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carry out a searchосуществлять поиски (He approached the site in his patrol car and turned on his car’s spotlight, only to see that instead of children the ones there were really several strange creatures described by him as 3 to 3ft tall, big headed and grayish in color. The small beings fled running in different directions and the policeman called by radio asking for back up, repeating the 1050 code (officer needs assistance). When help arrived, the creatures had disappeared. An extensive search was carried out, but to no avail. -- Были осуществлены масштабные поиски, но они ни к чему не привели. (mysteriousuniverse.org) • С 30 января по 6 февраля осуществлялись поиски местного жителя, попавшего под лавину в урочище Собачье в Усть-Коксинском районе. (04.mchs.gov.ru) ART Vancouver)
challenge a misconceptionоспорить заблуждение (Dennett talked about the phenomenon of UFO swarms, where large numbers of UFOs are observed simultaneously. He mentioned cases where astronomers have witnessed UFOs, including through telescopes, and emphasized that sightings by credible professionals challenge misconceptions about UFOs being seen only by the uninformed. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
contact with a requestобратиться с просьбой (+ infinitive; example provided by ART Vancouver: Our users have the ability to close, but not delete, their accounts. You can contact our Help Center team with a request to have your account permanently deleted from our platform.)
ensure that information is treated in a confidential mannerобеспечить конфиденциальность информации (take all reasonable measures to ensure that personal patient information is treated in a confidential manner ART Vancouver)
I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the original documentнастоящим удостоверяется, что данный документ является действительной ксерокопией подлинного документа (ART Vancouver)
in a manner so thatтак, чтобы (While at the secure location, X called Y on Target Phone I and held the phone in a manner so that law enforcement could overhear the conversation. 4uzhoj)
make sth. a priorityставить на первое место (ART Vancouver)
make a selectionвыбрать (Make a selection from the following options: ... -- Выберите один вариант из нескольких предложенных: ... ART Vancouver)
write a justification statementнаписать обоснование (related to ... / for ... – чего-л. rand.org Alex_Odeychuk)