
Terms for subject Informal containing all-up | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
all dressed up and nowhere to goкак дурак с вымытой шеей (говорится о человеке, который очень долго занимался своей внешностью, готовясь к важному для него мероприятию, которое... сорвалось readerplus)
all the puddles dried upвсе лужи повысохли (of some or a few)
all the way up throughвплоть до (о времени Technical)
all upкапут (indecl; used as adj or adv)
all upкап (indecl; used as adj or adv)
all worked upвзволнованный, эмоционально возбуждённый (josephinepas)
be all washed-upвконец обессилеть (Andrey Truhachev)
be all washed-upсовсем измочалиться (Andrey Truhachev)
be all washed-upполностью вымотаться (Andrey Truhachev)
be all washed-upсовсем обессилеть (Andrey Truhachev)
be all washed-upвконец измотаться (Andrey Truhachev)
be all washed-upвконец вымотаться (Andrey Truhachev)
be all washed-upсовершенно вымотаться (Andrey Truhachev)
be all washed-upсовсем вымотаться (Andrey Truhachev)
be all washed-upбыть на пределе сил (Andrey Truhachev)
call up all friendsперезвонить всем друзьям
call up all friendsперезванивать всем друзьям
dig up all the detailsразыскивать все подробности (the man's past, etc., и т.д.)
dig up all the detailsраскапывать все подробности (the man's past, etc., и т.д.)
get all bunged upв лепёшку расшибаться (Enrica)
get all bunged upиз кожи вон лезть (Enrica)
get all jacked up onзацикливаться на (I wish you well but amps are like women : there's millions of them don't get all jacked up on just one. • Before you get all jacked up on changing coolant, call Master Chemical and have them help you figure out why you are having issues. 4uzhoj)
get all jacked up onнакачаться (наркотиком: But in reality, a few minutes later it took me another half hour just to get from my chair to my bed and get all jacked up on morphine again. 4uzhoj)
get all steamed upразойтись (Anglophile)
get all up in someone's faceнаезжать (This refers to the way that someone acting aggressively will often get very close to their opponent and shout in their face. Figuratively speaking, it can also just mean someone being aggressive or antagonistic, without them necessarily getting physically close. 4uzhoj)
get all worked upлезть на стену (VLZ_58)
get all worked upнакручивать себя (Alex_Odeychuk)
get all worked upизнурять себя (I know it's difficult when things get this busy, but there's really no need to get so worked up over it.)
get all worked upразгорячиться (get very angry, excited, or upset about something: If Jeeves had been his rich uncle he couldn't have been more chummy. Yet directly he caught sight of me again, he got all worked up and seemed to have only one idea in life – to start chewing me where he had left off. ‘Rollo is not used to you yet, sir,' said Jeeves, regarding the bally quadruped in an admiring sort of way. ‘He is an excellent watchdog.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
get all worked upтак переживать (I reckon there's no point in getting all worked up seeing as there is nothing I can do. 4uzhoj)
get all worked upзаводиться (VLZ_58)
he is all doubled up with painон весь крючился от боли
it all adds upвсе сходится один к одному (epoost)
it's all tied up inзавязано на (cyruss)
it's all up!ау
look all washed upиметь усталый вид (Andrey Truhachev)
look all washed upиметь потрепанный вид (Andrey Truhachev)
look all washed upвыглядеть уставшим (Andrey Truhachev)
pass up all hopes of successоставить всякую надежду на успех
the child kept throwing up all nightвсю ночь ребёнка рвало
use up all one's moneyпрожиться
use up all one's moneyпроживаться
use up all the blueingиссинить (pf of иссинивать)
use up all the blueingиссиниваться
use up all the blueingиссинивать (impf of иссинить)
use up all the paintискрасить (pf of искрашивать; in painting)
use up all the paint in paintingискрасить (pf of искрашивать)
use up all the paint in paintingискрасить
use up all the paintискрашиваться (in painting)
use up all the paintискрашивать (impf of искрасить; in painting)
what's he all worked up today about?что это он сегодня точно с цепи сорвался?