
Terms for subject General containing Receivers | all forms
a small radio receiver was built into the lidв крышку был вмонтирован маленький радиоприёмник
a.c./d.c. receiverуниверсальный приёмник
administrative receiverполучатель-распорядитель (Alexander Demidov)
administrative receiverадминистратор-ликвидатор (Alexander Demidov)
administrator or receiverвнешний или арбитражный управляющий (Alexander Demidov)
air receiverвоздухосборник
all-mains receiverуниверсальный приёмник
all-wave receiverвсеволновой приёмник
arbitrazh receiverарбитражный управляющий (лицо, назначаемое арбитражным судом, которому передаются функции внешнего управления имуществом должника (см. Внешнее управление). БЮС Alexander Demidov)
barrel receiverствольная коробка
bone-conductor receiverостеофон
court-appointed receiverарбитражный управляющий (bubuka)
cupola with receiverвагранка с передним горном
Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiverбюро регистратора компаний и официального ликвидатора (The Department of the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver forms part of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of the Republic of Cyprus. The Department is directed by the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver. gov.cy Alexander Demidov)
Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiverбюро регистратора компаний и официального ликвидатора (The Department of the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver forms part of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of the Republic of Cyprus. The Department is directed by the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver. – АД gov.cy)
Department of the Registrar of Companies and Official ReceiverДепартамент регистратора компаний и официального ликвидатора (Республики Кипр igisheva)
drilling bulk air receiverресивер системы пневматической транспортировки сыпучих буровых материалов (Alexander Demidov)
electrical receiverэлектроприёмник (Victor Parno)
garbage receiverмусороприёмник
goods receiverполучатель товара (mab)
grant receiverгрантополучатель (А.Шушаников)
gun receiverзатвор (OlegE)
hang up your receiverположите трубку
he dropped the receiver into its cradleон положил трубку
he slammed down the receiverон бросил телефонную трубку
hold the receiver to earприложить к уху трубку
hold the receiver to one's earприкладывать к уху трубку
hold the receiver to earприкладывать к уху трубку
instrument air receiverприёмник воздуха системы КИП (eternalduck)
instrument air receiverприёмник воздуха КИП (eternalduck)
instrument air receiver fabrication materialsматериалы для изготовления воздухоприёмника КИПиА (eternalduck)
lift the receiverснять трубку (телефона)
lift the receiverснимать трубку (телефона)
lift the receiverподнять трубку
lift up the receiverподнять трубку (В.И.Макаров)
nitrogen air receiverвоздухоприёмник азота (eternalduck)
nitrogen generator receiverприёмник генератора азота (eternalduck)
official receiverарбитражный управляющий (official receiver при переводе следует учитывать то обстоятельство, что, напр., в Великобритании official receiver является госслужащим Alexander Demidov)
official receiverликвидатор (Brit. also official receiver) a person appointed to manage the financial affairs of a bankrupt business. COED Alexander Demidov)
official receiverконкурсный управляющий (A civil servant who works for the Department of trade and Industry and is appointed by the Court to act as:- i) a liquidator when a company is being wound up; ii) a trustee when an individual is made bankrupt. The duties of an official receiver will include examining the company/bankrupt's property which is available to pay the debts and distributing the money amongst the creditors. LT – АД)
official receiverконкурсный управляющий (A civil servant who works for the Department of trade and Industry and is appointed by the Court to act as:- i) a liquidator when a company is being wound up; ii) a trustee when an individual is made bankrupt. The duties of an official receiver will include examining the company/bankrupt's property which is available to pay the debts and distributing the money amongst the creditors. LT Alexander Demidov)
official receiverсудебный исполнитель (используется в официальных документах ЕС E.Lengsfeld)
official receiverофициальный ликвидатор (лицо, назначенное для временного управления имуществом несостоятельного должника до назначения управляющего конкурсной массой)
official receiver of the estateвнешний управляющий имуществом (A reference in a law of the Commonwealth to the Official Receiver of the estate of a bankrupt shall, in relation to the vesting, holding or disposal of property, ... Alexander Demidov)
phone receiverтелефонная трубка (Alex Lilo)
pick the receiverподнять трубку (В.И.Макаров)
pick up the receiverснимать трубку (of a telephone)
pick up the receiverподнять трубку телефона
pick up the receiverподнять трубку (В.И.Макаров)
piezoelectric receiverпьезотелефон
pig launcher/receiverузел приёма и пуска очистных устройств (Alexander Demidov)
pig launchers and receiversузлы пуска и приёма очистных устройств (ABelonogov)
pipeline pig launcher/receiverузел ДОУ (Alexander Demidov)
put down the receiverкласть трубку
put the receiverподнимать трубку, отвечать на звонок (TatEsp)
put the receiver back on the hook and call againповесьте трубку и позвоните ещё раз
radio receiverприёмная радиостанция
receiver of incomeполучатель дохода (Uncrowned king)
receiver of stolen goodsперекупщик краденого
Receiver Signal Strength IndicatorПоказатель уровня принимаемого сигнала (ROGER YOUNG)
receiver systemсистема-приёмник (Solar thermal electricity systems are technology options which either are not yet fully commercialized (parabolic dish, central receiver systems) or are relatively cost-intensive technologies for rural and agricultural development. RealMadrid)
rehabilitation receiverадминистративный управляющий (термин филиппинский, однако хорошо отражает суть понятия; следует быть очень осторожным с использованием варианта "administrative receiver", поскольку понятия в английском и русском законодательстве не совпадают (в России административный управляющий назначается в рамках процедуры финансового оздоровления): The new administration regime introduced by the Enterprise Act 2002 replaces the previous situation where administrative receivership was available as an alternative to administration, which has traditionally been a more rescue-oriented insolvency regime. This regime allowed the holder of a floating charge to appoint an administrative receiver to realise assets in his favour, and also to block an administration order sought by a borrower. This was felt to be too favourable to the floating charge holder at the expense of other creditors. Administrative receivership differs from simple receivership in that an administrative receiver is appointed over all of the assets and undertaking of the company. This means that an administrative receiver can normally only be appointed by the holder of a floating charge. Because of this unusual role, insolvency legislation usually grants wider powers to administrative receivers, but also controls the exercise of those powers to try to mitigate potential prejudice to unsecured creditors. // Английское "administrator" ближе к "внешнему управляющему")
replace the receiverположить телефонную трубку
satellite receiver systemсистема спутникового приёма (Violetta-Konfetta)
service receiverпотребитель услуг (veryonehope)
service receiverполучатель услуг (veryonehope)
service receiverуслугополучатель (A SLA is an agreement concerning a measurable level of service between the service provider and the service receiver. Alexander Demidov)
sound receiverзвукоприёмник
spirit receiverслышащий духов (в спиритизме Taras)
take off the receiverснять трубку (телефона)
telephone receiverтелефонная трубка
teleprinter receiverпринтер
television receiverтелеприёмник
the condensation of air in the receiverсжатие воздуха в ресивере (Franka_LV)
universal receiverуниверсальный приёмник
utility air receiverприёмник вспомогательного воздуха (eternalduck)
utility air receiverвоздухоприёмник вспомогательного оборудования (eternalduck)
wind receiverглавный воздушный канал
World Receiverкоротковолновый приёмник (Andrey250780)