
Terms for subject Notarial practice containing Statement | all forms | exact matches only
authenticity statementзасвидетельствование подлинности (Johnny Bravo)
express statementпрямое указание
identified by his own statement and production of passportчья личность была установлена с его слов и по паспорту (Johnny Bravo)
opening statementнапутствие присяжным (to the jury)
opening statementнапутственное слово присяжным (to the jury)
opening statementвступительное слово
oral statements of the partiesпрения сторон (during a trial; law of procedure)
policy statementдиректива
statement of authenticityзасвидетельствование подлинности (Johnny Bravo)
statement of claimисковое прошение (English practice acts – In the law, a cause of action (sometimes called a claim) is a set of facts sufficient to justify a right to sue to obtain money, property, or the enforcement of a right against another party. The term also refers to the legal theory upon which a plaintiff brings suit (such as breach of contract, battery, or false imprisonment). The legal document which carries a claim is often called a Statement of Claim. It can be any communication notifying the party to whom it is addressed of an alleged fault which resulted in damages from which it originates, often expressed in amount of money the receiving party should pay/reimburse. wiki Alexander Demidov)
statement of claimисковое заявление (English practice acts; civil practice – For a statement of claim to be accepted by the court it must contain a number of items and a number of attachments that are specified by the procedural code. DBiRF Alexander Demidov)
statement of costsсчёт судебных издержек
statement of costsсправка о судебных издержках
statement of factизложение фактов
statement of opinionизложение мнения
statement of the bankбанковская выписка (Elizaveta Smirnova)
statement of the bankбанковская выписка, выписка со счёта (Elizaveta Smirnova)
the above is an accurate account of my statementс моих слов записано верно (вместо "the above" можно написать "this form" и т.д. по ситуации) Также сравни: prepared with my full consent, understanding and knowledge 4uzhoj)
this statement explicitly contains no judgement as to the contents of this document.настоящее заявление полностью исключает наличие какого-либо заключения о содержании данного документа