
Terms for subject Contextual meaning containing To be | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
as a general rule, my opinion is that military men must be kept out of it. It's folly to take their adviceя вообще считаю, что военных надо держать в стороне. Глупо с ними советоваться (Эренбург)
be alert to somethingсерьёзно отнестись к (The authorities should have been alert to the possibility of invasion. 4uzhoj)
be fully prepared to do thatбыть полностью готовым к этому (букв. – сделать это theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
be here to stayникуда не деться (Dmitrarka)
be kept up to dateбыть в курсе (you will be kept up to date on what's happening in the world of sports ART Vancouver)
be partial toпитать особенную слабость к (I like all the food here, but I'm particularly partial to the fried chicken. • She's partial to tall men with dark hair. • I'm not partial to red wine. 4uzhoj)
be plain to seeнаглядно свидетельствовать (вариант требует замены конструкции: From the overview presented above it is plain to see that the imprisonment of women who are also mothers presents manifold and complex problems)
be scheduled toсобираться (в знач. "иметь в своём графике": US secretary of state John Kerry is scheduled to hold a news conference shortly in Kiev. 4uzhoj)
be so good as to love smb and take smb into favourпрошу любить и жаловать ("Ивана Кузмича дома нет, – сказала она, – он пошел в гости к отцу Герасиму; да все равно, батюшка, я его хозяйка. Прошу любить и жаловать." (А.С. Пушкин "Капитанская дочка") – "Iván Kouzmitch is not at home," said she. "He is gone to see Father Garassim. But it's all the same; I am his wife. Be so good as to love us and take us into favour." (Перевод M. P. E. Milne-Home) weblitera.com Tamerlane)
be toбыть достойным (he is more to be pitied than anybody – он больше всех достоин жалости)
be turned to unanticipated usesиспользовать в неожиданных целях (medium.com Alex_Odeychuk)
to be confirmedточно не неизвестный (This controller will be sold separately for $69.99 in the US and £64.99 in the UK with Australian prices yet to be confirmed. – ...пока точно неизвестны 4uzhoj)
what one judges to beс чьей-либо точки зрения (Putin will very likely deploy Russian troops into Belarus this winter. He has set all the necessary informational and military conditions to do so and is likely simply waiting for what he judges to be the right moment. understandingwar.org 4uzhoj)