
Terms for subject Historical containing Union | all forms | exact matches only
All Union Central Soviet of Trade UnionsВСЦПС (Всесоюзный центральный совет профессиональных союзов ikgureeva)
All-Union Communist PartyВКПб (bolsheviks grafleonov)
All-Union Communist PartyВКПБ (bolsheviks grafleonov)
All-Union Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign CountriesВОКС (Всесоюзное общество культурной связи с заграницей)
as the Soviet Union fellпосле распада Советского Союза (Alex_Odeychuk)
during the Soviet Union's war in Afghanistanво время войны Советского Союза в Афганистане (washingtonpost.com Alex_Odeychuk)
European Union Fundфонд Европейского союза (ЕС WiseSnake)
Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republicsчлен ЦИК СССР (Alex_Odeychuk)
member of the Trade-Union of Soviet Government and Trade Employeesсовторгслужащий
the Socialist Republic of the Union of BurmaСоциалистическая Республика Бирманский Союз
Soviet Union fleet admiralадмирал флота Советского Союза (Alex_Odeychuk)
the State Union of Serbia and MontenegroГосударственный Союз Сербии и Черногории (Юрий Гомон)
the All-Union Academy of Agricultural SciencesВсесоюзная академия сельскохозяйственных наук (В. Бузаков)
the All-Union Communist PartyВсесоюзная коммунистическая партия (большевиков; of Bolsheviks; с 1925 до 1952 denghu)
the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the BolsheviksЦК ВКПб (Yanamahan)
Union and Security ActЗакон о союзе и защите (Anna Chalisova)
the Union of BrestБрестская уния (Юрий Гомон)
the Union of Brest-LitovskБрестская уния (an agreement in 1596 that united with the Roman Catholic Church several million Ukrainian and Belorussian Orthodox Christians living under Polish rule in Lithuania)
the Union of BurmaБирманский Союз (Юрий Гомон)
Union of KrevoКревская уния (Ремедиос_П)
Union of KrewoКревская уния (Ремедиос_П)
the Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsСоюз Советских Социалистических Республик (the USSR, the Soviet Union)
the Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsСоюз Советских Социалистических Республик
Vasily Chuikov, Marshal of the Soviet Union and twice Hero of the Soviet Union, was 18 when he enrolled Military Courses in Moscow.дважды Герой Советского Союза (vombat63)