
Terms for subject Research and development containing Subject | all forms | exact matches only
between-subject variableмежсубъектная переменная (academic.ru Guts Tonya)
journal subject areaтематика журнала (Maria Klavdieva)
prime subject for scientific researchосновной объект исследования (iwona)
subject area of the journalтематика журнала (The editorial team then reads the manuscript and determines if it meets the basic standards of academic writing and if it’s in line and relevant to the subject area of the journal Maria Klavdieva)
subject matterпредмет исследования (Ivan Pisarev)
subject matterпредмет дисциплины (Ivan Pisarev)
subject studyтематическое исследование (igisheva)
subject studyпредметное исследование (igisheva)
subject themeтематика журнала (Once the editorial team determines that the manuscript aligns with the subject theme of the journal and meets its formal requirements... Maria Klavdieva)
subject theme of the journalтематика журнала (Once the editorial team determines that the manuscript aligns with the subject theme of the journal and meets its formal requirements... Maria Klavdieva)
within-subject variableвнутрисубъектная переменная (academic.ru Guts Tonya)