
Terms for subject Microsoft containing STEPS | all forms | exact matches only
activity model stepшаг модели деятельности (A synonym for an action from the viewpoint of an activity model. When an action is contained within an activity model, it is referred to as an activity model step)
app stepшаг уровня приложения (A workflow step whose actions can read from and write to all items in a site)
next stepsдальнейшие действия (RealMadrid)
number of concurrent table transfers per stepчисло параллельных операций передачи таблиц на каждом шаге (ssn)
Problem Steps RecorderСредство записи действий по воспроизведению неполадок (A utility that allows recording step-by-step user actions in Windows and storing them in an XML file to help developers reproduce and investigate applications problems easily. It also enables end users to share application problems (e.g. with Technical Support) with comprehensive descriptions)
Problem Steps Recorderсредство записи действий по воспроизведению неполадок (alitor)
Quick Stepsбыстрые действия (A feature that provides access to gallery of frequently-used actions with the touch of a button. Users can customize the gallery to execute a combination of operations in one click)
Scalable Table Row Stepшаг строки расширяемой таблицы (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
shared stepsобщие шаги (A group of test steps that can be reused between test cases)
Step Area ChartСтупенчатая диаграмма с областями (LisAnieL)
Step-by-Step Interactiveинтерактивный учебник (Interactive training published by Microsoft Press that is integrated into Windows XP Help and Support Center)
step clauseвыражение шага (" A clause that specifies the amount by which the loop counter is incremented each time a For...Next loop is traversed. In the following example, "Step 2" is the step clause: For loopCounter = 1 to 100 Step 2")
step clauseвыражение шага (A clause that specifies the amount by which the loop counter is incremented each time a For...Next loop is traversed. In the following example, "Step 2" is the step clause: For loopCounter = 1 to 100 Step 2 Rori)
step compensationпоэтапное вознаграждение (A compensation level structure that defines discrete amounts of pay per level. Pay is described as a specific amount, and frequency is usually expressed as hourly. For example, one step may have ten increasing, specific rates of hourly pay. Pay increases move an employee from one rate to another within a step for a specific reason, such as the length of tenure or improved skills)
step eventсобытие шага (ssn)
step intoвыполнять по шагам (To execute the current statement and enter Break mode, stepping into the next procedure whenever a call for another procedure is reached)
Step IntoШаг с заходом (microsoft.com bojana)
Step OverШаг с обходом (microsoft.com bojana)
test stepшаг теста (An action to be taken when the test is run, and possibly the expected result from that action)
two-step verificationдвухшаговая проверка (An optional Microsoft account sign-in method with which users can only sign in by entering both a password and a security code sent to them by the Microsoft account team)
wizard stepsэтапы работы мастера (System Center App Controller 2012 SP1 Rori)
workflow stepшаг бизнес-процесса (An individual stage defined in a workflow)
workflow stepшаг рабочего процесса (ssn)
workflow stepsшаги рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)