
Terms for subject Military containing Sister | all forms | exact matches only
nursing sisterмедицинская сестра (ВМС)
retaliatory sister-city weaponЯО для нанесения ответного удара по населённым пунктам противника, равным по значению объектам первого удара
sister blockдвойной полиспастовый блок
sister cityгород, выбранный в качестве объекта ответного удара (противника)
sister-city strategyстратегия нанесения ЯУ по крупным населённым пунктам равного значения
sister serviceдругой вид ВС
sister servicesсмежные виды войск (Виды войск ВС США (US Armed Forces): СВ (The Army), Морская пехота (The Marine Corps), ВМС (The Navy), ВВС (The Air Force), КС (The Space Force) и БОХР (The Coast Guard) Источник: 10 USC § 101(a)(4): The Marine Corps is the only branch that is independent but serves as part of another branch. Originally, the branch was founded as the Continental Marines in 1775, as a separate entity from the Navy. Then, in 1834, President Andrew Jackson expressed that he wanted the Marines to be part of the Army. However, the then-Marine Corps commandant, Archibald Henderson, had proven the branch's effectiveness on sea, in addition to land, persuading Congress to put the Marines in the Department of the Navy. The Navy and Marine Corps have been considered "sister services" ever since. uso.org solitaire)
sister shipкорабль аналогичного типа
sister shipкорабль аналогичного класса
sister unitподразделение своей части