
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing To | all forms | exact matches only
a big thank you goes out to sb.огромная благодарность кому-л. (ART Vancouver)
a proud history of commitment toдавняя приверженность к (sankozh)
according to legendсогласно легенде (The forest has beds of lilies of the valley; according to legend they sprang from the drops of blood shed by St Leonard after fighting a mighty dragon. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
all the best toпередавай привет (ART Vancouver)
and to top it offи вдобавок ко всему прочему (Dunbar was full of houses maybe not quite as small as the one you describe, but not much bigger. People raised families there, usually with more kids than people tend to have now. They've been torn down, huge places built...I've gone through the open houses and been appalled to find more bathrooms than bedrooms, (can no one share anything anymore?), plus all the rooms you describe and sometimes another media room or exercise room. And to top it off, they're often empty most of the year. Or being used for Air B&B. Even the lots are paved. Just helping climate change along! vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
as opposed toв отличие от (чего-либо: "Predictions as opposed to prophecy, can be subject to changes and are not written in stone, she remarked." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
at this point I'd like toздесь я хотел бы (возразить, напомнить и т.д.; ...)
attach the importance toпридавать значение (чему-л.: There can be no possible doubt as to the importance the minister attached to the report which has now gone missing. ART Vancouver)
attached toсвязанный с (Ludchurch has many legends attached to it, it has been claimed that Robin Hood and also Bonnie Prince Charlie used it as a hideout, not at the same time I hasten to add! -- С Ладчёрчем связано много легенд wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
attached toсвязано с (Ludchurch has many legends attached to it, it has been claimed that Robin Hood and also Bonnie Prince Charlie used it as a hideout, not at the same time I hasten to add! -- С Ладчёрчем связано много легенд wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
Back to our questionВернёмся к нашему вопросу: ...
be dedicated toпосвящать все своё время и силы (sankozh)
be dedicated toотдавать все свои силы (чему-либо: Our cabin crew are dedicated to ensuring that your flight experience is seamless sankozh)
be irrelevant toне иметь отношения к (The state of the house is irrelevant to the property price. The people who want it want the LOT, not the house. The house is just a nuisance, an obstacle to be removed so they can build the house they want.  ART Vancouver)
be joined at the hip toходить за кем-либо, как привязанный (someone igisheva)
be not to the likingбыть не по вкусу (кому-л.: A few neighbours don't want an oil pipeline, of course the pipeline should be stopped. A sewage plant needs to be expanded, nix it if it is not to the liking of neighbours. Same goes for factories, and transmission towers, and roads, and everything else! -- если очистная станция не по вкусу соседям vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
be not to the likingне устраивать (of sb. – кого-л.: A few neighbours don't want an oil pipeline, of course the pipeline should be stopped. A sewage plant needs to be expanded, nix it if it is not to the liking of neighbours. Same goes for factories, and transmission towers, and roads, and everything else! -- если очистная станция не устраивает соседей vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
be partial to drinkлюбить выпить (He was partial to drink. – Он любил выпить. ART Vancouver)
be set toдолжен (о назначенном сроке чего-л.: Just days before a massive search for the creature is set to commence, the fourth Loch Ness Monster sighting of 2023 has been added to the official register of reports. -- Всего за несколько дней до назначенной даты начала масштабных поисковых работ ... coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be vehemently opposed toбыть категорически против (McMullen acknowledges how polarizing robots like his can be. “I think it’s very subjective, person-to-person,” he says. “Some people are fully fascinated and very open to the idea of a robot that could look like a human being. Other people are vehemently opposed to it.” reviewjournal.com ART Vancouver)
before moving to the next point I need toПрежде чем перейти к следующему вопросу, мне необходимо ...
believed to have + past participleсчитается, что (The five Avenger torpedo bombers are believed to have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. ART Vancouver)
bell-to-bellот звонка до звонка (Халеев)
bring a passion and commitment toполностью посвящать свои усилия (чем-либо sankozh)
bring sb. to safetyспасти (от опасности: Despite being sick, the mystery animal was incredibly clever and managed to evade being captured for weeks. But his rescuers refused to give up and finally succeeded in bringing him to safety. -- наконец им удалось спасти его thedodo.com ART Vancouver)
but what's it got to do with me?но при чём здесь я?
but what's it got to do with me?но при чём тут я?
Buy in toсогласен (Interex)
Buy in toверю (Interex)
call out to sb.окликнуть (There have even been accounts of homes being besieged by rock throwing Kenmun. One man told of seeing a small, dark form sitting alone on the beach one evening, which he at first took to be a child. When he called out to it, the figure suddenly whirled around in surprise and the man was astonished to see that it was a hairy creature like a small ape. This creature proceeded to start throwing rocks at the terrified man, even chasing him to his nearby home, where it continued to pelt the dwelling with rocks for some time before leaving the area. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
came to be known asокрестили (The depression of the 1930s hit the area hard. Many residents could no longer afford to maintain expensive homes and the area came to be known, perhaps with a certain satisfaction, as 'Poverty Hill' or 'Mortgage Heights'. (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
come to be known asполучить прозвище (The depression of the 1930s hit the area hard. Many residents could no longer afford to maintain expensive homes and the area came to be known, perhaps with a certain satisfaction, as 'Poverty Hill' or 'Mortgage Heights'. (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
come to knowпознакомиться с (It was in Detroit that Moe Dalitz came to know Jimmy Hoffa, the future president of the Teamsters, through a former Al Capone associate named Paul Dorfman. ART Vancouver)
come to nothingне давать результатов (igisheva)
come to nothingне дать никаких результатов (igisheva)
come to nothingоказываться безрезультатным (igisheva)
come to nothingоказаться безрезультатным (igisheva)
come to nothingне дать результатов (igisheva)
come to nothingне давать никаких результатов (igisheva)
come to symbolizeстать символом (in the present perfect: As chief of Vancouver’s planning department from 1973 to 1989, Spaxman ranks the white sailed roofs of Vancouver’s original waterfront convention centre belonging to the tradition of iconicism, in part because the sails have come to symbolize the city in a few million visitors’ photos. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
come up to interfere withпомешать (I hope nothing comes up to interfere with our next meeting, which I hope will be in June. (Ronald Reagan's letter, Feb 10, 1986) -- Я надеюсь, ничто не помешает нашей следующей встрече ART Vancouver)
come up to interfere with one's meetingпомешать встрече (внезапно: I hope nothing comes up to interfere with our next meeting, which I hope will be in June. (Ronald Reagan's letter, Feb 10, 1986) -- Я надеюсь, ничто не помешает нашей следующей встрече ART Vancouver)
contribute to a processучаствовать в процессе (oliversorge)
dating back toначиная с (A man in his 70s who was caught videoing up the skirts of young girls at a Burnaby mall has numerous convictions of sexual assault, child pornography, juvenile prostitution and failing to comply with bail conditions dating back to 1987. -- начиная с 1987 года ART Vancouver)
do not hesitate to contact meсвяжитесь со мной безо всяких колебаний (VLZ_58)
don't have two nickels to rub togetherни центагроша за душой (Not having any money at all.)
doomed to failureзаведомо провальный (Заведомо провальная затея. Мало кто из обеспеченных людей захочет ночевать вдали от моря, возле оживленной трасы и железной дороги. В результате выйдет хостел для студентов, зато с лепниной. sevastopol.su ART Vancouver)
due to technical difficultiesвследствие технических неполадок (Due to technical difficulties, the show was live for only the final 90 minutes of the program. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
due to technical difficultiesпо техническим причинам (We are sorry, but due to technical difficulties we are unable to process your request at this time. ART Vancouver)
enjoy life to the fullestполучать от жизни всё (I'm a fun-loving guy who tries to enjoy life to the fullest. ART Vancouver)
for years to comeмного лет (These elegant necklaces and rings are sure to be treasured for years to come. ART Vancouver)
for years to comeна долгие годы (Our journals will preserve your contents for years to come. ART Vancouver)
further to the article fromв продолжение статьи от (Further to the article from last week regarding a potential redesign for Lonsdale Avenue, I would like to share a few thoughts. ART Vancouver)
get toприходится (+ infinitive: Friends living in Portside District pay $2,000 less in property taxes compared to us in Sunshine Hills due to the waterfront industry. We wake up to the sound of birds in the greenbelt behind us, and they get to listen to trains, grain elevators working 24/7 and now this. The price we pay is worth it. -- а им приходится слушать)
get sb. to do sth.заставлять (Are they getting you to do any exercises in the bed, like lifting your feet? -- Тебя не заставляют ...? ART Vancouver)
get to knowпознакомиться с (When you move into a new neighbourhood, be sure to get to know your local pharmacist. – обязательно познакомьтесь со своим аптекарем ART Vancouver)
get to meetпознакомиться с (someone – кем-л.: The Raiders were performing on the Freedom Barge and Tamara got to meet them. "What a great group of guys," she said, noting she brought some of the members back to her home where her mother made them sandwiches. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
get to workдобраться до работы (My wife and I have two cars, in case one breaks down, so we can still get to work. BC ferries, should try something, along those lines. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
give my best regards toпередавай привет (ART Vancouver)
give my best toпередавай привет (ART Vancouver)
give oneself permission toпозволить себе (He shared several meditation techniques (...). Meditation is giving yourself permission to relax mentally and emotionally, he added. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
go to hell!иди на фиг! (Leonid Dzhepko)
half to deathдо полусмерти (igisheva)
hard to beatтрудно превзойти (For those that prefer calmer adventures, the food scene is one that's hard to beat. "From fancy restaurants to cool food trucks and farmers' markets, you'll never run out of tasty treats," said Stoller. bbc.com ART Vancouver)
hard to beatнелегко превзойти (For those that prefer calmer adventures, the food scene is one that's hard to beat. "From fancy restaurants to cool food trucks and farmers' markets, you'll never run out of tasty treats," said Stoller. bbc.com ART Vancouver)
hard to tell from the pictureтрудно сказать по фотографии (Hard to tell from the pictures, but does it look like smoke or a cloud? Fingers crossed it's a massive, fast developing cloud... (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
have a long way to goещё далеко (The prices have come down a bit but they have a long way to go before the average Canadian can afford to buy a single-family home in this city. • We still have a long way to go before everyone in our office knows what to do in the event of an earthquake. – Нам ещё далеко до того, когда ... ART Vancouver)
have no clue toне иметь представления о (Although we have no clue to the identity of the poet, he seems to have a familiarity of the landscape which is described in the poem and with the scenes depicted. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
have nothing to do withне иметь отношения к ("It's confusing," says Ellie Topp, a professional home economist. "[The best before] date has nothing to do with the safety of the food. It has everything to do with the taste of the food." ART Vancouver)
have you any special to do?вы заняты чем-нибудь особенным?
I am anxious toмне очень хочется
I am pleased to extend to you this invitation to attend a high-level meetingя рад пригласить Вас на встречу на высоком уровне (Leonid Dzhepko)
I beg to differпозволю себе не согласиться
I believe him to be mistakenя считаю, что он ошибается
I don't know why you have to yell like thatзачем так кричать? (ART Vancouver)
I got to seeмне довелось увидеть (Went to visit Lost Lagoon to see the skaters.... But lucky me, I got to see the famous beaver!!! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
I have reason to suppose thatу меня есть основания полагать, что
I ought toмне ли этого не знать ("By the way, Watson, you know something of racing?" "I ought to. I pay for it with about half my wound pension." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
I was about toя как раз собирался (что-л. сделать: "Crews are on their way to an outage affecting 2,600 customers in Green Hills." "It's not showing up on your power outage map. I was about to call you guys and report this issue." ART Vancouver)
I was about toя уже собирался (что-л. сделать: "Crews are on their way to an outage affecting 2,600 customers in Green Hills." "It's not showing up on your power outage map. I was about to call you guys and report this issue." ART Vancouver)
I wish all the best toя желаю всего наилучшего (While I am sad to be giving up the mayor's chair, I wish all the best to our new mayor, Ken Wong. ART Vancouver)
I wish to express my profound concernя глубоко озабочен (Leonid Dzhepko)
I would like to congratulate you onПримите мои поздравления с по случаю (Leonid Dzhepko)
if sth. is anything to go byесли судить по (An early and dramatic UFO landing took place in October 1952, a country seemingly much favoured by UFOs in the 1950s, if the quantity of sighting reports is anything to go by. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- если судить по количеству  ART Vancouver)
if past experience is anything to go byкак показывает практика (VLZ_58)
if you have to askты уже ответил на этот вопрос (It may mean, "By asking the question, you've answered the question." For example, "Do these pants make my butt look fat?" If you have to ask... ...then you already know that your butt looks fat in those pants. VLZ_58)
if you have to askесли честно ("How much does that cost?" "If you have to ask, then you can't afford it." VLZ_58)
if you have to askесли кому-то интересно ("Not that anyone could accuse this city of lacking logophiles–that's 'lovers of words,' if you have to ask. But where could word warriors go to engage in spirited logomachy?" VLZ_58)
if you take something on, you ought to do a thorough job of itесли ты за что-то берёшься, ты должен довести дело до конца (per Michele A. Berdy Leonid Dzhepko)
I'm looking forward toмне не терпится (+ gerund: Coun. Jessica McIlroy said she was “very excited” to see how the project progresses. “I know there has been a lot of demand on Lonsdale as a corridor and the region itself … I’m looking forward to hearing what all of the different types of community consultation brings forward,” she said. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
I'm rubber and you're glue! Bad names bounce off me and stick to you!кто как обзывается, тот так и называется! (букв.: Whatever name you call someone is what you yourself are called. What's in a Name? // MN, 19 June 2009 by Michele A. Berdy Leonid Dzhepko)
in reply to your inquiry of ..., we wish to inform you thatна Ваш запрос от... сообщаем
is going to get sb. into a lot of troubleдо добра не доведёт (ART Vancouver)
is key toимеет первостепенное значение (Taking into account the geopolitical situation in each place she visits is also key to doing high-quality research and finding the truth. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
is key toиграет первостепенную роль (Taking into account the geopolitical situation in each place she visits is also key to doing high-quality research and finding the truth. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
is key toотведена центральная роль (Taking into account the geopolitical situation in each place she visits is also key to doing high-quality research and finding the truth. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
someone is new to somethingчто-либо незнакомо (кому-либо igisheva)
it comes down toвсё сводится к (Personally I’ve encountered very stressed newcomers and some who are doing as well as anyone else, it came down to the job they were able to get. One thing they all seemed to have underestimated was the cost of groceries. They prepare for the rent, they get blown away by the cost of some of our basics, even underwear. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
it got to the point whereдошло до того, что (It got to the point where I really didn't want to go out and meet people. I would panic if the phone rang. It was scary. ART Vancouver)
it had to be that wayиначе просто быть не могло ("It had to be that way. Just as when Marriott called me up and gave me a song and dance about a jewel ransom payoff it had to be because I had been to see Mrs. Florian asking about Velma." – Raymond Chandler ART Vancouver)
it is all right toнет ничего криминального в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет никакого криминала в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего страшного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего предосудительного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего зазорного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего плохого в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего дурного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is okay toнет ничего предосудительного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is okay toнет ничего страшного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is okay toнет ничего плохого в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is okay toнет ничего зазорного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is okay toнет никакого криминала в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is okay toнет ничего криминального в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is okay toнет ничего дурного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it just didn't occur to meя не подумал об этом (ART Vancouver)
it just didn't occur to meмне это не пришло в голову (ART Vancouver)
it makes me want toмне хочется (+ verb: I've always wondered what those creepy crawlies were called! They remind me of cockroaches when I see them. When I sit on the rocks I am all good until I see them running around and it makes me want to stand up. (Twitter) -- всё идёт нормально, пока я не увижу, как они бегают вокруг, и мне от этого хочется встать ART Vancouver)
it makes you want toот этого хочется (“There have always been rich people here,” says Géraldine, who works in a Saint-Tropez public library, tucked away near the Dior cafe that charges €12 (£10.30) for an ice tea and the White 1921 hotel, where rooms start at €600 a night. “But now there are so many of them, and everything is so ‘luxe’ it makes you want to throw up. – что от этого хочется theguardian.com ART Vancouver)
it remains to be seenвремя покажет
it used to be thatраньше (It used to be that if you wanted to buy groceries you had to drive to the store. Now you can order your groceries online. ART Vancouver)
it wasn't meant to beне судьба (It is a fatalistic expression. To say that something (for example, an event) "wasn't meant to be" means that the thing was not destined to happen (or that it was destined to not happen). It attributes the thing's not happening to fate or destiny. It has roughly the same meaning as the idiom it just wasn't in the cards. stackexchange.com ART Vancouver)
it wasn't meant to beне сложилось (Hundreds of businesses had to close due to the pandemic. I thought we would find a way out and stay open, but it wasn't meant to be. ART Vancouver)
it wasn't meant to beэтому не суждено было сбыться (So, I returned to the Marine Corps, and did my best to disappear into obscurity. It wasn’t meant to be. Within a few months of my new assignment, I was visited by a CIA team, who briefed me on growing concerns that Iraq was hiding weapons and seeking my advice on how they should go about organizing to uncover evidence of their existence. swentr.site ART Vancouver)
it's all up toвсё решает (1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock sailings have been cancelled because of high winds, and there could be more cancellations – it's all up to Mother Nature! ART Vancouver)
it's easy to see whyлегко понять, почему (It’s easy to see why this waterfront lot is valued so highly. ART Vancouver)
it's got a long way to goдо этого ещё далеко ("Well, we'll see what happens. It's got a long way to go, just so you understand. That has a long, long way to go." – До этого ещё очень далеко. – Donald Trump in an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes." ART Vancouver)
it's got nothing to do with meпри чём здесь я? (It's got nothing to do with me. I'm staying out of it. – При чём здесь я? Разбирайтесь сами / без меня. ART Vancouver)
it's hard to tellтрудно сказать (what ... – ..., какие ...)
it's not my place to judge youБог вам судья (denton)
it's up to youпоступай как знаешь! (ART Vancouver)
it's up to youкак хочешь (реакция на вопрос о действии ART Vancouver)
just to give you some ideaдля понимания («Со стороны всегда кажется: “Чего уж проще — сделать дорогу”. Для понимания, здесь участок около 130 метров. Но подрядной организации нужно было выполнить комплекс мероприятий по расчистке полосы отвода, разбивке основных осей сооружения и расстановке средств организации дорожного движения», — написал глава региона. sevastopol.su ART Vancouver)
keep to the pointговорите по существу
keep sb. up to dateдержать в курсе (We will keep you up to date on that. – Будем держать вас в курсе. ART Vancouver)
Keep your nose to the grindstoneпродолжать работать усердно (Interex)
Keep your nose to the grindstoneне переставать работать усердно (Interex)
live paycheque to paychequeжить от зарплаты до зарплаты (The man's lawyer described his client as a single father who lives paycheque to paycheque, supporting his two daughters. • The largest chunk of wealth in North America is now no longer tied up in buildings or machinery, it’s in urban residential land, which Prof. Patrick Condon maintains the global rich are now scooping up like stocks and bonds. “It is the price of the land under the building that is far more important than any other single factor in determining who gets sick, who struggles to keep a roof over their heads and who lives paycheque to paycheque,” says Condon. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
live to regret sth.пожалеть (о своём поступке: Brin announced that he is working on a new series of novels for young adults; one has the premise that aliens kidnap a California high school and live to regret it. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
might turn out to beможет оказаться (That she is a sucker for the men and might take up with a stranger who might turn out to be a crook. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
much to the horror ofк ужасу (Much to the horror of the children attending kindergarten through fourth grade at the school, they heard a message booming over the PA system in a creepy voice: "This is a humoctopus! I am speaking to you from the future. Run for your lives, wretched humans! I will smash you all!" As if the message was not traumatic enough, the school subsequently went into a lockdown and had the children hiding under their desks, no doubt, hoping that the humoctopus would spare them from its wrath. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
my best regards toпередавай привет (ART Vancouver)
my thanks go out toя благодарен (My thanks go out to the RCMP, the emergency responders for their assistance, the bus rider who called 911, the drivers who stopped to see if I was okay and the couple who found the car involved and photographed the licence plate. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
needless to say thatизлишне говорить, что (ART Vancouver)
never got around to doing sth.так и не выбрался сделать что-л. (That addition exists only in the artist's imagination, although back when the bridge was designed, provision was made for a second level for rail and streetcars. They just never got around to building it. The lower span, of course, would have opened for boats. (Chuck Davis) -- так и не выбрались / не дошли руки, чтобы его построить ART Vancouver)
no other way to look at itне что иное, как (A renoviction. No other way to look at it. I really feel for those impacted. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
no other way to look at itиначе это никак не назовёшь (A renoviction. No other way to look at it. I really feel for those impacted. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
no question too silly to answerне бывает глупых вопросов
no stranger toне в первый раз сталкиваться (с каким-л. явлением, проблемой и т.п.: The former Navy pilot and UFO witness has started to publish the testimonies of other pilots who have had UFO encounters. Graves, who is certainly no stranger to UFOs having witnessed a mysterious object with no visible means of propulsion around 10 years ago during his time with the US Navy, has now started to publish the testimonies of other (anonymous) pilot witnesses on his Twitter account. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
no ... to speak ofговорить не приходится (о чём-л.; с отрицанием: Fortunately, there was no structural damage to the overpass or debris to speak of. (CityNews 1130) ART Vancouver)
not have anything to do withне иметь отношения к (("An unopened, properly stored product's best before date tells a consumer how long that food will keep its flavour and nutritional value. It doesn't have anything to do with a food's safety, says Topp." ART Vancouver)
nothing much to look atне на что посмотреть (пренебрежительно, о внешности: Plain she was, too, nothing much to look at. (Pamela Travers) ART Vancouver)
one can't help but to wonderнельзя не задаться вопросом (At some point during this sighting, the couple — and other unnamed eyewitnesses — stated that the UFO emitted a series of “fireballs” as it made its way northward. While these witnesses described “fireballs,” one can’t help but to wonder if these fireballs might be a long distance interpretation of the strange Morse code-like series of illuminated dashes that Jim Drummond claimed to have seen through his telescope. ART Vancouver)
pale in comparison toне идти ни в какое сравнение с (When they saw a motor boat in the area later that day, they were able to compare the wake that it created and indicated that it paled in comparison to the ripples created by the creature. -- не идёт ни в какое сравнение со следами на воде, оставшимися после этого животного coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
pay close attention toвнимательно следить за (Laurel Burch paid close attention to the details of how department stores marketed her products – T-shirts, enamel jewelry, ceramics, paintings, scarves, and tote bags, which were sold by thousands of stores. ART Vancouver)
pay special attention toуделять особое внимание (ART Vancouver)
point to sth. as an exampleпривести что-л. в качестве примера (Some near-death experiencers return with information they could not have known prior to the NDE. As an example, Long pointed to accounts of experiencers who encountered people in the afterlife they did not know were dead. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
regret it to this dayпо сей день жалеть (She regrets it to this day. – по сей день жалеет об этом ART Vancouver)
say hello to everyoneпередавай всем привет (ART Vancouver)
say hello to ... for meпередавай привет (ART Vancouver)
say hi to everyoneпередавай всем привет ("Say hi to everyone at home." "I will." – "Передавай всем привет дома." – "Передам." ART Vancouver)
say to say hiпередавать привет (Tammy looked lovely as ever and said to say hi to all of you guys. – передаёт вам всем привет. • I saw Laurie the other day and he said to say hi. – передаёт тебе привет ART Vancouver)
someone near and dear to oneблизкий человек (I have had someone near and dear to me in my family struggle with drug addiction. She is a wonderful person. However, while she was struggling with her addiction she did some really awful things that she would normally never do, including stealing money from her parents and stealing from stores. -- близкий мне человек (Reddit)  ART Vancouver)
sorry to trouble youпростите за беспокойство
speak to you laterещё созвонимся (Юрий Гомон)
speak to you laterсозвонимся (Юрий Гомон)
stand up to scrutinyвыдержать критику (The Apollo 11 moon landing has been voted the most memorable television event of the 20th century, but do NASA's claims of evidence of the event stand up to scrutiny? coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
stand up to scrutinyвыдержать проверку (The Apollo 11 moon landing has been voted the most memorable television event of the 20th century, but do NASA's claims of evidence of the event stand up to scrutiny? – но выдерживают ли проверку coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
suffice to sayдостаточно лишь сказать, что (Suffice to say, the idea didn't catch on. ART Vancouver)
supplementary toв дополнение к (defense.gov Alex_Odeychuk)
talk man-to-manговорить по-мужски (igisheva)
talk man-to-manпоговорить как мужчина с мужчиной (igisheva)
talk man-to-manговорить как мужчина с мужчиной (igisheva)
talk to you laterещё созвонимся (Юрий Гомон)
talk to you laterсозвонимся (Юрий Гомон)
talk to you soonещё созвонимся (Юрий Гомон)
talk to you soonсозвонимся (Юрий Гомон)
teach to adoptпрививать (certain values – некие ценности: A new generation is being taught to adopt patriotic values from an early age. nytimes.com ART Vancouver)
teach to adopt valuesпрививать ценности (A new generation is being taught to adopt patriotic values from an early age. nytimes.com ART Vancouver)
terse and to the pointкратко и по существу ("Terse and to the point." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)) ART Vancouver)
Thanks to both of you for the quick responseБлагодарю вас обоих за скорый ответ (Leonid Dzhepko)
that never occurred to meя никогда не задумывался об этом (Whoa! That never occurred to me. Glad you posted this. ART Vancouver)
that never occurred to meмне это никогда не приходило в голову (Whoa! That never occurred to me. Glad you posted this. ART Vancouver)
that will be something to watch forза этим нужно следить (bloomberg.com Alex_Odeychuk)
that's a nice thing to sayне ждал от тебя этого (обиженная реакция: That's a nice thing to say. -- Вот уж этого я от тебя не ждал. ART Vancouver)
the issue has to be dealt withэту проблему необходимо решать (Leonid Dzhepko)
the next best thing toвсего в одном шаге от (This ice-cream is the next best thing to actually skiing down an icy slope in the Rockies! ART Vancouver)
the prices are not subject to any alterationцены не подлежат никаким изменениям (ksuh)
there seems to be no end in sightконца не видно (There seems to be no end in sight for rising gas prices. ART Vancouver)
there used to beраньше было (There used to be a bunch of cabins down below the cut – had many a great party at one in particular. Long gone now. (Reddit) -- Раньше там были избушки ART Vancouver)
there's going to beбудет ('There's going to be a memorial service on Tuesday, right here in Houston. The President will be there, he's going to speak. I would like you to be there.' (Capricorn One, 1978) -- Во вторник будет / состоится ART Vancouver)
there's still a long way to goещё рано праздновать (The app just hit its 10,000 check-in, but Falco knows there's still a long way to go. ART Vancouver)
this has some truth to itв этом есть доля правды (When I asked him how Russia proposed to pay for a prolonged war effort, he shot back: “We pay for it all from our sales of oil to Europe via India.” This was bravado, but it had some truth to it. nytimes.com ART Vancouver)
this is an appreciate moment toэто подходящий момент, чтобы
this is to inform you thatнастоящим заявлением сообщаю, что (singeline)
this just goes to showвот наглядное доказательство (This just goes to show you: start monkeying around with an institution that people are perfectly happy with, and you may end up with something horrible and expensive. • This just goes to show how really far from reality our left-wing politicians have travelled. ART Vancouver)
this leads one to conclude thatна основании этого можно прийти к заключению, что (The 'flipper' picture shows a central 'rib', suggesting that propulsion would come from a flipper folding on the forward stroke, the mechanism for which is not apparent. Alternatively, the flipper would have to be rotated, or slewed, on the forward stroke, although again there is no obvious stiffening sufficient for this. This leads one to conclude that the flipper is not a prime source of propulsion, since power would be lost on one stroke rather than being gained on both as with a true flipper; this in turn would eliminate the plesiosaur as a candidate. The animal would therefore have to be propelled by its tail, with the flipper possibly functioning for steering -- or even as a brake. (Adrian Shine) ART Vancouver)
this leads one to conclude thatна основании этого можно сделать вывод, что (The 'flipper' picture shows a central 'rib', suggesting that propulsion would come from a flipper folding on the forward stroke, the mechanism for which is not apparent. Alternatively, the flipper would have to be rotated, or slewed, on the forward stroke, although again there is no obvious stiffening sufficient for this. This leads one to conclude that the flipper is not a prime source of propulsion, since power would be lost on one stroke rather than being gained on both as with a true flipper; this in turn would eliminate the plesiosaur as a candidate. The animal would therefore have to be propelled by its tail, with the flipper possibly functioning for steering -- or even as a brake. (Adrian Shine) ART Vancouver)
this was to be expectedэтого следовало ожидать (This was to be expected. No Judge will convict politicians that were or are in Government. Waste of money. Glad we are rid of him as Mayor. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
tied toсвязанный с (tied to organized crime – связанный с организованной преступностью ART Vancouver)
to a Tв точку (Leonid Dzhepko)
to be fairговоря по справедливости ("People have asked me whether the provincial gentle density and Transit-Oriented Area initiatives will increase property values. In some cases, they will, e.g.: this property at 5708 Alma, next to the Dunbar Bus Exchange, assessed at $2,520,500 was recently listed at $5,800,000!" "To be fair, you can list your property at whatever you like. There are lots of realtors who "buy" listings. The real proof would be what it sells for ... if it does." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
to be honestесли по-честному (Если уж по-честному, ... ART Vancouver)
to_commemorate the historic occasionв ознаменование исторического события (The peculiar object was reportedly snapped by Simon Balson on Saturday morning from the thirteen floor of his apartment building as the Royal Air Force Red Arrow jets performed a ceremonial flyover to commemorate the historic occasion. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
to_give you some ideaдля понимания («Со стороны всегда кажется: “Чего уж проще — сделать дорогу”. Для понимания, здесь участок около 130 метров. Но подрядной организации нужно было выполнить комплекс мероприятий по расчистке полосы отвода, разбивке основных осей сооружения и расстановке средств организации дорожного движения», — написал глава региона. sevastopol.su ART Vancouver)
to his creditнужно отдать ему должное (To his credit, rather than keep the horn as an unusual souvenir, Roundhill dutifully turned the object over to police, who will be enlisting an animal welfare group to dispose of it properly. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
to make matters worseположение ещё больше усугубилось тем, что (All five of the aircraft disappeared completely and no sign of any wreckage was ever found. To make matters worse, a PBM-Mariner seaplane, which had been sent on a search-and-rescue mission to locate the other five planes, also disappeared along with its 13-man crew. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
to make matters worseхуже то, что (The problem is so bad that some residents have been unable to sleep, forcing them to change their working hours. Others have even resorted to booking stays at hotels to get away from the noise. To make matters worse, back in August a Calderdale Council meeting was told that "all reasonable lines of inquiry had been exhausted", suggesting that the cause of the hum may never be found. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
to make matters worseположение ещё больше усугубилось, когда (All five of the aircraft disappeared completely and no sign of any wreckage was ever found. To make matters worse, a PBM-Mariner seaplane, which had been sent on a search-and-rescue mission to locate the other five planes, also disappeared along with its 13-man crew. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
to_say is an understatementсказать, что -- это ничего не сказать (Checked out the new seafood place in Lincoln Square… to say it is popular is an understatement. Had to wait in line for two hours if you can believe it! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
to tell the truthесли честно (igisheva)
to tell the truthправду говоря (igisheva)
to tell the truthпо совести говоря (igisheva)
to tell the truthпо совести сказать (как вводная фраза igisheva)
to tell the truthоткровенно говоря (igisheva)
to tell the truthчестно сказать (как вводная фраза igisheva)
to tell the truthпо правде сказать (как вводная фраза igisheva)
to tell the truthчестно говоря (как вводная фраза igisheva)
to tell the truthправду сказать (как вводная фраза igisheva)
to the point thatдо такой степени, что (The city said that after receiving two third-party engineering reports on the current fire and structural risks, it became clear the hotel has deteriorated to the point that it poses a danger to the public and adjacent buildings. vancouverisawesome.com ART Vancouver)
to the point whereдо такой степени, что (A close friend's spouse is in business real estate downtown and they're seeing a huge drop in interest for new leases, to the point where they're looking at changing their career focus. reddit.com ART Vancouver)
to the profound surprise ofк крайнему удивлению (The very weird incident reportedly occurred last Tuesday evening as Colin Davis McCarthy was cruising down the road in the city of Eugene and, to the profound surprise of the other motorists, he suddenly began tossing handfuls of $100 bills from his vehicle. -- к крайнему удивлению / изумлению coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
to the profound surprise of everyoneк всеобщему глубочайшему изумлению (Assessing the situation, cops gathered around the well and shouted down to the woman, asking for her name. In response, they heard her cry out "Juanita," which seemingly confirmed the concerned resident's report of someone being stuck, though they could see no sign of the woman with their flashlights. Eventually the fire department arrived with special equipment that allowed a rescuer to descend to the bottom of the well. However, to the profound surprise of everyone on the scene, Juanita was no where to be found as the pit was completely empty. A subsequent search of the area, including another well nearby, turned up nothing, which has led many to theorize that the woman crying out from the well was, in fact, a ghost. -- к глубочайшему изумлению всех присутствующих coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
true to lifeкак в жизни (Халеев)
Unfortunately, I was not able to reach you by phoneк сожалению, я не смог до Вас дозвониться
up-to-dateна основании последних данных (We intend to bring our readers an up-to-date picture of these ongoing events. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- картину этих далёких от завершения событий, составленную на основании последних данных ART Vancouver)
upon returning toпо возвращению в (Upon returning to the United States, Ken entered the world of talk radio with an overnight program on a newly opened station in Reno. ART Vancouver)
used to + verbраньше (My son's lunch used to consist of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich but he's not allowed that now because of peanut allergies in his class. ART Vancouver)
we are forwarding to you copies of documentsнаправляем Вам копии документов (при направлении коробки с документацией Leonid Dzhepko)
we were lied toнас обманывали ("I know and I've seen the body cam footage that was released by the court when the SWAT team entered Stephen Craig Paddock's room... one of the team members, Corey was his name, is going from window to window saying, 'We have no broken window,'" he reported. They enter a connected room and find guns stacked neatly, but no shells anywhere, he continued. According to Mark, after Paddock has been dead for 90 minutes the sound of machine gun fire by commandos can be heard. "We were lied to" about the shooting and Paddock was a Patsy, Mark suggested. -- Нас обманывали. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
we would like to emphasize thatХотелось бы также подчеркнуть, что (Leonid Dzhepko)
we'll have to seeпоживём – увидим ("Do you think this strategy will work?" "Well, we'll have to see." ART Vancouver)
went on to say thatдалее заявил, что (In the interview, the retired general who is now an esteemed professor told a reporter that the United States and Israel have been in contact with ETs for quite some time. Eshed went on to say that "there is an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here." Part of that unsettling pact, he said, includes a secret underground base on Mars which is staffed by a team of ETs and Americans. • He went on to say under questioning that he had knowledge of "people who have been harmed or injured" as part of government efforts to conceal information on UFOs, and that he had feared for his life as a result. -- Отвечая на вопросы, далее он заявил, что ... coasttocoastam.com, singularfortean.com ART Vancouver)
what could have prompted him to act that wayчто его побудило действовать таким образом
what's it got to do with me?а я здесь при чём? (ART Vancouver)
what's that got to do with it?при чём тут это?
what's the best way to go about it?как это лучше сделать? (ART Vancouver)
when you come right down to itесли разобраться (It's selfish self-interest, when you come right down to it. ART Vancouver)
when you come to think of itесли задуматься (It's funny when you come to think of it. He never gave me a receipt, and I don't think there was any business name written on the door. – Вообще-то, если задуматься, то что-то подозрительное в этом было. ART Vancouver)
with all due respect toпри всём моём уважении к (For some on council, including Couns. Betty Forbes, Lisa Muri and Jim Hanson, the plan was simply too big, too expensive, bringing too many people and cars to the area with too little benefit in exchange. “With all due respect to the designers, it reminds me of a U.S. prison work yard in the centre, so, needless to say, my comment is that I don’t like it,” Forbes said. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
work bell to bellработать от звонка до звонка (Халеев)
you've got something coming to youвы за это заплатите (ART Vancouver)