
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing SHiP | all forms | exact matches only
is largely steering the shipв основном взял бразды правления в свои руки (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
jump ship forперебежать к (Does this mean Accord and Camry owners will be jumping ship for Chevrolet?)
right the shipисправить ситуацию (перен. Рудут)
right the shipвернуть прежнее положение (перен. Рудут)
right the shipвыправить ситуацию (VLZ_58)
right the shipвыправить положение (VLZ_58)
right the shipисправить такое положение дел (We need to right the ship or else all of us are going to be looking for new jobs. Val_Ships)
right the shipвыровнять корабль (перен. = исправить ситуацию)
run a tight shipэффективно управлять (бизнесом, компанией и т.д. Putney Heath)
run a tight shipхорошо вести дела (Fargo, 1996: MARGE: So how do you – have you done any kind of inventory recently? JERRY: The car's not from our lot, ma'am. MARGE: But do you know that for sure without - JERRY: Well, I would know. I'm the Executive Sales Manager. We run a pretty tight ship here. MARGE: I know, but – well, how do you establish that, sir? Are the cars, uh, counted daily or what kind of <...>  Putney Heath)
shape up or ship outисправляйся или выметайся (Yeldar Azanbayev)
shape up or ship outберись за ум или тебя выгонят (Например: He finally faced up to his drug problem when his band told him to shape up or ship out. Acruxia)
spoil the ship for a hap'orth of tarуронить марку, решив сэкономить на мелочах (to spoil something big or important by refusing to spend a small amount of money or make a small amount of effort They spent millions on a wonderful architect-designed building, but they've bought really cheap furniture. It's just spoiling the ship for a hap'orth of tar. VLZ_58)
spoil the ship for a hap'orth of tarне удержать фасон (VLZ_58)
tight shipнадёжно руководимое дело, предприятие (shergilov)
turn the ship aroundизменить ситуацию (VLZ_58)
when one's ship comes inкогда счастье улыбнётся (chilin)