
Terms for subject Religion containing Rock | all forms | exact matches only
Dome of the Rockмечеть Омара
Dome of the RockКупол над Скалой (мечеть над камнем основания на Храмовой горе в Иерусалиме, рядом с древнейшей в мире мечетью Аль-Акса. Один из первых памятников исламской архитектуры VLZ_58)
Dome of the RockКупол Скалы (Shrine in Jerusalem that is the oldest extant Islamic monument; the rock over which the shrine was built is sacred to both Muslims and Jews)
Dome of the Rockкипат ха-Сэла (Marina Smirnova)
Dome of the Rockмечеть Куббат ас-Сахра
rock edictsнаскальные эдикты Ашока (Narrative histories and announcements carved into cliff rock, onto pillars, and in caves throughout India by King Ashoka, a highly influential promulgator of Indian Buddhism)
Rock of Agesтвердыня вечная (Christ, as the unshakeable and eternal foundation. Is:26:4)
rock of offenceкамень соблазна
Tarpeian RockТарпейская скала (A cliff on the Capitoline Hill over which murderers and traitors were thrown)
the Rock of AgesХристос