
Terms for subject Religion containing Schools | all forms | exact matches only
almonry schoolмонастырская школа
almonry school Medieval English monastic charity school supported by a portion of the funds allocated to the almonerшкола при монастыре
Bible schoolбиблейская школа
Brothers of the Christian Schools"Братья христианских школ" (The first Roman Catholic congregation of male nonclerics devoted solely to schools, learning, and teaching)
catechetical schoolкатехуменат
catechetical schoolкатехизическая школа (In early Christianity, a type of educational institution with a curriculum directed toward inquirers, especially those trained in the Greek educational system, whose aim was to gain a greater knowledge of Christianity and eventually baptism into the Christian community)
cathedral schoolшкола при соборе
Ch'an schoolшкола чань
Ch'an schoolчань-буддизм
Ch'an schoolчань (School of Buddhism that emphasizes meditation as the way to immediate awareness of ultimate reality, an important practice of Buddhism from its origin in India)
choir schoolsсредние школы при соборе
church school An organization of officers, teachers, and pupils for purposes of moral and religious education under the supervision of a local churchкружок по изучению религиозно-этических вопросов под эгидой местной церкви
church school A school providing a general education but supported by a particular church in contrast to a public school or a nondenominational private schoolшкола, содержащаяся на средства церкви
Consciousness-Only SchoolШкола "Только сознание" (In Buddhism школа Йогачары Vakhnitsky)
convent schoolмонастырская школа (Andrey Truhachev)
Dharmalaksana schoolшкола Свойств или Истинной сущности дхарм
Dharmalaksana schoolшкола фасян
Dharmalaksana schoolфасян цзун
Dharmalaksana schoolшкола Дхармалакшана (Consciousness-oriented school of thought)
Dhyana schoolчань
Dhyana schoolдзэн
Dhyana schoolдхьяна (One of the main schools of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes meditation as the way to immediate awareness of ultimate reality)
Dhyana schoolдзэн-буддизм
divinity schoolбогословский факультет
divinity schoolшкола богословия (A professional school having a religious curriculum for ministerial candidates)
divinity schoolсеминария
eighteen schoolsВосемнадцать школ (The division of the Buddhist community in India in the first three centuries following the death of the Buddha in с 483 ВС)
Fa-hsiang schoolшкола Дхармалакшана
Fa-hsiang schoolшкола фасян
Fa-hsiang schoolЦыэнь цзун
Fa-hsiang schoolшкола Сострадания и милосердия
Fa-hsiang schoolшкола Свойств, или Истинной сущности дхарм
Fa-hsiang schoolшкола Цыэнь
Fa-hsiang schoolшкола Вэйши
Fa-hsiang schoolшкола Свойств или Истинной сущности дхарм
Fa-hsiang schoolфасян цзун (Consciousness-oriented school of Chinese Buddhism derived from the Indian Yogacara school)
faith school educationобразование в религиозных школах (Alex_Odeychuk)
faith school educationобразование в духовных школах (Alex_Odeychuk)
Hanafi school of Islamханафитская догматико-правовая школа ислама (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
Hosso schoolшкола Хоссо (Consciousness-oriented school of thought in Japan, Japanese equivalent of Fa-hsiang school)
Islamic faith schoolисламская духовная школа (Alex_Odeychuk)
Islamic schoolисламский толк (толк в исламе Yeldar Azanbayev)
Islamic schoolпримечетская школа (Alex_Odeychuk)
Islamic schoolисламская религиозная школа (Alex_Odeychuk)
Islamic schoolмедресе (Andrey Truhachev)
Islamic school of religious jurisprudenceдогматико-правовая школа в исламе (Alex_Odeychuk)
Koran schoolмедресе (Andrey Truhachev)
Koranic schoolмедресе (Andrey Truhachev)
Lviv Brotherhood schoolЛьвовская братская школа (grafleonov)
mission-schoolшкола для обращённых при миссии
mission-schoolблаготворительная школа для бедных, руководимая миссионерами
mission schoolшкола при миссии
monastery schoolмонастырская школа (Andrey Truhachev)
monastic schoolмонастырская школа (Andrey Truhachev)
Moscow school of icon-paintingМосковская школа иконописи (Major school of late medieval Russian icon and mural painting that flourished in Moscow from about 1400 to the end of the 16th century)
Muslim schoolмусульманская школа (Alex_Odeychuk)
nonsectarian schoolшкола, принимающая учащихся независимо от их религиозной принадлежности (A training facility open to the members of any congregation)
Notre-Dame school During the late 12th and early 13th centuries, an important group of composers and singers working under the patronage of the great Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Parisшкола Нотр-Дам
Notre-Dame schoolшкола собора Парижской Богоматери
Order of Poor Clerks Regular of the Mother of God of the Pious SchoolsОрден пиаристов (A teaching order that, in addition to the usual vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, practiced a fourth vow - the special care of youth)
parish schoolцерковно-приходская школа (cyberleninka.ru dimock)
parochial schoolцерковноприходская школа
Pskov school of icon-painting School of late medieval Russian icon and mural painting that grew up in the Russian city of Pskov in the late 12th century and reached its highest development, especially in icon painting, in the 14th through the early 16th centuriesПсковская школа иконописи
pupil of the Koranic schoolученик медресе (Andrey Truhachev)
Quran schoolшкола изучения Корана (Alex_Odeychuk)
Quranic schoolшкола изучения Корана (Alex_Odeychuk)
Quranic schoolдуховное училище (Alex_Odeychuk)
Qur'anic schoolмедресе (Andrey Truhachev)
Sabbath schoolвоскресная школа (A school intended for religious education of the adults)
school attached to a mosqueобщеобразовательная приходская школа при мечети (Alex_Odeychuk)
School of AlexandriaАлександрийская школа (The first Christian institution of higher learning, founded in the mid-2nd century AD in Alexandria, Egypt, which emphasized the allegorical interpretation of the Bible and stressed Christ's divinity)
School of AntiochАнтиохийская школа (Christian theological institution in Syria, traditionally founded in about AD 200, that stressed the literal interpretation of the Bible and the completeness of Christ's humanity, in opposition to the School of Alexandria)
school of interpretationшкола толкования (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Islamic political thoughtшкола исламской политической мысли (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of religious jurisprudenceдогматико-правовая школа (в исламе Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Shia jurisprudenceшиитская догматико-правовая школа (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Shia jurisprudenceдогматико-правовая школа шиитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Sunni Islamдогматико-правовая школа суннитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Sunni Islamтолк суннитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Sunni jurisprudenceдогматико-правовая школа суннитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Sunni jurisprudenceсуннитская догматико-правовая школа (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of theologyдуховное училище (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of thought in Islamдогматико-правовая школа в исламе (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of thought or religious jurisprudence within Sunni Islamдогматико-правовая школа суннитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
specialized school for the learning of hadithспециализированное училище по подготовке специалистов-хадисоведов (Alex_Odeychuk)
Sunday schoolвоскресная церковная школа (School for religious education, usually for children and young people and usually a part of a church or parish)
Sunni school of lawдогматико-правовая школа суннитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
Sunni schools of Muslim lawдогматико-правовые школы суннитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
theological schoolsдуховные школы
Unity School of ChristianityЕдиная школа христианства (Religious movement founded in the USA in 1889)
Wei-shih schoolшкола Свойств или Истинной сущности дхарм
Wei-shih schoolшкола Дхармалакшана
Wei-shih schoolфасян цзун
Wei-shih schoolшкола фасян
Wei-shih schoolшкола Вэйши