
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing You can | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
anything I can help you with?я могу вам помочь? (Acruxia)
before you can say Jack Robinsonкак лист перед травой (VLZ_58)
don't bite off more than you can chewРуби дерево по себе
I trust you about as far as I can throw youверю тебе, пока ты в поле зрения (Часто используется в негативном ключе в значении "я тебе не верю". stackexchange.com Deska)
money can't buy you…за деньги не купишь… (Ivan Pisarev)
money can't buy you friendsдрузей за деньги не купишь (Ivan Pisarev)
money can't buy you friendshipдружбу за деньги не купишь (Ivan Pisarev)
money can't buy you good tasteхороший вкус за деньги не купишь (Ivan Pisarev)
money can't buy you happinessсчастья за деньги не купишь (Ivan Pisarev)
money can't buy you healthздоровье за деньги не купишь (Ivan Pisarev)
money can't buy you loveлюбовь за деньги не купишь (Ivan Pisarev)
money can't buy you styleстиль за деньги не купишь (Ivan Pisarev)
money can't buy you talentталант за деньги не купишь (Ivan Pisarev)
nice work if you can get itя бы тоже не отказался от такой работы (о легком способе заработать: She got one million dollars for appearing on television for five minutes – (that's) nice work if you can get it! cambridge.org Kalaus)
nice work if you can get itнеплохая работенка — непыльно и денежно (о легком способе заработать: She got one million dollars for appearing on television for five minutes – (that's) nice work if you can get it! cambridge.org Kalaus)
paper has no soul – you can put anything on itбумага всё стерпит (VLZ_58)
run before you can walkзабегать вперёд (Clepa)
run before you can walkторопить события (try to do something difficult before learning the basics Clepa)
save yourself if you can!Спасайся, кто может! (Andrey Truhachev)
so clean you can eat off the floorочень чисто (younenari)
so quiet you can hear a pin dropслышно, как муха летит (nikkolas)
so quiet you can hear a pin dropтак тихо, что слышно, как муха летит (nikkolas)
so quiet you can hear a pin dropочень тихо (nikkolas)
so still you can hear a pin dropслышно, как муха летит (nikkolas)
so still you can hear a pin dropтак тихо, что слышно, как муха летит (nikkolas)
so still you can hear a pin dropочень тихо (nikkolas)
that was as stupid as you can getкурам на смех (Andrey Truhachev)
that was as stupid as you can getдурнее не придумаешь (Andrey Truhachev)
that was as stupid as you can getглупее не придумаешь (Andrey Truhachev)
why buy the cow if you can get the milk for freeзачем платить за то, что можно получить даром (Yeldar Azanbayev)
you can be sure of it!Будьте уверены! (Taras)
you can bet your bottom dollar on it!Будьте уверены! (Taras)
you can bet your last dollar on it!Будьте уверены! (Taras)
you can bet your life on it!это уж как пить дать! (Andrey Truhachev)
you can bet your sweet lifeголову даю на отсечение (4uzhoj)
you can bet your sweet lifeзуб даю (You can bet your sweet life that was Bill with another woman. 4uzhoj)
you can bet your sweet lifeкак пить дать (Oh, you can bet your life that Kevin will be late tonight – he's never on time. 4uzhoj)
you can never be too cautiousбережёного бог бережёт (Abysslooker)
you can never enter the same river twiceнельзя дважды войти в одну и ту же реку (Alexander Oshis)
you can't back out once you've begunвзявшись за гуж, не говори, что не дюж
you can't bamboozleна кривой не объедешь (someone VLZ_58)
you can't breathe enough before death.перед смертью не надышишься (VLZ_58)
you can't catch the wind in a netищи в поле ветра (eleneva)
you can't chop wood with a penknifeплетью обуха не перешибёшь
you can't get enough of a good thingхорошего много не бывает (Andrey Truhachev)
you can't keep a cat in the bagшило в мешке не утаишь (Vadim Rouminsky)
you can't make an omelette without breaking eggsлес рубят – щепки летят
you can't outsmartна кривой не объедешь (someone VLZ_58)
you can't pull the wool over someone's eyesна кривой не объедешь (VLZ_58)
you can't shut people upна чужой роток не накинешь платок (Taras)
you can't stop people from talkingна чужой роток не накинешь платок (Taras)
you can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone or somethingкуда ни плюнь, кругом одни (These days, you can't swing a cat without hitting a 'craft brewery'. • You can't swing a cat without hitting a church around here. • You can't swing a cat without hitting a narcissist. • He lives in Eugene, Oregon, where you can't swing a cat without hitting a science fiction or fantasy writer. 4uzhoj)
you can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone or somethingкуда ни ткни, повсюду (You can't swing a cat in Russia without hitting Steven Seagal, and it's a big country. 4uzhoj)
you can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone or somethingна каждом шагу (You can't swing a dead cat in Hollywood without hitting a celebrity. • In July, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a beer fest. • You can't swing a dead cat by the tail these days without hitting a news story about the lack of legislation issuing from the 113th Congress. • You can't swing a cat without hitting a church around here. • Because you can't swing a dead cat by the tail without hitting someone whose inalienable right to air-dry his laundry has been cruelly trampled by the hobnailed boot of restrictive bylaws he didn't have to sign in the first place. washingtonpost.com 4uzhoj)
you can't take someone for a rideна кривой не объедешь (VLZ_58)
you can't trickна кривой не объедешь (someone); Также используются варианты "на козе/вороных/саврасой не объедешь". VLZ_58)
you can take a horse to water but you can't make him drinkнасилу мил не будешь (anadyakov)
you can take it to the bank!Мамой клянусь! (VLZ_58)
you can take it to the bank!Зуб даю! (Veroliga)
you can take it to the bank!Век свободы не видать! (Veroliga)
you can take it to the bank!Бля буду, не вру! (VLZ_58)
you can take it to the bank!это как пить дать! (Andrey Truhachev)
you can take it to the bank!за базар отвечаю!
you can take it to the bank!без балды!
you can take it to the bank!Можете мне поверить! (VLZ_58)
you can take it to the bank!это уж как пить дать! (Andrey Truhachev)
you can whistle for itищи-свищи (grafleonov)
you can whistle for it!ищи в поле ветра (eleneva)
you one can't stop people from talkingна чужой роток не накинешь платок (Taras)