
Terms for subject Figurative containing T.T | all forms
cross the T'sставить точку над и
don't be a renegadeне сдавайтесь (Alex_Odeychuk)
don't be a strangerне забывай (used to tell someone, especially someone who is leaving to go somewhere, that they should stay in touch (= communication) with you, come and visit you some time, etc. :: Don't be a stranger – email me from time to time. Banditka)
don't be so exactingуж не ставьте каждое лыко в строку
don't be strangerнавещай (Banditka)
don't have a shadow of a doubt about his honestyу меня нет и тени сомнения в его честности
don't mention this questionне касайтесь этого вопроса
don't read such unpleasant meaning into his wordsне вкладывай в его слова такого неприятного смысла
don't touch!не замайте!
dot one's "i's" and cross one's "t's"ставить точки над "и"
he doesn't see the pointон не понимает соли
he doesn't understand gentle hintsон не понимает тонких намёков
he hasn't got the brains for itна это у него ума не хватит (kee46)
he isn't up to that!кишка тонка!
he won't budgeего с места не сдвинешь
I don't give a damn for that!начихать мне на это!
I don't know!я знаю! (с особой интонацией MichaelBurov)
I don't wish to stand in his lightя не хочу ему вредить
I wouldn't hesitate if I were youна вашем месте я бы не колебался
isn't up to the jobне годится на роль / для роли ("Do we want King Charles III? Do we want Queen Camilla? Do those realms and dominions beyond the seas want the pair? Was Diana right when she said he wasn't up to the top job, implying that William, one half a Spencer, after all, should just take over somehow?" (an editorial on The Independent's website) – не годится на роль / для роли монарха ART Vancouver)
it won't be easy for him to get the best of this argumentей будет не легко одержать верх в этом споре (над)
it won't hurtэто не помешает
the game isn't over yetигра ещё не окончена
the world hasn't come to an endсвет не клином сошёлся
this doesn't concern me at allэто меня совершенно не касается
Two blacks don't make a white.Злом зла не поправишь
wild horses wouldn't drag it out from himиз него слова клещами не вытянешь
won't cut itбудет недостаточно (won't be sufficient Bullfinch)
won't cut itне пройдет (Bullfinch)
you can't do business with himс ним пива не сваришь
you can't hammer it outклином не вышибешь
you can't judge everybody by the same yardstickнельзя всех мерить одной меркой
you can't judge everybody by the same yardstickнельзя всех мерять одной меркой
you can't prove anything with mere figures!голыми цифрами ничего не докажешь!
you won't get anywhere with himс ним каши не сваришь (с ним ка́ши не сваришь)
you wouldn't have the guts for thatу вас на это не хватает пороха
you wouldn't mean me, would you?это камешек в мой огород?