
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing Rough | all forms | exact matches only
have had a rough start to lifeжизнь не задалась (andreon)
let's cut out the rough stuff!только без грубости! (Yeldar Azanbayev)
off to a rough startначать что-либо с трудностями (His season got off to a rough start; he made several mistakes during the race, finishing tenth. Negotiations are off to a rough start with some nations calling out China's refusal to beef up commitments to limit temperature increases while it simultaneously double down on coal, the worst fossil fuel of all. goodmotto)
rough around the edgesнеотёсанный (о человеке Val_Ships)
rough dayтрудный день (Taras)
rough dayнапряжённый день (Taras)
rough dayтяжёлый день (Taras)
rough foodпища, богатая клетчаткой (bigmaxus)
rough landingжёсткая посадка самолёта (Val_Ships)
that's rough! or that's tough!круто (Maggie)
rough stuffнасилие
rough stuffзапрещённый приём
rough stuffпохабщина
rough stuffгрубое обращение
rough upнанести серьёзные телесные повреждения (Val_Ships)
rough upподвергнуть сексуальному надругательству (subject to physical abuse: the gang was about to rough him up when the police arrived Val_Ships)
rough upнанести несущественные телесные повреждения (to attack someone without causing serious injury: he was roughed up in jail Val_Ships)
rough upгрубо обращаться
take over a rough roadзадавать нагоняй