разница? (Yeldar Azanbayev)
when taking the tug don't say I am powerlessвзялся за гуж – не говори, что не дюж (Yeldar Azanbayev)
when you feel that you are jealous, try to remain calm. Do not start a fight and create a sceneкогда вы испытываете чувство ревности, старайтесь сохранять спокойствие. Не начинайте ссору и не устраивайте сцену (Alexey Lebedev)
where something is thin, that's where it tearsгде тонко, там и рвётся (Yeldar Azanbayev)
which is a circumstance that I cannot allowчто недопустимо (Himera)
wild 1990sлихие 90-е (Ivan Pisarev)
wild 1990sлихие девяностые (Ivan Pisarev)
wouldn't be seen inникогда не сделал/сделала чего-то, в сослагательном наклонении я бы никогда не., стрёмно делать что-то (требует после себя существительного или герундия: I wouldn't be seen dead wearing a dress like that cambridge.org ugolek)
you don't understand, it's another matterвы не понимаете, это другое! (Russian meme; a sarcastic reference to double standards; often shortened to "это другое!": И фраза у таких вот любителей двойных стандартов есть универсальная: вы не понимаете – это другое! Эта фраза действительно универсальная, потому что ею можно оправдать всё что угодно. Своего рода палочка-выручалочка, взмахнул – и как с гуся вода. Она же божья роса. • Это другое. МОК обесчеловечил российских спортсменов и впрягся за израильских. Двойные стандарты во всей красе. • Но в целом посыл верный: "это другое" нынче визитная карточка и жизненное кредо запада. km.ru 'More)
you don't understand, that is a different matterвы не понимаете, это другое! (Russian meme; a sarcastic reference to double standards; often shortened to "это другое!": И фраза у таких вот любителей двойных стандартов есть универсальная: вы не понимаете – это другое! Эта фраза действительно универсальная, потому что ею можно оправдать всё что угодно. Своего рода палочка-выручалочка, взмахнул – и как с гуся вода. Она же божья роса. • Это другое. МОК обесчеловечил российских спортсменов и впрягся за израильских. Двойные стандарты во всей красе. • Но в целом посыл верный: "это другое" нынче визитная карточка и жизненное кредо запада. km.ru 'More)
you don't understand, that is another matterвы не понимаете, это другое! (Russian meme; a sarcastic reference to double standards; often shortened to "это другое!": И фраза у таких вот любителей двойных стандартов есть универсальная: вы не понимаете – это другое! Эта фраза действительно универсальная, потому что ею можно оправдать всё что угодно. Своего рода палочка-выручалочка, взмахнул – и как с гуся вода. Она же божья роса. • Это другое. МОК обесчеловечил российских спортсменов и впрягся за израильских. Двойные стандарты во всей красе. • Но в целом посыл верный: "это другое" нынче визитная карточка и жизненное кредо запада. km.ru 'More)
your money is no good hereваш заказ за счёт заведения (AlSeNo)