
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Rising | all forms | exact matches only
rise and shineвставать (с постели: Come on, Miss Hart, it's time to rise and shine! • Time to rise and shine, so get up take a shower and breakfast will be ready when you are! • Jessica stretched lazily while trying to convince her body that it was time to rise and shine)
rise and shineподниматься (MichaelBurov)
rise and shineвставать (MichaelBurov)
rise and shineвстать (с постели: We were expected to rise and shine at 6.30 in the morning.)
rise from one's kneesподниматься с колен (The piece contained two figures: Lincoln and a newly freed slave, just rising from his knees and grasping a broken chain. • Rising from his knees, he asked the executioner what was fit for him to do for disposing himself to the block Andrey Truhachev)
rise to the baitподдаться на провокацию (The interviewer kept asking the politician whether he was lying, and he rose to the bait by getting angry. george serebryakov)
rise to the challengeнайти в себе нужные силы (to discover or utilize the strength, determination, or skill necessary to accomplish some difficult task successfully: I know that you're nervous about taking on such a senior role in the company, but I'm totally confident that you'll rise to the challenge. thefreedictionary.com Shabe)
rise to the occasionпринимать вызов (Баян)
rise to the occasionпринимать бой (Баян)
rise to the occasionпоказать себя во всей красе (george serebryakov)
the rising tide ofподъём (чего-либо; CNN Alex_Odeychuk)