
Terms for subject Real estate containing Unit | all forms | exact matches only
affordable rental unitквартира с субсидированной арендной платой (Currently, the policy is that any new developments at Richmond Centre must have 15 per cent dedicated as affordable rental units. ART Vancouver)
apartel unitапартаменты (одна квартира AlexanderKayumov)
aparthotel unitапартаменты (одна квартира AlexanderKayumov)
apartment hotel unitапартаменты (одна квартира AlexanderKayumov)
housing unitобъект недвижимости (evene)
housing unitжилое помещение (в многоквартирном доме Gr. Sitnikov)
housing unitединица жилищного строительства (квартира или дом; англ. оборот взят из репортажа Bloomberg Alex_Odeychuk)
multi-unit buildingмногоквартирное здание (ART Vancouver)
paired sales method, comparable unit methodметод парных продаж (один из методов оценки недвижимости в рамках сравнительного подхода Natalia Zimarina)
property unitобъект недвижимости (Coroner_xd)
real estate unitобъект недвижимости (NataLet)
rent out a unitсдавать квартиру (in a building: Has anyone had issues with renting their unit out? I have a furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom in New West, utilities and the internet included, that I have rented out for 8 years with never a shortage of mid-term renters. Now it's crickets! (FB) ART Vancouver)
rental unitквартира, сдаваемая внаём (Andrey Truhachev)
rental unitсдаваемая внаём квартира (Andrey Truhachev)
rental unitквартира для сдачи внаём (Andrey Truhachev)
rental unitарендуемая квартира (Andrey Truhachev)
rental unitарендуемое жильё (Andrey Truhachev)
rental unitснимаемое жильё (Andrey Truhachev)
rental unitснимаемая квартира (Andrey Truhachev)
residential unitединица жилья (Alex_Odeychuk)
tenanted unitквартира с жильцами ("BC Gov proposed that by summer, tenants will need 4-5 month's notice to move out based on a purchaser's intent to occupy." "That would kill the resale market for tenanted units and basically require every property with a below-market tenant to be bought out before it's able to be sold." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
tenanted unitарендованная квартира (где проживают жильцы: "BC Gov proposed that by summer, tenants will need 4-5 month's notice to move out based on a purchaser's intent to occupy." "That would kill the resale market for tenanted units and basically require every property with a below-market tenant to be bought out before it's able to be sold." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
unit-in-place methodметод разбивки по компонентам (The unit-in-place method is a modification of the quantity survey method. Cost of labor, materials, overhead, and profit are combined into a unit cost for each portion of the building. Cost per square foot for roofs and walls, and linear foot costs of foundation walls are examples of the unit-in-place method. This method helps the appraiser compute the cost of a building when the comparative method is not practical. pickensassessor.org aldrignedigen)
unit planплан объекта недвижимости (financial-engineer)