
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Some | all forms | exact matches only
apply some common senseпроявлять здравый смысл (while in contrast you apply a bit of common sense and come up with something reasonable – проявить немного здравого смысла ART Vancouver)
by some miracleкаким-то чудом ("By all the rules you ought to be the same sort of shallow spoiled promiscuous brat your sister was. By some miracle you're not. You've got all the honesty and a large part of the guts in your family. You don't need anyone to be kind to you." (Raymond Chandler)  ART Vancouver)
for quite some timeдавненько (I haven't seen him for quite some time. – Я его давненько не видал. ART Vancouver)
for some reason I thoughtя почему-то думал, что ("Do you know if dredging Beaver Lake is still on the table?" "For some reason I thought they did that already in 2013/2014 but I guess not?" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
for some reason I thoughtмне почему-то казалось, что ("Do you know if dredging Beaver Lake is still on the table?" "For some reason I thought they did that already in 2013/2014 but I guess not?" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
in some thingsв чём-то ("You fat crook! "Wade yelled at him. Dr. Verringer shook his head. "In some things, yes. Not in all. I am a mixed character like most people." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
in some waysв чём-то ('How do you like Vancouver?' 'In some ways it's great, in others not so much. Gorgeous natural setting, stunning views. A lot of homelessness and crime, though.' ART Vancouver)
it's been some timeпрошло уже немало времени (Dear ICBC, it's been some time and no word on my counter claim. You can scroll through our interactions on this matter. It's been some time and nothing!!! Why do I even pay monthly to ICBC for no results??? (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
just to give you some ideaдля понимания («Со стороны всегда кажется: “Чего уж проще — сделать дорогу”. Для понимания, здесь участок около 130 метров. Но подрядной организации нужно было выполнить комплекс мероприятий по расчистке полосы отвода, разбивке основных осей сооружения и расстановке средств организации дорожного движения», — написал глава региона. sevastopol.su ART Vancouver)
of some kindнекий ("An intriguing piece of footage from Utah appears to show a creature of some kind ascending a snowy mountain and some suspect that the oddity could be a Bigfoot." – некое существо, взбирающееся на заснеженную гору (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
some people believe thatесть мнение, что (Есть мнение, что в случае реализации сценария интеграции Абхазии и Южной Осетии, помимо недовольства Грузии, многократно усилится внешнее давление на страну. (km.ru) • Some people believe that violence on television and computer games has a damaging effect on society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behavior. writing9.com ART Vancouver)
some people think thatсуществует мнение, что (Some people think 'you' and 'I' is more formal or educated sounding and 'you' and 'me' is more conversational or casual. (britannica.com) • Some people think that it was Bobby who gave Marilyn a deadly concoction, presumably because she was going to spill details of their affair to the press. (coasttocoastam.com) • Существует мнение, что не все овощи и фрукты можно сочетать между собой. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
some sayпоговаривают, что (More than 20,000 people have vanished in the stretch of forest between Utqiagvik, Anchorage, and Juneau known as the Alaska Triangle — and some say paranormal forces may be to blame. (allthatsinteresting.com) ART Vancouver)
this has some truth to itв этом есть доля правды (When I asked him how Russia proposed to pay for a prolonged war effort, he shot back: “We pay for it all from our sales of oil to Europe via India.” This was bravado, but it had some truth to it. nytimes.com ART Vancouver)
to_give you some ideaдля понимания («Со стороны всегда кажется: “Чего уж проще — сделать дорогу”. Для понимания, здесь участок около 130 метров. Но подрядной организации нужно было выполнить комплекс мероприятий по расчистке полосы отвода, разбивке основных осей сооружения и расстановке средств организации дорожного движения», — написал глава региона. sevastopol.su ART Vancouver)
you can't make some of this stuff up, can you?нарочно не придумаешь (a listener's reaction ART Vancouver)