
Terms for subject Sarcastical containing UMS | all forms
develop a concernзабеспокоиться (I don't trust Mayor Sweeney and his council, after the election, to carry through with this policy. It's no coincidence that they have all of a sudden developed a concern about low-income tenants being displaced by developers. – ни с того, ни с сего забеспокоились о судьбе ART Vancouver)
develop a concernозаботиться (I don't trust Mayor Sweeney and his council, after the election, to carry through with this policy. It's no coincidence that they have all of a sudden developed a concern about low-income tenants being displaced by developers. – ни с того, ни с сего озаботились ART Vancouver)
is that a pig flying by my window?все волки в лесу сдохли! (ART Vancouver)
you are in for a surpriseвас ждёт сюрприз (Every battery operated object in the world has one basic problem. The battery wears out. It has to be replaced. Most people know this; but, somehow, the vast amount of EV owners think they are different. Kinda special. It won't happen to them. No way. Well, sorry folks, but you are all in for a surprise. A really expensive surprise. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)