
Terms for subject Court law containing UM | all forms
character assassination of a witnessочернительство свидетеля (Wilson indulges in his usual character assassination of witnesses by branding James Logan as a liar and publicity seeker. ART Vancouver)
character assassination of a witnessподрыв репутации свидетеля (Wilson indulges in his usual character assassination of witnesses by branding James Logan as a liar and publicity seeker. ART Vancouver)
file a claim for compensationпредъявить требования о возмещении ущерба (The victim has filed a claim for compensation.  ART Vancouver)
file a legal challengeоспорить решение суда (The defense announced it would file an immediate legal challenge. ART Vancouver)
file a Notice of Civil Claim in the Supreme Courtобратиться в Верховный суд с исковым заявлением по гражданскому делу (The City of Vancouver has accused three B.C. companies involved in rehabilitation work on the Granville Bridge of failures that are now damaging some sections of structural steel. According to a recent Notice of Civil Claim filed in the Supreme Court of B.C., from 2019 to 2021, the city completed a rehabilitation project on the bridge that included replacing some expansion joints connecting parts of the bridge, installing rubber troughs underneath some of the expansion joints to protect structural steel members underneath from water run-off and re-coating the structural steel members beneath the expansion joints. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)