
Terms for subject Real estate containing a-a | all forms | in specified order only
A Donald Trump signature propertyнедвижимость от Дональда Трампа
a five-fixture bathванная с пятью элементами сантехники (туалет, раковина, душ, биде, ванная NG)
a room in a shared flatкомната в коммунальной квартире (Alex_Odeychuk)
apartment in a Brezhnev-era houseбрежневка (AlexanderKayumov)
apartment in a high-riseквартира в многоэтажном доме (Bloomberg, 2019 Alex_Odeychuk)
apartment in a high-riseквартира в высотном доме (Bloomberg, 2019 Alex_Odeychuk)
as a decimal quantityв долях единицы (VictorMashkovtsev)
as a house numberкапитальное строение
build a portfolioформировать портфель (Alex_Odeychuk)
buy a placeкупить участок (Alex_Odeychuk)
Class A office spaceофисы класса "А" (answers.com Sukhopleschenko)
close a dealзавершить покупку (Those two properties, at 2523 and 2539 Rosemont Ave., sold for $2,587,500 each. The real estate deals are expected to close in August. ART Vancouver)
conduct a land title searchустановить имя собственника земельного участка (Goldmanis conducted a land title search and determined that Tang was the owner, and that his listed mailing address was the property in question, according to the decision. (bc.ctvnews.ca) ART Vancouver)
conduct a land title searchустановить имя домовладельца (Goldmanis conducted a land title search and determined that Tang was the owner, and that his listed mailing address was the property in question, according to the decision. (bc.ctvnews.ca) ART Vancouver)
creation of a mortgageполучение ссуды под недвижимость
curtilage of a buildingогороженный участок, прилегающий к дому
detached house with a gardenотдельный дом с садом (the ideal of every family having a detached house with a garden ART Vancouver)
discharge a mortgageвыкупить закладную
down payment on a houseпервоначальный взнос за дом
effect a transactionосуществлять операцию (VictorMashkovtsev)
encumbered by a mortgage toобременённый залогом в пользу (Alexander Demidov)
estate for a termаренда на срок (алешаBG)
final inspection of a buildingокончательный осмотр здания
finance a large projectфинансировать крупный проект (Alex_Odeychuk)
flip a houseприобрести дом для его последующей продажи (Antonio)
hold out for a better dealдожидаться более выгодных условий (Because the issue might not be a landowner who is holding out for a better deal or getting tangled up in city permits. The issue could be a landowner who isn’t making the best decisions. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
hold out for a better dealвыжидать более выгодной сделки (Because the issue might not be a landowner who is holding out for a better deal or getting tangled up in city permits. The issue could be a landowner who isn’t making the best decisions. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
hold under a leaseвладеть на праве аренды (marina_aid)
lien on a titleограничение права (Mechanic's liens on the title to real property are exclusively the result of legislation. WK. If there are multiple mortgage liens on the title to a property and the loan secured by a first mortgage is paid off, the second mortgage lien will move up in priority ... WK. For example, in real estate, mortgages and other liens on the title to secure the payment or repayment of money usually take their priority from the time they ... WK Alexander Demidov)
live in a residential areaжить в спальном районе (Alex_Odeychuk)
loan secured on a real estateссуда под залог недвижимого имущества
loan secured on a real propertyссуда под залог недвижимого имущества
lock in a leaseзаключить договор аренды (помещения: The retailers are frantically trying to take advantage of cheaper leases when they can get them and lock them in. ART Vancouver)
lock up a solid initial yieldобеспечить высокий первоначальный доход
lock up a solid initial yieldобеспечить высокую первоначальную рентабельность
maintain a flatплатить за квартиру (financial-engineer)
make an offer on a piece of real estateобратиться с предложением о покупке недвижимости (If someone makes an offer on a piece of real estate, can they back out without a penalty? ART Vancouver)
mortgage deed for a limited amountипотечное свидетельство на ограниченную сумму
move to a flat in a different areaпереехать на квартиру в другом районе (financial-engineer)
netting a higher selling amountкоторый принесёт вам, в итоге, чистыми большую сумму от продажи
notice of redemption of a mortgageизвещение о выкупе закладной
obtaining a real estate purchase loanполучение кредита на покупку недвижимости (Soulbringer)
on the ground floor of a residential buildingна цокольном этаже жилого дома (CNN, 2021 Alex_Odeychuk)
operating costs of a commercial leaseстоимость аренды помещения (What are the operating costs of a commercial lease? Examples of valid operating costs include property taxes, property insurance, maintenance, utilities, landscaping (which includes snow removal), and garbage collection. • "закрылись из-за сильно поднятой стоимости аренды помещений" ART Vancouver)
own a property on a freehold basisвладеть на праве собственности (Ying)
parcel of land with direct access to a public right of wayземельный участок с прямым доступом к полосе отчуждения
participation in a preconstruction real estate projectучастие в долевом строительстве (North American usage D Cassidy)
pied a terreместо непостоянного проживания (термин чаще всего используется для обозначения небольшой квартиры, являющейся второй собственностью человека, в которой он проводит только часть недели или года Alex Lilo)
post a noticeвывесить объявление (A recently posted notice read as follows: "Would the person or thing who is removing the toilet paper from the common area washrooms without deposit please cease immediately and return the toilet paper, preferably unused." ART Vancouver)
price of a square meterцена квадратного метра (Alex_Odeychuk)
proceeds from a mortgage-credit loanпоступления от ссуды под недвижимость
put down a depositвнести залог (за снимаемое жилье Alexander Oshis)
qualify for a mortgageполучить одобрение на ипотеку (A couple earning 200K HHI would only qualify for 800K mortgage. ART Vancouver)
redemption of a mortgageвыкуп закладной, погашение закладной
renewal of a lease by tacit agreementпродление договора об аренде с молчаливого согласия
rent a room at the residenceснимать комнату в доме (According to Corey O'Keeffe, who was renting a room at the residence when the attack took place, he was alerted to something amiss when he heard his 67-year-old landlord crying out for help. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
rent a spaceснять в аренду помещение (“The prohibition on discrimination does not apply where the renter would be sharing sleeping, bathroom, or cooking facilities with the person looking to rent the space,” the ministry added. (dailyhive.com) ART Vancouver)
rent out a roomсдавать комнату (в доме или квартире: “There may be a situation where a parent with a young daughter wants to rent out a room in their home and she must share the bathroom and kitchen with the tenant. The parent may only want to rent or share this space with a female for reasons of privacy or safety,” the ministry explained. In this scenario, the landlord would be allowed to turn away male occupants without risking a human rights complaint. (dailyhive.com) ART Vancouver)
rent out a roomсдать комнату (в доме или квартире: “There may be a situation where a parent with a young daughter wants to rent out a room in their home and she must share the bathroom and kitchen with the tenant. The parent may only want to rent or share this space with a female for reasons of privacy or safety,” the ministry explained. In this scenario, the landlord would be allowed to turn away male occupants without risking a human rights complaint. (dailyhive.com) ART Vancouver)
rent out a unitсдавать квартиру (in a building: Has anyone had issues with renting their unit out? I have a furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom in New West, utilities and the internet included, that I have rented out for 8 years with never a shortage of mid-term renters. Now it's crickets! (FB) ART Vancouver)
Restricted Report of a Limited Appraisalсокращённый отчёт об ограниченной оценке
scrap a projectотказаться от проекта (In 2016, a development application for the mixed-use rental project was expected to be filed in early 2017. That never happened, and the project is in limbo but not yet scrapped. ART Vancouver)
sign a tenancy agreementзаключить договор аренды (ART Vancouver)
sitting in a grove of aspensрасположенный в осиновой роще (Alex_Odeychuk)
take-up rates for class A office spaceтемпы поглощения офисных площадей класса А (Leonid Dzhepko)
tenancy for a periodаренда на срок (алешаBG)
tenancy for a termаренда на срок (Black's Law Dictionary – A tenancy whose duration is known in years, weeks, or days from the moment of its creation. Also termed – tenancy for a period; tenancy for years; term for years; term of years; estate for a term; estate for years; lease for years. алешаBG)
transfer the title to a homeпереписать дом на кого-л. (ART Vancouver)
was assessed at a value ofоценочная стоимость составила (In 2013, the home was sold after being listed for $13.7 million. Last year, the home was assessed at a value of $14 million and earlier this year, it was again listed for sale. – выставлен на продажу ART Vancouver)
with a total space ofобщей площадью (sankozh)