
Terms for subject Patents containing Traditional | all forms | exact matches only
associated traditional knowledgeсоответствующие традиционные знания (Glossary of key terms related to intellectual property and genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions (from wipo.int) 'More)
beneficiaries of protection of traditional knowledgeбенефициары охраны традиционных знаний (Glossary of key terms related to intellectual property and genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions (from wipo.int) 'More)
Codified Traditional Knowledgeкодифицированные традиционные знания ("Codified traditional knowledge" refers to "traditional knowledge which is in some systematic and structured form, in which the knowledge is ordered, organized, classified and categorized in some manner 'More)
Disclosed Traditional Knowledgeраскрытые традиционные знания ("Disclosed traditional knowledge" refers to "[traditional knowledge which is accessible to persons beyond the indigenous or local community which is regarded as the ‘holder' of the [traditional knowledge]. Such [traditional knowledge] might be widely accessible to the public and might be accessed through physical documentation, the internet and other kinds of telecommunication or recording. [Traditional knowledge] might be disclosed to third parties or to non-members of the indigenous and local communities from which [traditional knowledge] originates, with or without the authorization of the indigenous and local communities." 'More)
Registers of Traditional Knowledgeреестры традиционных знаний ('More)
Swakopmund Protocol on the Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Expressions of FolkloreСвакопмундский протокол об охране традиционных знаний и выражений фольклора ('More)
Traditional Ecological Knowledgeтрадиционные природоохранные знания ('More)
Traditional Ecological Knowledgeтрадиционные экологические знания (TEK; Traditional Ecological Knowledge; Traditional Environmental Knowledge 'More)
Traditional Environmental Knowledgeтрадиционные экологические знания (ТЭЗ = Traditional Ecological Knowledge; Traditional Environmental Knowledge (TEK) 'More)
Traditional Environmental KnowledgeТЭЗ (Традиционные экологические знания = Traditional Ecological Knowledge; Traditional Environmental Knowledge (TEK) 'More)
Traditional Environmental Knowledgeтрадиционные природоохранные знания ('More)
Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resourcesтрадиционные знания, связанные с генетическими ресурсами ('More)
Traditional Knowledge Digital LibraryЦифровая библиотека традиционных знаний (TKDL – ЦБТЗ 'More)
Traditional Knowledge Holderноситель традиционных знаний (WIPO uses this term to refer to all persons who create, originate, develop and preserve traditional knowledge in a traditional setting and context. Indigenous communities, peoples and nations are traditional knowledge holders, but not all traditional knowledge holders are indigenous.94 In this context, "traditional knowledge" refers to both traditional knowledge stricto sensu and traditional cultural expressions. 'More)
Traditional Knowledge Resource ClassificationКлассификация ресурсов традиционных знаний (КРТЗ – TKRC 'More)
WIPO Traditional Knowledge ToolkitИнструментарий ВОИС в области традиционных знаний ('More)