
Terms for subject Fish farming pisciculture containing Yield | all forms | exact matches only
level of crop yieldурожайность (dimock)
maximum constant yieldмаксимальная постоянная добыча
maximum constant yieldмаксимальная постоянная добыча (MCY; МПД)
maximum constant yieldМПД
maximum sustainable yieldМУВ (так даётся в Конвенции ООН по морскому праву; в русской рыбопромысловой терминологии максимальная устойчивая добыча, сокращение MSY)
maximum sustainable yieldмаксимальный устойчивый вылов
maximum yield per recruitмаксимальная добыча на единицу пополнения
optimum sustainable yieldоптимальная устойчивая добыча
sustainable yieldравновесный вылов (dimock)
sustainable yieldуравновешенный вылов (dimock)
sustainable yieldустойчивая добыча
yield of a generationурожайность поколения (dimock)
yield potentialкоэффициент промыслового возврата (Yield potential is affected not only by the coregonid species stocked, but by both abiotic and biotic environmental conditions and by factors intrinsic to the population in question... Once the manager is satisfied that the general conditions are favourable he needs to consider the relationship between the yield potential, life stage and stocking rate in determining the target catch from the fishery. For example if in an eutrophic lake the target is to increase the whitefish catch by 1 kg/ha then the target could be achieved by stocking 323 ( = 1 000/3.1) larvae or 38 (= 1 000/26.3) summer juveniles or 15 (= 1 000/66.7) autumn juveniles. Yield (kg/l 000 fish stocked) from coregonid stockings by life stages in oligotrophic (Finnish) and in eutrophic (Polish) lakes. Alexander Demidov)