
Terms for subject Contextual meaning containing With | all forms | exact matches only
alongside withпараллельно с (ВосьМой)
alongside with thatпараллельно с тем (ВосьМой)
alongside with thatнаряду с тем (ВосьМой)
be fraught withгрозить (только в контексте: Engaging private players in procurement at MSP is fraught with challenges. 4uzhoj)
be infatuated withбыть одержимым (aspss)
be littered withто и дело (The last time I travelled to Najaf, the road was littered with burned-out American vehicles, smashed police vehicles, abandoned checkpoints and armed men. 4uzhoj)
be littered withтут и там (The last time I travelled to Najaf, the road was littered with burned-out American vehicles, smashed police vehicles, abandoned checkpoints and armed men. 4uzhoj)
be swarming withполно́ (кого-то где-то – для случаев, когда слово "кишеть" не подходит по стилю; вариант требует замены структуры: I'm trying to get to the Diamond District's GCR tower, but the area is swarming with snipers. 4uzhoj)
be sympathetic withсимпатизировать
be withработать под руководством (кого-либо; somebody: I was a doctoral student with Ron Breslow ileen)
break out withвдруг сделать что-либо (Curry scored just 48 total points in the first three games, but broke out with seven 3-pointers... VLZ_58)
catch up withвывести на чистую воду (“Shot in the head,” Judy said. “That’s what happens when you mess around. I told him they’d catch up with him, sooner or later.” 4uzhoj)
comparable with someone, somethingнаподобие (Himera)
correlate withперекликаться с (чем-либо ВосьМой)
deal withнавести порядок (They pointed out, in one location in one parcel, that there was a temporary piece of insulation that had been put on a piece of pipe that we dealt with immediately. ART Vancouver)
encores start with a good day of rehearsalхороший экспромт – это хорошо подготовленный экспромт (In the theater, encores start with a good day of rehearsal. In other words, most casts spend many months preparing for their performances. Mikhail.Brodsky)
erupt with joyразразиться радостью (Ремедиос_П)
feel sympathy withсимпатизировать (Alexander Demidov)
get on withприниматься за (вновь 4uzhoj)
have nothing in common withне иметь отношения к (не иметь ничего общего с bix)
mess withшутить (с кем-либо; в знач. "злить, испытывать терпение": Giant men, bodybuilders, criminals and people you don't want to mess with. 4uzhoj)
mess withзлить (Giant men, bodybuilders, criminals and people you don't want to mess with. • I'm the man you don't want to mess with. Maria Klavdieva)
non-compliance with safety standardsнесоблюдение правил техники безопасности
part with propertyпереписать имущество на чужое имя (на злоумышленника: Intentional deception of a victim by false pretense with the intent of persuading the victim to part with property. 4uzhoj)
retrofit withоснастить (что-либо старое/морально устаревшее современными компонентами: We retrofitted all 250 pot lights with LED bulbs. ART Vancouver)
rubbing shoulders withконтакты с (suburbian)
rubbing shoulders withсоседство с (suburbian)
rubbing shoulders withвстречи с (suburbian)
side withперейти под командование (только в контексте 4uzhoj)
styled withукрашенный (чем-либо)
sympathize withсимпатизировать (to support someone’s ideas or actions)
they're done with meмне конец (Alex_Odeychuk)
treat with respectотноситься с пониманием (Dianka)
with all due respectне сочтите за дерзость (Mikhail11)
with one's eyes openбез иллюзий (I went into this job with my eyes open. – У меня не было иллюзий насчет того, что меня ожидает. 4uzhoj)
with half an earкраем уха (with "listen": He listened with only half an ear and his thoughts wandered. ldoceonline.com)
with the advent ofс изобретением (ВосьМой)
wreak havoc withпосрывать (The wind has wreaked havoc with political signs. I have one in my front yard that lost the battle. If you see one flying around please let me know and I will do my best to keep things picked up.)