
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing The House | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a man is the king in his houseхозяин − барин (Maggie)
burn the whole house downспалить всю контору (He's still gotta testify. So I'll talk to him. See what we see, you know? Try to get him not to burn the whole fucking house down Taras)
buy a round for the houseугощать всех выпивкой (Aprilen)
Father of the Houseстарейшина палаты представителей
the lady of the houseхозяйка семейства (the female head of a household – usually preceded by "the" Val_Ships)
specialty of the houseфирменное блюдо (Anglophile)
take the houseсорвать куш (dodo18)
the houseказино (dodo18)
the houseигорный дом (dodo18)
the third houseлобби конгресса
the third Houseкулуары конгресса
the third Houseтретья палата
the third houseкулуары